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Does Josh Allen still work as hard in the offseason?

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Posted (edited)
On 3/22/2024 at 9:33 AM, QLBillsFan said:

Right! This thread is a joke. None of us know how hard he does or doesn’t work. Based on his performance, leadership, and toughness it appears he works very hard.
And off season is just that-off season. Name a QB who gives more of his heart, soul, and body than Josh? You just don’t see him posting “work outs” all over social media. He needs more rest and to do other things in part of the offseason so that he’s sharp from preseason on. Both physically and mentally. I’m 💯 certain he works out plenty and that he also travels around and has some fun. Suggesting he can’t do both is ridiculous! 

No it’s not a joke. This is how fans react. It’s predictable. I didn’t post Josh Allen’s own words in the original post because I wanted to see how people responded without hearing Josh say he’s done basically nothing the last couple years until he’s back in Buffalo. It’s been something he’s changed. He doesn’t work with Palmer anymore. He doesn’t work on mechanics anymore in the offseason. 

The thread wasn’t to criticize Josh. He’s still great. But the reactions tell me there are people that would be shocked or upset that he’s not doing what he use to do when he was developing into an elite QB.


I’m not sure who we’re supposed to compare him to. He said this new method of rest and relaxation and getting into shape when he returns to Buffalo is great for him. It’s not great for everyone. 

Don’t attack posters. Have a conversation.

Edited by Buffalo_Stampede
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A BIG piece of the puzzle between Mahomes and Josh is Patrick has had the same OC (Reid-I know there were OC's in title but Reid was calling the shots) and Josh has been thru 4? 5?.

Reid is an INCREDIBLE offensive mind and a constant in the Chiefs, and Philly's success.


Mahomes and Reid finish each other's sentences.  Kelce and Mahomes are not far behind either.

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32 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

No it’s not a joke. This is how fans react. It’s predictable. I didn’t post Josh Allen’s own words in the original post because I wanted to see how people responded without hearing Josh say he’s done basically nothing the last couple years until he’s back in Buffalo. It’s been something he’s changed. He doesn’t work with Palmer anymore. He doesn’t work on mechanics anymore in the offseason. 

The thread wasn’t to criticize Josh. He’s still great. But the reactions tell me there are people that would be shocked or upset that he’s not doing what he use to do when he was developing into an elite QB.


I’m not sure who we’re supposed to compare him to. He said this new method of rest and relaxation and getting into shape when he returns to Buffalo is great for him. It’s not great for everyone. 

Don’t attack posters. Have a conversation.


Has he confirmed that? It has been my suspicion that he has stopped working with Palmer reading between the lines. Sorry if you already posted in the thread and I missed it.  

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Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, Lieutenant Aldo Raine said:


I want proof of this statement!

I posted the Bussin with the boys interview a few times now.

Here’s another one but with Palmer. To quote Palmer, “For Josh recovery is as valuable as getting extra work in use to be with him.”


Also talks about Josh has ownership of his stroke and doesn’t have to work on throwing consistent spirals anymore. Not working on hitting certain spots over and over again.


Again this wasn’t supposed to be a criticism of Josh Allen. He’s changed how he prepares for a season from “throwing 4x a week” to relaxing as much as possible.


Skip to 2:50 in and hear Palmer talk about the changes in Josh’s offseason work with him. Josh also talks about these changes in the Bussin interview and says he will continue them.






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It is hard to know if Josh is working “as hard” without much evidence besides a few snippets, my personal feelings aside.


The real question is, does anyone think Josh has improved as a passer since 2020?

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Palmer said Josh has complete ownership of his stroke and that guys like him DON'T NEED TO THROW YEAR ROUND...says recovery is AS VALUABLE as getting in extra work in...doesn't mean no matter how good you are - you DON"T HAVE TO WORK ANYMORE...but the tax on his body, the way he plays...then goes on about putting less strain on his UCL.  


So I understand you're not "criticizing" Josh, but you stated "He Doesn't Work on Mechanics anymore in the offseason" and I didn't hear anything in that clip to suggest he doesn't work on mechanics.  In fact, if you watch his post season interview from this season in the link below (around the 6:00 min mark), he explains his thoughts about getting "back into the Lab" and building on the things that were working for him towards the end of the season as felt the ball was coming out the best.  That sounds like working on the mechanics to me.



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On 3/22/2024 at 2:08 AM, Buffalo Barbarian said:

He better be working harder.


he can have fun after he retires.



Yeah, youth is wasted on the young, 


Kids nowadays, they’re just like we were, 


Get off my lawn, 


Stop having “relationships with cute starlets,


President and Chiefs administrator of the Old Crumudgeon Club, 




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1 hour ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

No it’s not a joke. This is how fans react. It’s predictable. I didn’t post Josh Allen’s own words in the original post because I wanted to see how people responded without hearing Josh say he’s done basically nothing the last couple years until he’s back in Buffalo. It’s been something he’s changed. He doesn’t work with Palmer anymore. He doesn’t work on mechanics anymore in the offseason. 

The thread wasn’t to criticize Josh. He’s still great. But the reactions tell me there are people that would be shocked or upset that he’s not doing what he use to do when he was developing into an elite QB.


I’m not sure who we’re supposed to compare him to. He said this new method of rest and relaxation and getting into shape when he returns to Buffalo is great for him. It’s not great for everyone. 

Don’t attack posters. Have a conversation.


Except none of that is what Josh has actually said.


But we've been over the details of what was actually said vs how you're interpreting it multiple times, including (when it was originally brought up) pretty careful transcripts along with an explanation of what the Bills off-season schedule actually is.


So I think it's a pretty good inference that you're unconcerned with the facts of what was actually said.  You've got your viewpoint, and You're Sticking To It.

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3 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


Except none of that is what Josh has actually said.


But we've been over the details of what was actually said vs how you're interpreting it multiple times, including (when it was originally brought up) pretty careful transcripts along with an explanation of what the Bills off-season schedule actually is.


So I think it's a pretty good inference that you're unconcerned with the facts of what was actually said.  You've got your viewpoint, and You're Sticking To It.

Oh my gosh. I literally quoted Jordan Palmer.


So it’s safe to say you would be very upset. 😂

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37 minutes ago, Lieutenant Aldo Raine said:

Palmer said Josh has complete ownership of his stroke and that guys like him DON'T NEED TO THROW YEAR ROUND...says recovery is AS VALUABLE as getting in extra work in...doesn't mean no matter how good you are - you DON"T HAVE TO WORK ANYMORE...but the tax on his body, the way he plays...then goes on about putting less strain on his UCL.  


So I understand you're not "criticizing" Josh, but you stated "He Doesn't Work on Mechanics anymore in the offseason" and I didn't hear anything in that clip to suggest he doesn't work on mechanics.  In fact, if you watch his post season interview from this season in the link below (around the 6:00 min mark), he explains his thoughts about getting "back into the Lab" and building on the things that were working for him towards the end of the season as felt the ball was coming out the best.  That sounds like working on the mechanics to me.




Exactly.  What Josh actually said is that he doesn't start working immediately after the season any more - that he used to start "working out like OTAs" immediately after the season ended, and now he wants to rest.  Jordan Palmer also said in an interview, Josh doesn't need to start working immediately because he is "master of his stroke" but sounded as though he did work with Josh, just later on in the off-season.  Judging from other things Josh has said, like "I feel like I didn't do anything on a group project and got an A" after the Dallas game where he had 15 pass attempts but scored two (2) TD, I don't know but could also see Josh not feeling that working on "stretch and strengthen" flexibility or water rehab or stuff is real "working out"


It's notable Josh has had injuries to his throwing arm and shoulder the last 2 seasons, which likely required an off-season program of PT and rehab.  Others have pointed out that it would be surprising if the team didn't actually lay out activity restrictions on him in the initial off-season to permit full healing.


The team starts Phase I of OTAs in mid-April.  Training camp starts at the end of July.  Josh can not be working out until he's "back in Buffalo" for Phase I OTAs and still be working out and throwing for 3 1/2 months before training camp - we don't know that, from anything Josh has said.  


Thanks for the link.


4 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Oh my gosh. I literally quoted Jordan Palmer.


So it’s safe to say you would be very upset. 😂


No, you did not.  Show the actual quote.


My point is we don't know what Josh is or is not working on.

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I keep leaving this thread but people still keep calling me out for whatever reason. 


Listen, it is what it is. It’s not that complicated.

He either does do all the work in the offseason that he use to do to or he doesn’t. Simple as that.


He says he doesn’t. Jordan Palmer says he doesn’t. What in the world are people getting mad at me for?




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12 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:



I keep leaving this thread but people still keep calling me out for whatever reason. 


Listen, it is what it is. It’s not that complicated.

He either does do all the work in the offseason that he use to do to or he doesn’t. Simple as that.


He says he doesn’t. Jordan Palmer says he doesn’t. What in the world are people getting mad at me for?


You're right, it's not that complicated.


You aren't saying "does Josh do all the work in the off season that he used to do?"


You're saying "does Josh still work as hard in the off season?" and throwing in statements like "he doesn't work with Jordan Palmer" "he doesn't work on mechanics" "he doesn't watch film" - none of which are supported by the actual words said in actual interviews.


Those are different statements.  That's why you're being called out


You're welcome.

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6 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:



I keep leaving this thread but people still keep calling me out for whatever reason. 


Listen, it is what it is. It’s not that complicated.

He either does do all the work in the offseason that he use to do to or he doesn’t. Simple as that.


He says he doesn’t. Jordan Palmer says he doesn’t. What in the world are people getting mad at me for?





Maybe because you inferred Josh doesn't even work on his mechanics in the offseason, for which you have not provided proof of, thus you are spreading misinformation. 


You're definition of "all the work" is not the same as what his coaches, trainers, and medical staff definition is.  You heard Palmer literally state that his recovery is just as valuabale.  

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2 minutes ago, Buffalo_Stampede said:

He says he doesn’t. Jordan Palmer says he doesn’t. What in the world are people getting mad at me for?


Here is the actual transcript from the video you linked at the time stamp you quoted.


Steve Tasker: "Jordan, in Josh's work with you this off season, did he have to change his regimen in any way at the outset, knowing that he played through the UCL injury?"

JP: "Guys who are starters, who are playing in January - not everyone plays football in January - and guys who have ownership of their stroke, not working on throwing a consistent spiral....those guys start a lot later.  Those guys don't need to throw year-round, recovery is as valuable as getting extra work in used to be"  (conversation then switches to discussion of Josh's UCL injury, what Palmer talks about during the season, etc).


Palmer never said he doesn't work with Josh any more during the off season (which stretches until end of July, please recall) or Josh doesn't work on mechanics during the off season.  What he said is Josh didn't need to start as early as he used to and that recovery is as valuable as extra work used to be.


And especially since Josh has played through injuries to his throwing elbow and platform the past two seasons, that is almost certainly true.


You are truly making stuff up with some of what you post, and the interviews you share as justification actually don't support your statements.  Starting to work in February or early March (or not) is not the same thing as "not working as hard in the off season".  It's not doing the same work, at the same time, as he used to. 


I understand that distinction is lost on you.  t's OK, not everyone can master nuance and pay attention to details.  (Though really, you'll have a better life, calmer, more peaceful, if you try)


As far as what would or wouldn't upset me, I thought I laid it out very clearly in a post up-thread:  I really don't GAF if Josh is throwing or lifting weights in February or March. To the extent that I would care, I think he should rest and rehab.


Where it's clear to me that Josh needs to take the next step, where McDermott has said he needs to take the next step, is with his on-field decision making.  I don't know how you work on that in shorts in April or May or June or July.  But that's the work that needs to be done for Josh to level-up.



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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Lieutenant Aldo Raine said:


Maybe because you inferred Josh doesn't even work on his mechanics in the offseason, for which you have not provided proof of, thus you are spreading misinformation. 


Your definition of "all the work" is not the same as what his coaches, trainers, and medical staff definition is.  You heard Palmer literally state that his recovery is just as valuabale.  

To me this is a comment on mechanics.. Palmer said Josh has ownership of his stroke and doesn’t have to work on throwing consistent spirals anymore, not working on hitting certain spots over and over again.

But take it however you want to take. Josh does throw some on his own time I’m guessing, most likely after mini camps. But that’s me guessing. Josh says he still throws a little in the offseason.


Maybe “work as hard” is a bad phrasing, sounds critical. “Does less work” is probably better phrasing. 😉


Mahomes hosts WR camp every year for comparison. But that’s Mahomes, it’s not for everyone.

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