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Does Josh Allen still work as hard in the offseason?

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36 minutes ago, FireChans said:


As we all know, when Peyton was getting clowned by Brady in the postseason, we all didn’t agree that Brady was just a better playoff QB, but that it really wasn’t Peyton’s fault. Lol


Peyton Manning first playoff loss to Patriots: 23/47 for 237 yards 1 TD 4 INTs (FWIW josh has 4 career postseason ints)

2nd playoff loss to Patriots: 27/42 for 238 yards 0 TD 1 INT


The Colts lost those games 24-14 and 20-3. Peyton's defense put up respectable games, but he was TERRIBLE in those losses. There's also a long list of bad playoff games by Manning against teams other than the Patriots. 


I'd say either of those games are significantly worse than Josh's worst postseason game. 

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43 minutes ago, GoBills808 said:

Brady and Manning met five times in the playoffs and Manning won 3 so plz brush up on your history


Mahomes averages a 127 rating against the Bills in the playoffs...for reference he averages 88 vs the Niners and 98 vs Bengals



He was 0-2 until 2006. He didn’t beat Brady until 30 years old. Brady had won 3 SB’s at that point. Peyton, of course, had been to one AFCCG at that point (a loss to the Pats), which for folks keeping score, meant one divisional round victory in his CAREER at 30.

Brush up on your history, my friend.

Edited by FireChans
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1 minute ago, FireChans said:

He was 0-2 until 2006. He didn’t beat Brady until 30 years old. Brady had won 3 SB’s at that point. Peyton, of course, had been to one AFCCG at that point (a loss to the Pats), which for folks keeping score, meant one divisional round victory in his CAREER at 30.

Brush up on your history, my friend.

Right. The entire story isn't written yet. The only chapter can can definitively close is that playing the Bills defense in the playoffs is good for your passer rating.

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Oh no right after the season he decided to recover from getting beat to death by playing some golf, hanging with his girlfriend, and going to a fashion show.  Its not even April yet. 



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14 hours ago, FireChans said:

This is going to be tough to hear but:


Mahomes in his three playoff games against Allen


1011 yards 9 TD's 0 INT's. He has never had a passer rating of less than 123 (!!!!!) against Allen in the playoffs.

Not hard to hear at all.  In fact this is very enlightening and tells Bills fans exactly what needs to get better to beat Mahome & the Chiefs in the playoffs - and it ain't Allen.



4 hours ago, UKBillFan said:


He's a thought which many may not want to consider or address. Maybe whatever he does he simply won't be as good as Mahomes. He's good enough to win a Superbowl - worse QBs than Josh have won Superbowls - but perhaps the Bills do just have the number two (at most). And no matter how much criticism is flung at him, no matter how many times he drives his body into the ground, that won't change.


That, and he played against a much better defense that Mahomes. Allowing an average rating of 123 when his play off average is 'only' 105 speaks volumes.

Here's the counter thought to this - in the head to head match ups Allen has played as well as Mahomes in 2 of the 3 games.  Factors other then Allen is why the Bills lost both games.  

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On 3/20/2024 at 10:19 PM, Warcodered said:

Josh doing offseason training isn't a story it doesn't get photographed all the time, Josh being seen with celebrity girlfriend or going to a golf thing gets reported because that's how that works.

Exactly, covering his workouts and training is boring. Holding hands with Haillee is much more exciting to cover.

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7 hours ago, H2o said:

LB injuries hurt us this time. Not having a healthy Bernard against KC this year was a huge factor. Then, Douglas wasn't really up to par and the CB depth was an issue. You saw that the defense couldn't stop them to save their lives for most of the game.  


With all the defensive injuries I would have signed up before the game if you told me we would only give up 27 pts. I felt from the start the Bills on offense would need to carry the team and put up at least 30 if we were going to beat the Chiefs.

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On 3/20/2024 at 8:57 PM, Buffalo_Stampede said:

Let me start by saying I come in peace! Just having a conversation here. I know this is kind of a negative Josh post.


What do you think? Does it matter to you if he doesn’t train or work on his game as much as he use to?


Going to be a long five months!!!! Oh ya, what is your basis for this? Too much!

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5 minutes ago, DrMaxPower said:

I think we are going to see an extremely motivated Josh Allen...


He's said all the right things re: Diggs drama. Now it's time to show people who's the top dog.

I trust Josh the guy got Gabe Davis a 50 million dollar contract I just have trust issues with the people running the show 

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28 minutes ago, SCBills said:

I’m just saying.. if we could get some JA videos in the next few weeks, that would be great. 



We need PR stunts, now???


Mahomes loves the spotlight. You can see that based on the QB Netflix series and all his commercials.


Josh... not so much.


Just because you don't see it don't mean he's not working.

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7 minutes ago, 90sBills said:

How do you know? Are you with him 24/7? He doesn’t have a wife that’s social media savvy you know. 

When was the last time you saw a Josh Allen working out with his WR’s video?

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5 minutes ago, 90sBills said:


He’s not into PR stunts. 


8 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:

We need PR stunts, now???


We saw them a lot in the 2020 off season. I'm not saying the videos mean anything at all, but he didn't have an issue with them in 2020 so I have my doubts that the bills, his agent, whomever his QB coach is who would be greatly in favor of said things are just being ignored by Allen

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