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SoCal Deek

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  1. Thanks for sharing. Any chance you can post a hand drawn sketch of what you saw? 😉
  2. USA Today is still alive? Go figure! I learn something new every day.
  3. I believe everyone knows that. No idea what stump you’re on here. No offense.
  4. And flat tax simplifies the tax code….no? Nobody is in favor of a flat tax that also retains the labyrinth of deductions etc. Nobody!
  5. You're aware that it's all of those deductions and credits that make the tax code complex.....right? (Asking for a friend.)
  6. Always has been and still is one of the cheapest looking uniforms in professional sports. A local Rec League team can, and does, do better.
  7. One of mine as well. If I recall it was only the second time the Bills had played on MNF and the Opener to boot. Not exactly sure why but the stadium atmosphere was nothing short of amazing that night. Great choice!
  8. As I’ve mentioned many times in the past, I was an Owner of a pretty significant sized corporation. At the end of our fiscal year we had very few options of what we could do with profits. One, we could pay taxes on them and retain any remaining funds to save for use, if needed, in the following year. Two, we could reduce the corporate tax burden by distributing those profits to our owners and employees…who would then pay regular income tax on the amount they received. There is no option where taxes are not paid! Thinking that corporations are somehow getting away with something is utter nonsense. I don’t offer this as some sort of political talking point. It’s just that most people don’t own a corporation so they have virtually no personal experience on this topic other than what they’re being told by talking heads who should (and most definitely do) know better.
  9. Oh stop. They are no different than you and I and everyone else They pay the taxes dictated by the tax code.
  10. Whereas you attempt to pay as much tax as possible each year?
  11. Could’ve been the first name hoisted on the new stadium’s Ring of Honor, and now…..not!
  12. Is that true? Are you sure? I know it didn’t work that way when I traveled for business.
  13. I’m not the slightest bit opposed to what you’re doing but it is NOTHING like selling your primary residence.
  14. So wouldn’t the more accurate analogy be subletting out your vacation home when you’re not there?
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