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Josh has lost confidence… reasons why.

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1 minute ago, zow2 said:


Yep. Agree.  There was one play can't remember if first or second half,,, he scrambled left and had all this open green field in front of him and the sidelines.  It was one time he could've run for the first down and gotten out of bounds,... but he stopped and threw downfield incomplete.  Punt.  Just very bizarre decision making. He was really rattled last night and didn't follow the plan.

Yep, that was the first half INT, it was a bad decision.

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4 minutes ago, Dopey said:

I disagree with the team comment. The fact that we still almost won is due to the rest of the team. The guy who touches the ball on every offensive play gave the game away. Despite the team doing what it could to keep us in it. You are right though, it is over reaction day today. Thing is, I thought this board would be worse. Pretty even keeled. 

All QBs have nights like Allen did, yes even Brady. (Usually against Baltimore) That’s when you need your D come up with a big turnover, or WR make a catch he had no reason to be able to grab or just break up the play so it isn’t Intercepted.. Everyone saw Allen was off but no one elevated themselves to help him and the team out.  But more importantly they need have his back going forward, realize it was one night and kill it here on out. 

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Hollywood Josh.


His offseason was busy filming commercials and dating supermodels


I didn't like Dorsey's offense last year... it looks the same. Either Dorsey doesn't know how to draw up X's and O's that work to Josh's strengths or Josh doesn't have the ability to dissect a D quick enough to make those quick throwing decisions and waits for players to get open. Waiting for players to get open means Josh has to improvise a lot which is his strength. However the NFL knows this and will force Josh to play X and O football and spy him to take away the scambles

bottom line I see all the same issues from last year

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The only thing he needs now is a sports psychologist. Or some Ritalin. And maybe some Adderall. The dude is a spaz.


I think a better OC can help reign him in and help him learn from his mistakes, but at the end of the day he's still an immature kid that doesn't "get it" and I think it's more mental than physical at this point.

It's the same old things...

1. Limit the mistakes

2. Take what the defense gives you

3. Play in structure

4. Take less hits

5. Learn from your mistakes

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3 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

Josh played like ass. I’m not denying this at all. But I’m sorry, Dorsey still has this offense playing like gaining yards is a chore. Where’s the rhythm? 



there has been no rhythm with the O. Saw it last year a bunch and its back early

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2 minutes ago, PatsFanNH said:

All QBs have nights like Allen did, yes even Brady. (Usually against Baltimore) That’s when you need your D come up with a big turnover, or WR make a catch he had no reason to be able to grab or just break up the play so it isn’t Intercepted.. Everyone saw Allen was off but no one elevated themselves to help him and the team out.  But more importantly they need have his back going forward, realize it was one night and kill it here on out. 

Agree to disagree. He had players open and ready to make a play for him/ the team. They have his back and he'll be fine.

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I’ve long said that I don’t think Josh sees the field really well. He is often late to throw, hits his receivers flat footed, and when he misses largely misses behind.

Josh’s velocity and athleticism covers a lot of that up. 

We almost never see Josh Allen hit the last step of his drop and release. Never. 

Pair that with his penchant for wanting the big play, and this is what you get. Josh’s style of play will always make it difficult on the OL. That doesn’t mean ours is good, but he always makes it hard. He always makes everything hard. 

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25 minutes ago, BuffaloBaumer said:

He IS a great talent but my God, did you see him sulking on the bench every time he made a mistake. Jesus Christ man, get up and rally your teammates. No wonder Diggs has had it with this guy, it's painful to watch. Allen gives it his all on the field but his body language is beyond pathetic. This guy is not a rookie anymore, get out of your head and move on man. Until that part of him is fixed, this team is going to wither all around him.


I can agree with this.  

The coaching can help.  No one there to chew him out sort of when he needs it. 

Nothing we need to see.  Just a simple “get your ***t together that play don’t matter.”

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12 minutes ago, Dopey said:

The Jets do seem to have his number. 

Seems like it.  I think they also have the number of the Bills offense.  Its not the entire story and I'm not looking to take Allen off the hook for bad decisions.  But I think it all starts with the Jets defense, coaches and players, have no fear or respect for the Bills running game other than Allen's escaping the pocket.  If you want to slow down the pass rush and force the defense to bring the safeties out of playing 2 deep you need to have an effective run game.  When you need it.  I thought that was the idea of signing Harris and Murray.  Two bigger backs that play a physical game, break some tackles, and get the tough yards.   

Edited by All_Pro_Bills
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7 minutes ago, Roundybout said:

Josh played like ass. I’m not denying this at all. But I’m sorry, Dorsey still has this offense playing like gaining yards is a chore. Where’s the rhythm? 

My only beef with Dorsey is that he needs to stop being Allen's buddy and rip him a new one.

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Now that you are realizing Josh isn't all that and he can't read the field vs good defenses - let's also discuss the Tre White joke that it is. Two important missed/whiffed tackles: One clearly on the Breece long run. Tre missed him completely and Breece ran for the length of the field. Jets score a FG. Next one, third and long... Tre again whiffs on the tackle behind the line and Jets convert and get another FG. THEN - Tre 1-on-1 for the tieing TD. The dude is brutal! He is the weak link on a good D. Do your job Tre and we may have won.


Josh Allen: "Same ol shi$t, different day". wow. (Post game presser).


We need a CB. Benford was giving it his all. Tre is a weanie.

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2 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


I can agree with this.  

The coaching can help.  No one there to chew him out sort of when he needs it. 

Nothing we need to see.  Just a simple “get your ***t together that play don’t matter.”

Did you notice the shot where Coach pointed to his head and told Josh to “play smart”? It was early in the game. I’m not a huge McD fan but I’m not sure what more you want him to do. 

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4 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

The only thing he needs now is a sports psychologist. Or some Ritalin. And maybe some Adderall. The dude is a spaz.


I think a better OC can help reign him in and help him learn from his mistakes, but at the end of the day he's still an immature kid that doesn't "get it" and I think it's more mental than physical at this point.

It's the same old things...

1. Limit the mistakes

2. Take what the defense gives you

3. Play in structure

4. Take less hits

5. Learn from your mistakes

Point three - do the Bills have a structure in place which gets the best out of Josh?

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