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How many emails are in your Inbox?

Another Fan

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Work - 408 unread.  *** I was off last Tuesday - Friday and did not look at emails during that time ***

Gmail - 0 unread (Primary only)










Edited by Gugny
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I have six email addies I use regularly.  The one I use most often has 54 unread emails, but over 20K in folders... because "someday" I am gonna read through those. :rolleyes: I don't even want to look at the other five email I use regularly. I delete spam and junk several times per day, too. These are just "useful" email. 

My husband has every email he ever sent or received (we are going back to the mid-90s). It really comes in handy for past work contacts, to resolve arguments er, discussions about travel, home renovations, etc. It sounds crazy to have so many, but over the years it has really been helpful. 

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No emails, but I have hundreds of messages chiseled in stone and hundreds more on papyrus scrolls.


I am impressed with how important you folks are. I’ll betcha you were the first to get pagers back in the day. 

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