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The 1st and goal throw to benjamin


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26 minutes ago, dneveu said:


Stop just blaming taylor.  There were several drops - miscues, penalties.  Several missed blocks and screw ups by the protection.  He had a bad game, but so did virtually everyone else.

I've always stuck up for Taylor when i felt it was justified. He had a horrible game yesterday. Yes, there was plenty of blame to go around, but he was really bad, when we needed him to step up.

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1 hour ago, MAJBobby said:

Run Pass Option.

Called a Run with the pass Option.

Everyone BLOCKED THE RUN (called play)

Tyrod pulled it and threw. Those are just the facts.


Maj, I believe this is true, but to help the factual nature of discussion, would be good to cite the source.

In this case, I believe the source is McCoy's post-game presser.


My thinking is it's still somewhat on Dennison to call a RPO in that context, rather than lead with a straight-up run play.

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1 hour ago, Chuck Wagon said:



Watch more NFL.  It's EXTREMELY hard to just run the ball in on goal to go from the one.  The vast majority of successful runs from that distance come off misdirection, a play that hits the outside when everyone is selling out on the inside.


The play to Benjamin is a standard NFL call.  Benjamin just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar on the OPI.

Yes, and the fact that the Jags were stacked to stop the run made it pretty likely that it would have resulted in a second and goal from the 3 or 4 yard line given what we know about the Bills' line play in situations like that. Why people have a problem with that call is beyond me. The problem was the OPI, which you can't account for.  Complain about Taylor all you want - and he was bad yesterday - but complaining about this call strikes as very wrongheaded. EVERY team in the NFL runs pass plays in short goal-to-go situations. Every team.  Running it up the middle against a stacked, elite D isn't always the best play, and if they did run it, that would have been what you'd have seen. 

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1 hour ago, Magox said:

It was Dennison's fault because they should have just ran it.


It was Tyrod's fault because he should have just called the handoff.


It was Kelvin's fault because he shouldn't have pushed off.


Plenty of blame to go around.   And if you look at how the play would have developed the Jag defense didn't get any penetration and it would have most likely have been a touchdown if he had handed it off to Shady.    Sad



Though I don't think Rico should have called a RPO in the first place.  We have a good running attack but a poor passing attack.  The Jags have a good pass D but a mediocre run D.  It was first and goal from the one...   Pound it in with a designed power run - no pass option.  

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I don't like the throws on the 1 yard line.  The defense can commit holding, pass interference, almost anything they want on 1st down because there is no damage that it will cause.  Get flagged for interference.  Big deal.  Move the ball forward a foot and re-play the down.  They should have run the damn ball.  Did McD and Denny go to the Peter Carroll school of coaching?   

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This may be heresy but I think it was the right call ....


Run/Pass option


The Jags put 10 in the box to stop the run and the WRs ended up in man to man ... send KB into the end zone, have him "post up" and get his body between the defender and the pass ... should be an automatic 6 points. If we miss the play, we are 2nd and goal at the two and the Jags have been put on notice that they have to defend the pass as well as the run.


The PROBLEM with the play was ball placement, TT should have thrown the ball to KBs chest and NOT made it a jump ball, and of course the pass interference. It's easy to say the call was bad in hindsight because it didn't work .... but IMHO .... strategically it was the right call. 


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If it worked everyone would be talking about how great of a call it was.  If the Bills had run and didn't get in everyone would have been talking about how we should have thrown.  

you win some you lose some.

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2 hours ago, Commonsense said:

You're not dealing in facts. You're not making sense. 


Is this an everyone but TT's fault thread?


Taylor is getting hammered on Boston Radio because he is/was so bad. They are actually giving McD and the rest of the team credit. If they can see it from under Brady's ass then I'm sure you will also see it if you open your eyes. Heck, just listen to the audio of the game, Romo will paint the picture.

wfan had the same take "...awful, awful quarterbacking"

I don't understand, only a blind person could dispute this.

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I suggest people watch the play again. As much as it was a run/pass option, there's a chance it was the better to call the pass than run. Watch the unblocked defender the Shady tried to block. He's there mighty fast and may have dropped Shady for a loss on a run. 


Again not saying it was a correct call design, but it may have been the correct situational decision made by TT based on the defense.

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26 minutes ago, macaroni said:

This may be heresy but I think it was the right call ....


Run/Pass option


The Jags put 10 in the box to stop the run and the WRs ended up in man to man ... send KB into the end zone, have him "post up" and get his body between the defender and the pass ... should be an automatic 6 points. If we miss the play, we are 2nd and goal at the two and the Jags have been put on notice that they have to defend the pass as well as the run.


The PROBLEM with the play was ball placement, TT should have thrown the ball to KBs chest and NOT made it a jump ball, and of course the pass interference. It's easy to say the call was bad in hindsight because it didn't work .... but IMHO .... strategically it was the right call. 




I see your point and don't think it was a HORRIBLE call.


But given the respective strengths and weaknesses of each team, what was the likelihood that the Jags could stop 3 low risk running plays up the gut?  

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2 hours ago, dneveu said:


Thats all well and good.  I don't think it was a terrible call to throw.  It's Benjamins fault that he got OPI.  Not Dennison or Tyrod.  

I agree.  We got Benjamin so we could try to make those plays.  Without the OPI it's just an incomplete pass and we get at least 2 tries to pound it in.  Not Dennison or Tyrod on this particular play.

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35 minutes ago, kota said:

If it worked everyone would be talking about how great of a call it was.  If the Bills had run and didn't get in everyone would have been talking about how we should have thrown.  

you win some you lose some.

I have no problem getting stuffed 3 times on runs and kicking a FG, What happened with Benjamin was the worse case scenario and probably much lower % of working than a sneak or a run. But who needs analytics apparently.

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2 hours ago, Mojo44 said:

 It’s not Denison! It was an OK call given that we have Benjamin. It was the execution. In other words, it was the quarterback! Denison is not the problem! 


I love this spin. It’s not to coaches fault for calling a play that allows a lousey decision to be made, it’s the QB for making the decision the play Call requires him to. 


Run the stupid football on first and goal from the 1 and do it again. Period. 


Go go watch the hawks give away a Super Bowl win to the patsies if you have any questions. 


Edited by Over 29 years of fanhood
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2 hours ago, TBDlurkerSINCE07 said:

How about Benjamin doesn't commit OPI and it's second and goal from the 1?


Three chances to run it in. KB deserves some blame here too.

Everything is Tyrod's fault.....  Get it straight.


On top of that why wasn't Kyle in as it worked like a charm last week?


Tick-tack penalty that's never call unless blatant, which this was not at all.

Edited by Billsfan1972
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44 minutes ago, kota said:

If it worked everyone would be talking about how great of a call it was.  If the Bills had run and didn't get in everyone would have been talking about how we should have thrown.  

you win some you lose some.

Not me!


I wanted them to run the ball over and over again.

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