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When overwhelmed at work how do you cope?

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Like during work?  Or after work when you feel like you can't shake it off?


During work: zone out and listen to music, go bum a cigarette off someone, take a walk, shitpost on TBD.


After work: go to the range, go to the gym, have a drink, watch stupid TV.

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shut the office door and have a Constanza nap in the pillows and nook I've set up inside the desk.


i can only sleep for 20 minutes so it's never been an issue


twice they've opened my door and walked in and apologized.



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at work i can't do anything about it.  just put on the happy face and act as pleasant as possible.  


when i get home i'll just have a drink and hang out with the family.  as i've gotten older, i've become pretty good as just leaving the nonsense at work.  every year it's a little easier to do.

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Just realize that there's only so much one person can do. There's a good chance you're overwhelmed because they know your good at your job, so they give you more to do. Take comfort isbthe fact that you're probably doing better than the next guy and there's no way they will fire you.


I found that the more you do the more they expect and that's which way they will steer the responsibility.  George Carlin had it right when he said most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.


As far as coping goes, I drink my ass off Thursday - Sunday. I know it's not the best option and I wouldn't recommend it for most people, but that's my mechanism until something better comes along.

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I honestly don't let work overwhelm me.  If i am particularly busy and it doesn't stop, i keep it in my mind that it'll get done.  hell, i will leave the office early and then go home and work from the couch, that little break seems to go a long way.  Can't let work get to you that much

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1 hour ago, TheElectricCompany said:

If you can go for a run at lunch, do it. 

Don't get into extended email, phone or in person conversation when your frustrated. 

Coworkers or customers detect any sass or pissiness in your words and it's going to cause trouble. 


I used to run before work for a while (easier to squeeze in and get cleaned up) and that really changed my attitude when I arrived at the job. It seemed to help all day. 

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a great app called headspace is wonderful.  they have daily packs and all that stuff, it's become a routine of mine before bed and in the evening.  i ahve always meditated but this is just a new take on it.


i also have a loud ass sound system in my office in the middle of the production plant and i will blast some demi or taylor to calm down.


after work, i go work some more or the gym or tinder/women



6 hours ago, LeviF91 said:

Like during work?  Or after work when you feel like you can't shake it off?


During work: zone out and listen to music, go bum a cigarette off someone, take a walk, shitpost on TBD.


After work: go to the range, go to the gym, have a drink, watch stupid TV.

you must get overwhelmed at work a lot

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