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anybody not on board drafting QB at 10 is a *****

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Draft 2 qbs and you have to cut 1. So you totally waste 1 pick. QB at 10 in a draft with a bunch of EJ manuels, I don't think so. It makes no sense for this team to draft a qb that high in this draft.

Practice Squad- but agree just draft 1 unless something falls thats too good to be true

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Are there any other teams that are as high on Kelly as much as bills fans are? If he was not related to jim would anyone here bring him up as an option?


I think so - it's not like he's an unknown. He played well enough before the injury to be in the discussion as a QB in the top 5 in this draft.

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Are there any other teams that are as high on Kelly as much as bills fans are? If he was not related to jim would anyone here bring him up as an option?


There were whispers a ways back that the Steelers liked him quite a bit.


Not sure the status of that at this time though...

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sign me and my terminal degree up as a *****. I mean, overpaying for bad products is always a good idea, signed JP Losman and EJ Manual. This is the worst argument ever made about drafting a QB, that you have to take one with a first round pick in any year regardless of the quality of the players. Just horrible. In a supply (quality starting quarterbacks) and demand (about 22 less than needed) imbalance, prices go up but quality does not. You can overpay for all the garbage you want, it's still garbage. Your current need does not guarantee increased supply, and that is the problem with the argument, which is built on one major flawed assumption, that it's just a matter of picking a player high enough and that draft slot alone is the key predictor of success. Just writing that annoys me to no end.

Well said. I agree. There was a small group at BB!B that would constantly argue this, and I'd always say the same thing you are saying.


Reaching for a 1st round QB just to say you took a 1st round QB gets you players like EJ Manuel. That does the Bills no good. Actually, IMO it probably harms them more than it helps them, because then you live or die by that 1st round QB for years, while potentially passing up on actual franchise QBs in the following drafts like what happened with EJ.


I absolutely do not want to reach for another 1st round QB, especially in the top 10. You can not reach for a QB with a top 10 pick. That is just insane IMO. That seems like a great way to get fired to me...

If the Bills are sure that a QB is truly a franchise type guy, then by all means draft him at #10. But if they're not sure or there's too many question marks, then you go BPA and take a shot at a QB in a different round.

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There's no such thing as a calculated high percentage way to land a QB. On a side note; look up the word desperate and it's antonyms - damn right I want them acting desperate to land a QB.


I also want franchise QB to be our #1 priority. But that doesn't mean you just throw draft picks at guys you don't believe in.


Although I agree that Quarterback is (by far) the toughest position to scout, it's ridiculous to suggest it's nothing but luck. Otherwise there is no point even paying a GM and scouting staff. You might as well just take a poll from the fans or pick from a magazine.


Teams like the Browns, Jets, Rams and Jaguars are constantly picking QBs high. Usually in the first 40 picks. And they keep missing over and over. But you will notice those same teams keep missing on their other draft selections as well. The problem isn't luck. The problem is scouting. Meanwhile, teams like the Steelers, Packers or Ravens take 1-2 shots at a 1st Round quarterback. And bam, they have the right guy. Because those teams are constantly good at scouting, constantly good at drafting, and have a better idea which guys are worth taking a chance with.


No, it's not an exact science and everyone is going to bust on picks. But it's not surprising that the same GMs who are missing their picks on Offensive Tackles and Cornerbacks can't pick the right Quarterback either.

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I think we should fill the roster with 53 QBs.




Why only draft a QB in the first and fifth rounds? With the odds as long as they are, why not draft a QB with every pick until we find the right guy?


We all know the other players don't really matter. Winning and losing is decided entirely by the QB position.

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I go either way, but if you wait for a QB who is a sure thing, you literally will never ever get a QB.


The guys who are close to a sure thing, guys like Peyton Manning and Andrew Luck, come along once a decade or so and are gone in pick #1. And the one thing the Bills have shown for 17 years is that we don't ever get bad enough to get the #1 pick.


The solution to that is to make billsareback GM - we will get #1 picks multiple years in a row all of which will be used for QBs.

Football is a team sport. It takes a team of 52 guys to win. Even though QB is clearly the most important piece, it's not enough all by itself.

Maybe the Bills could draft 2 quarterbacks every year, and finally land their franchise guy. But then the team around them would be crap and his talent would go to waste.


I think you mixed up a football team with a deck of cards, Which one of the 53 players on roster not count? The long snapper?

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we need to not only draft Mahomes but also should draft Chad Kelly in the 5th round. Nothing else matters unless you have a QB. You don't get a Franchise QB unless you draft one. There is no trading for one or getting one through free agency. Look would you trade all the bills draft picks the next 2 years for Aaron Rogers of course you would. Well guess what Green would not make that trade. You can get all the other positions in the draft and through free agency or CFL or Arena football league or Australian Rules football or College Free agents that don't get drafted. You can get any position but you can't get the franchise QB. So just stop the silliness that we should draft a reciever or corner with the 10th pick like it will matter. If you want to keep pounding salt and your head up against rocks for 10 more years with no playoffs then let's just keep drafting Running Backs and DB's and keep being losers. I'm out, I said my piece. Just look at the teams that make the playoffs every year. Look at who there Quaterback are, do I need to make a list for you. This is not rocket science it's simple. We need to keep drafting QB's until we find our franchise QB end of story nothing else matters. I could give 2 ***** who else the Bills draft.

I'm not sure I like the cut of your jib. You're probably the guy who picks up an old mattress along the side of the road just because it's there.

Edited by RaoulDuke79
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....sorry, but the membership t-shirts are already in print.....can't do anything about the thread title change...... :thumbsup:


If t-shirts are being printed up for all you idiots, I better get some god damned royalties...

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If the Bills think there is a QB worthy of going in the top half of the first round and they pass on him at 10, then you're right, they're idiots. But if they don't and they take one anyway, just for the sake of taking one, then they're even bigger idiots.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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