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Tim Graham article -T Pegs considers dysfunction an insult


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Roughly equal to the number of times Graham asked a douche question.


Graham didn't ask any douche questions.


For example, why can't Terry just explain the thought process behind letting Rex go? Why can't he just say something like "The defense got worse in his first season and never improved in 2016 and we just didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel. It was just a bad scheme fit for the defensive personnel and that's on us, we should have recognized that before hiring Rex. We've learned from that just like we're learning from all of our mistakes. Rex is a great coach but it just didn't work out here and we wish him all the best."


What's wrong with that?

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Graham didn't ask any douche questions.


For example, why can't Terry just explain the thought process behind letting Rex go? Why can't he just say something like "The defense got worse in his first season and never improved in 2016 and we just didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel. It was just a bad scheme fit for the defensive personnel and that's on us, we should have recognized that before hiring Rex. We've learned from that just like we're learning from all of our mistakes. Rex is a great coach but it just didn't work out here and we wish him all the best."


What's wrong with that?


Didn't he already do that in his AP interview with JW? Old news by now. Next!

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It also sounds like Kim is ready to bring Whaley to the point of elimination with another misstep or two.


Strike one: "I believe football is a sport humans are not supposed to play."


Strike two: "Why was Rex fired? I dunno. Haven't thought about it."


Strike three: ?

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No! You know what IS an insult? Engaging in a hydrofracking operation that poisons someone's drinking water.

Oh....dear....God. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but bringing such a loaded social / economic / political point to this board, seems like adding gasoline to a dynamite depot while smoking a cigarette. Really unnecessary and pointless.


He fricken owns the team! You know, the one that essentially supports the very forum you feign your condescending and pedantic opinion from? Here is not the place - now is not the time - and the subject is not the focus.

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No! You know what IS an insult? Engaging in a hydrofracking operation that poisons someone's drinking water.

lol..but not really lol


lets just say that this guy isn't a friend to mother nature

Oh....dear....God. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but bringing such a loaded social / economic / political point to this board, seems like adding gasoline to a dynamite depot while smoking a cigarette. Really unnecessary and pointless.


He frackin owns the team! You know, the one that essentially supports the very forum you feign your condescending and pedantic opinion from? Here is not the place - now is not the time - and the subject is not the focus.


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The best quote was KP saying "That's where we want to be" about Buffalo while living in Florida. We want to be in Buffalo but we live here in FL. The weather is better and maybe the taxes are cheaper. Mc has connections to the Tomlin, where Whaley use to work prior to the Bills. There is your connections and references.

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Oh....dear....God. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but bringing such a loaded social / economic / political point to this board, seems like adding gasoline to a dynamite depot while smoking a cigarette. Really unnecessary and pointless.

He fricken owns the team! You know, the one that essentially supports the very forum you feign your condescending and pedantic opinion from? Here is not the place - now is not the time - and the subject is not the focus.

So obvious, to so many. (But apparently not all.)

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Man some of you want to over analyze, over react, and create narratives to everything regardless of merit.


They did great in the interview, why is anyone even complaining? And talk about stretching for a story that isn't there, these comments about how Kim wants Whaley gone based on what she said are a stretch of the imagination to say the least.

I thought I was the only one who thought they did fine in the interview... But you can't be surprised about the stretching of imaginations. Its TBD. New day, same ole same ole.

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Huh? You literally just wrote in a longer version that Kim would have gotten rid of Whaley...and you based that on comments she made that really said nothing of the sort.




Wants = present tense. A condition that is ongoing or still occurring.


if (condition not met occurred) she would have = conditional perfect tense


The meaning is not equivalent


Dislike playing grammarian, dislike being misquoted or misunderstood more, sorry!

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Verbally, he pretty much did, a few times.

How do you think Doug Whaley represented the Bills at his news conference last week?

TP: He did the best he could under some very trying circumstances. That's my answer.

What were the circumstances?

TP: You saw it.

(Translation: You reporters and how you behaved, you are the very trying circumstances)


Others have had your confidence but lost it, namely Ted Black, Darcy Regier and Pat LaFontaine. How did those relationships turn sour?

TP: I think those are all personal matters I don't need to discuss.

Two years ago, you considered bringing Bill Polian aboard as a football consultant ...

TP: I don't want to discuss that. It's a private matter.

OK. But why haven't you followed through with anyone else in that type of role?

TP: We don't have any plans to do that. We just don't choose to go down that road. (...) Don't chase a story that doesn't exist. There's no plan to do it.

What went wrong with Rex Ryan as your coach?

KP: It doesn't do us any good to get into that. We've got a new coach, and we want to look forward.


[Whack. Whack. Whack. Whack.]

now i'm gonna have to read it although I usually don't read tim graham. I'm thinkin The Pegs agreed to sit down with the BN ahead of the HC presser and graham was deemed most tolerable. This was meant as a peace pipe of sorts.
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I'm curious as to how people are thinking they came off well here. The guy offers no explanations to the fans about key decisions that we spend hours/days/weeks/months debating here and elsewhere. And sounds like a dismissive ass while doing so. I totally understand that he has no obligation to divulge anything and I suppose many of you are okay with that. But as a fan it would be nice to hear him, however subtly, own up to the Rex disaster (which is 100% on him) or at the very least, not blatantly lie that he has no idea how the Bills came off looking the past few weeks.


I'm as thankful as anyone that he kept the Bills in Buffalo, and I don't even live there. But just having a team isn't good enough.

What owner have you seen that goes around explaining everything to the fan base? And truthfully, I'm not surprised he didn't really get how the perception had formed the past couple weeks. He was looking for a new coach. He has the Sabres. He has the fracking business. I wouldn't doubt he's not sitting around watching ESPN on a daily.

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What owner have you seen that goes around explaining everything to the fan base? And truthfully, I'm not surprised he didn't really get how the perception had formed the past couple weeks. He was looking for a new coach. He has the Sabres. He has the fracking business. I wouldn't doubt he's not sitting around watching ESPN on a daily.

Yeah, but he's got to check this board hourly, right?

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Pegulas really need to hire a good PR person. This will only infuriate the media more and they will now take out their anger on Mcdermott tomorrow. No honeymoon.


If they do, that will be interesting. Champion wrestlers are usually not good targets for taking out your anger on, but may handle it in different ways.


I thought I was the only one who thought they did fine in the interview... But you can't be surprised about the stretching of imaginations. Its TBD. New day, same ole same ole.


I didn't see a problem with the interview. I can see the press having a problem with it.

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