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Brady to be SUSPENDED next week according to report

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Im sure its been mentioned, but it bears repeating:


Before the rule change, the Patriots** fumble rate was pretty much on par with the rest of the league, about 1 in 41 touches.


Since the rule change, the Patriots** fumble rate is BY FAR the best in the league at 1 every 74 touches. Even better than dome teams.



Benjarvus Green-Ellis - With Pats (2008 - 2011) - 510 carries - 0 fumbles

With Bengals (2012-2013) - 498 carries - 5 fumbles



Legarrette Blount - With Pats - 213 carries - 3 fumbles (1.41% rate)

With other teams - 491 carries - 10 fumbles (2.04% rate)



I'm not a math major so I don't know if there's anything to be taken from that, but I found it interesting.

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Benjarvus Green-Ellis - With Pats (2008 - 2011) - 510 carries - 0 fumbles

With Bengals (2012-2013) - 498 carries - 5 fumbles



Legarrette Blount - With Pats - 213 carries - 3 fumbles (1.41% rate)

With other teams - 491 carries - 10 fumbles (2.04% rate)



I'm not a math major so I don't know if there's anything to be taken from that, but I found it interesting.


Hilarious -- I work with a Bengals fan and when we were discussing this just five minutes ago he brought up BGE.

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Not coincidentally, 2007 was the first year the NFL allowed teams to handle their own balls, a rule change lobbied for by Brady. You do the math.


Actually, Peyton Manning was the main proponent of that. And not coincidentally, the Colts had some of the highest plays/fumble ratios since...

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It was both of them.




"When Peyton Manning was with the Colts, he led the intense effort to institute a rule calling for each team to supply its own 12 balls for offense"..from the article you cited.


And both of them enjoyed the lowest fumble rates in the league. Based on rolling 5 year averages, The Colts had 2 of the lowest 4 ratios ever. pats had the other 2.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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And both of them enjoyed the lowest fumble rates in the league. Based on rolling 5 year averages, The Colts had 2 of the lowest 4 ratios ever. pats had the other 2.

Based on Payton Manning's response to all of this (essentially, "Tom's a great friend, and I think the world of him"), I can only think he does exact the same thing. Of course, I came to that conclusion a long time ago. He just hasn't gotten caught.


Yes, those 5-yard passes were a thing of beauty.

This is just churlish. He made a lot of great throws in that game that were well beyond five yards, especially in the final ten minutes of the game. Denying that strikes me as wilfull blindness.

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Actually, Peyton Manning was the main proponent of that. And not coincidentally, the Colts had some of the highest plays/fumble ratios since...

Tell me more about that "chip on the shoulder" Brady used to break records... Edited by Thurmal34
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This is just churlish. He made a lot of great throws in that game that were well beyond five yards, especially in the final ten minutes of the game. Denying that strikes me as wilfull blindness.


Good word. Regardless, Brady* had a yards per completion rate of 8.86. He dinked and dunked on the Seattle defense; if that's brilliance, so be it.

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No, if you really thought before you posted, you wouldn't have posted. Again it's not my fault that you took my "don't talk to the cops" to mean "don't cooperate with anyone, ever" That's just silly. So I have no choice but to clarify what I meant.


Keep spinning doc, you'll get it right.


The point was whether to incriminate one's self. Of course it doesn't matter whether it is a criminal case or not. Your distinction is meaningless due to the magnitude of the issue facing Brady. "Criminal investigation" vs. "employee investigation" is nonsense that you just thought to explain away your flip.


Tell me more about that "chip on the shoulder" Brady used to break records...


Really? You didn't follow the NFL back then?

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Yup. Both the rule change and the stud additions are far more plausible explanations for Brady setting records than a "chip on his shoulder".

well, in the sense of playing great i would put his additions pretty high on the list. for setting records, said chip on shoulder might account for the pats still trying to light up the scoreboard when leading huge in games (and padding stats that become records).


being able to break in his own balls on the road didnt hurt.... but come on.

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Im sure its been mentioned, but it bears repeating:


Before the rule change, the Patriots** fumble rate was pretty much on par with the rest of the league, about 1 in 41 touches.


Since the rule change, the Patriots** fumble rate is BY FAR the best in the league at 1 every 74 touches. Even better than dome teams.

Then we should using be balls at 12.5 psi

Edited by Fan in San Diego
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Not coincidentally, 2007 was the first year the NFL allowed teams to handle their own balls, a rule change lobbied for by Brady. You do the math.


If people are going to state things like this, then at least get the story correct. It was lobbied for by Peyton Manning, yes Brady was one of the QB's also involved, but it was spear headed by Peyton Manning and Peyton is who they always credit the rule change to...until people started incorrectly saying Brady because of "DeflateGate"

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If people are going to state things like this, then at least get the story correct. It was lobbied for by Peyton Manning, yes Brady was one of the QB's also involved, but it was spear headed by Peyton Manning and Peyton is who they always credit the rule change to...until people started incorrectly saying Brady because of "DeflateGate"


What's not correct with Thurmal's statement? Thurmal said Brady lobbied for it, you admit Brady was involved. Seems like we're all in agreement that he was involved. I dont think anyone is saying it was just Tom.

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If people are going to state things like this, then at least get the story correct. It was lobbied for by Peyton Manning, yes Brady was one of the QB's also involved, but it was spear headed by Peyton Manning and Peyton is who they always credit the rule change to...until people started incorrectly saying Brady because of "DeflateGate"

Maybe you should. It was clearly both of them. There are endless links from reputable sources that say so.






The nesn link had the excerpt directly from the Wells report. Manning and Brady used to talk about the problem together before they went to the league. They both went, they both recruited other QBS and they both spoke directly to the committee.



“Before the 2006-07 season, all game balls used during NFL games were supplied and prepared by the home team. The visiting team was dependent on the home team with respect to the preparation of game balls, a situation that Brady described in contemporaneous media reports as having led to sleepless nights. According to Brady, he and then Colts quarterback Peyton Manning had, on occasion, discussed how it would be better if all quarterbacks could prepare footballs to fit their individual preferences. As Brady stated in a 2006 media interview, the existing policy did not account for the fact that ‘every quarterback likes (footballs) a little bit different. Some like them blown up a little bit more, some like them a little more thin, some like them a little more new, some like them really broken in.’ “To address these concerns, Manning and Brady introduced a proposal to change the rule, which they circulated to quarterbacks around the League. Receiving approval from ‘basically everyone,’ according to Brady, the proposal and the signatures gathered were presented to the NFL during the 2006 offseason. In March 2006, the NFL Competition Committee unanimously recommended that ‘each team’s offense be permitted to use its own footballs, prepared by its equipment personnel, for its non-kicking snaps from scrimmage'” Read more at: http://nesn.com/2015/05/tom-brady-peyton-manning-led-charge-to-change-football-preparation-rule/
Edited by Kelly the Dog
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Ted Wells on Don Yee doubting his independence: "The conclusions were not influenced in any way, shape or form by anyone in [NFL] office."


Ted Wells: "It's wrong to question my independence just because you don't like my findings."


Ted Wells says no one within Tom Brady's camp questioned his hiring and that Bob Kraft initially applauded it.


Ted Wells said he wouldn't have commented publicly if not for the "public attacks," which he calls out of bounds and unfair.


Ted Wells on Brady's guilt: "If I were sitting on a jury, I would have checked the box that said, 'proven.'"


Ted Wells: "The Patriots were all over me from Day 1 on why the NFL didn't warn them [before the AFCCG]. I didn't find there was [a sting]."


Ted Wells said it wasn't a sting, it was "a discretionary policy issue."


Ted Wells: "I did not find there was any bias [on the part of the NFL]."


Ted Wells said he bills by the hour, and the Deflategate investigation cost "millions of dollars."


Ted Wells said the Patriots' cooperated, then stonewalled his request for a SECOND interview with locker-roomn attendant Jim McNally.


Ted Wells says the Patriots wouldn't even tell Jim McNally that Wells wanted to speak to him a second time.


Ted Wells wanted to speak to McNally a second time after finding "The Deflator" text. That's when the Pats suddenly stopped cooperating.


Ted Wells said he didn't want Tom Brady's phone, only the relevant texts: "And they still refused."


Ted Wells: "Mr. Yee is Mr. Brady's agent and is trying to do his job. But I totally reject any suggestion I wasn't independent.


Wells: Brady's agent wrong to criticize my integrity

Ted Wells wanted to express a clear message on Tuesday: He was not influenced by any outside sources in making his conclusions on the Patriots' use of deflated footballs in January's AFC Championship Game.

The independent investigator opened an animated conference call with reporters with a fiery response to personal criticism from Don Yee, the agent of Tom Brady.


Edited by 26CornerBlitz
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What's not correct with Thurmal's statement? Thurmal said Brady lobbied for it, you admit Brady was involved. Seems like we're all in agreement that he was involved. I dont think anyone is saying it was just Tom.


The point was, people are changing the story to over exaggerate what happened and imply even more scandal happened. Maybe thats not what Thurmani's intent was, but its been going on continuously around here. Peyton Manning spear headed it, he enlisted Brady to help and 20 other NFL QBs. And the rule change was brought about by the QBs because of the texture of the balls, not air pressure, something else thats been getting incorrectly stated a lot.


I was just clearing up what the actual facts were as there has been a lot of incorrect statements in regards to that around here.

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The point was, people are changing the story to over exaggerate what happened and imply even more scandal happened. Maybe thats not what Thurmani's intent was, but its been going on continuously around here. Peyton Manning spear headed it, he enlisted Brady to help and 20 other NFL QBs. And the rule change was brought about by the QBs because of the texture of the balls, not air pressure, something else thats been getting incorrectly stated a lot.


I was just clearing up what the actual facts were as there has been a lot of incorrect statements in regards to that around here.


That's not what Brady says. Although I guess he cannot be believed.
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Maybe you should. It was clearly both of them. There are endless links from reputable sources that say so.






The nesn link had the excerpt directly from the Wells report. Manning and Brady used to talk about the problem together before they went to the league. They both went, they both recruited other QBS and they both spoke directly to the committee.



“Before the 2006-07 season, all game balls used during NFL games were supplied and prepared by the home team. The visiting team was dependent on the home team with respect to the preparation of game balls, a situation that Brady described in contemporaneous media reports as having led to sleepless nights. According to Brady, he and then Colts quarterback Peyton Manning had, on occasion, discussed how it would be better if all quarterbacks could prepare footballs to fit their individual preferences. As Brady stated in a 2006 media interview, the existing policy did not account for the fact that ‘every quarterback likes (footballs) a little bit different. Some like them blown up a little bit more, some like them a little more thin, some like them a little more new, some like them really broken in.’ “To address these concerns, Manning and Brady introduced a proposal to change the rule, which they circulated to quarterbacks around the League. Receiving approval from ‘basically everyone,’ according to Brady, the proposal and the signatures gathered were presented to the NFL during the 2006 offseason. In March 2006, the NFL Competition Committee unanimously recommended that ‘each team’s offense be permitted to use its own footballs, prepared by its equipment personnel, for its non-kicking snaps from scrimmage'” Read more at: http://nesn.com/2015/05/tom-brady-peyton-manning-led-charge-to-change-football-preparation-rule/



Not that I care that much about this, but the stories you just linked are stories written NOW about something that happened in 2006 with a biased to link Brady to it as a Villian who got a rule changed so he could cheat.


The actual facts of what happened, and its been stated publicly by many players, including Peyton Manning, are that Peyton is the one who lobbied for the rule change, he got Bradys support and help and got written statements from 20 other NFL QB's supporting it to.


Yes, Brady was involved, but it was a campaign started by Peyton Manning, and that was the point. And it was about ball texture, not air pressure. This is just one point that is getting skewed and over exaggerated to paint a more villainous approach to what that rule change really was.

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