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Fred Jackson discusses Marrone vs. Hackett

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Has anyone considered that the reason the Bills have not gone to the hurry-up offense much since the very beginning of 2013 may be because there would have been no way for Marrone to override Hackett's playcalling?


Just sayin'...

C'mon, you saw EJ buckle under the pressure. He was clearly uncomfortable and that was what ended the hurry up. He was wasting TO's, couldn't make a decisive change at the line. The hurry up was too much too soon for EJ.

I do think the hurry up was all Hackett though. A young QB should not be going hurry up until he has a better grasp of the offense. Gotta bring him along more slowly. I also don't think the hurry up needs to be all the time. NE likes to change it up. The often catch us off guard by playing at one pace then all of a sudden it's hurry up and our defense isn't even lined up yet.


Then again, maybe you are on to something. Maybe that was Hackett's way to get more control of the offense before Marrone took it away from him.

Edited by Rockinon
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C'mon, you saw EJ buckle under the pressure. He was clearly uncomfortable and that was what ended the hurry up. He was wasting TO's, couldn't make a decisive change at the line. The hurry up was too much too soon for EJ.


No, I saw Stevie drop a sure 1st down that might have iced the home opener against the Pats*, a win against Carolina, a win against Baltimore, and some positive signs against Cleveland until "the injury."


I get happier and happier about Marrone's departure as the hours pass.

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might as well make Hackett HC

It threw me for a loop much like learning the truth about Santa Claus... will take a few days to digest



I knew I was still getting presents so I was good.

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I wonder if he changed his number right after the request?


"Hey, Doug...T-Mobile's interested in in bringing you on board."


"I want to talk to the President of Verizon! Tell him to change my number, or I'm cancelling my service!"

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You know, at the end of the day if you're in a subordinate position but the organization's goals are not being met, you have to call the question.

You have to go to your boss, shut the door, and lay out the facts.

And if the situation doesn't change, GTFO because staying there is career suicide.


I can't absolve Hackett, sorry. He's the ijit that wanted to go up-tempo with a rookie QB who needed more time to process what he saw and feel comfortable in his play call, not less. He's the ijit that thought he could be an NFL OC for the first time with a rookie QB and no QB coach.

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No, I saw Stevie drop a sure 1st down that might have iced the home opener against the Pats*, a win against Carolina, a win against Baltimore, and some positive signs against Cleveland until "the injury."


I get happier and happier about Marrone's departure as the hours pass.

This. The best thing that could have happened to this team is for Marrone to opt out. This offense had Marrone's fingerprints all over it. The fact that his "area of expertise" was the O line and that was the unit he spent most of his "hands on" time with during practices should tell you all you need to know. It was the weakest unit on the team and virtually every player regressed or failed to develop...and it extended to the rest of the offense as well. I have no idea how good Hackett may or may not be; however, at this point, I want a complete overhaul of the offensive coaching staff.


My assessment of EJ Manuel and every other offensive player is on hold until I see what they do under a coaching staff that actually knows what they are doing....

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No, I saw Stevie drop a sure 1st down that might have iced the home opener against the Pats*, a win against Carolina, a win against Baltimore, and some positive signs against Cleveland until "the injury."


I get happier and happier about Marrone's departure as the hours pass

Amen to that

Edited by Rockinon
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Sorry, meant to highlight the part you mentioned about not having anything to do with coaching ability. Fred seemed to imply that Hackett was much more aggressive with play calling than Marrone, which leads me to believe that Marrone was overriding Hackett. Fred seems to like Hackett and I don't think he would say that if it was just about his personality. In other words, I think Fred is specifically talking about his performance as a coach and not just his personality.

He certainly ham-strung Hackett with his bizarre experiments with the Oline, and with which players he chose to dress and start on Sundays.

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Has anyone considered that the reason the Bills have not gone to the hurry-up offense much since the very beginning of 2013 may be because there would have been no way for Marrone to override Hackett's playcalling?


Just sayin'...

possible. one might also say the brightest flashes from EJ were some 2 minute drills or drives when the radio system went out.... and the team felt best prepared when it was snowed out of the facilities.


might be something to not having doug in their ears. but who knows....

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He certainly ham-strung Hackett with his bizarre experiments with the Oline, and with which players he chose to dress and start on Sundays.

Oh god, don't get me started on the OL. Marrone's stubbornness is why the OL couldn't get anything going all year. I am not even certain that we don't actually have some good talent on that line.
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I think Fred functions as assistant Head Coach now.


Seems totally possible he pursues a coaching position after he retires.


**** if he could have just taught CJ Spiller to fall forward for 3 yards after contact like he does he could have already earned a spot.

Hey, did he ever try playing Guard?

Saint Jag

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Now that is just wrong. I can understand mass texting everyone something like "Hey, guys. I just resigned. Sorry for the text, but I wanted you to find out from me before it hit the media. Call me with any questions."


But having someone else do it on your behalf is just cowardly.

Maybe he didn't have unlimited texting. 53 messages can add up.

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The word is he didn't even do that. Bills players said they did not receive a text directly from him. He texted a guy in the personnel dept. and told that guy to fwd to team.



damn! that is just so disresectful to the players and fans. If I was the guy in the PD I would have said do it yourself coward.

Love this quote when asked about Marrone:

""No, he's just gonna be another guy," Jackson said. "Obviously, we'll want to beat him when we play him. But it's not going to fuel or motivate us in any different capacity. He's just another guy now. He's not somebody that we're worried about what he's doing."


Marrone's epitaph in Buffalo: "Just another guy"


BS! Players can say that all they want but they are human too and you can bet your ass they will bring a little extra when they play, just ask Spikes.


but like that he is not worried about his coaching ability :lol: :lol:

Edited by Buffalo Barbarian
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