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What movies creeped you out

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Apollo 18


Saw a 70's movie on late night tv as a kid. Can't remember name, but group of college age kids go to an island I think near NYC. Lead guy looks like a hippie. At night he insists on reading some incantations from old book to scare everyone, but it causes the dead to rise from the cemetery. Everyone eventually is killed, and the movie ends with the zombies getting in a boat to go to the city. My first experience with zombies.

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"JAWS". The music alone scared me. Not to mention that Quint's death is the stuff that is made out of nightmares.


The made for TV movie, "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark". By today's standards it is very tame, but as a kid, it really scared me. I remember the next day at school, me and my friends were all talking about it.


"Pinocchio". I love this movie, but as a kid, when Lampwick turns into a donkey..... :o :o :o


Night on Bald Mountain segment from "Fantasia". A lot of scary images.


I was quite easily frightened as a kid, if you couldn't already guess. lol

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Apollo 18


Saw a 70's movie on late night tv as a kid. Can't remember name, but group of college age kids go to an island I think near NYC. Lead guy looks like a hippie. At night he insists on reading some incantations from old book to scare everyone, but it causes the dead to rise from the cemetery. Everyone eventually is killed, and the movie ends with the zombies getting in a boat to go to the city. My first experience with zombies.


I believe that was called "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things." Saw it on WOR maaaaany years ago.

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Agree on the very end of Blair Witch.


The scene in Salem's Lot where the vampire kid is hovering outside the window, scratching it asking to be let in:



Actually the written version creeped me out more than the TV movie version.


Helter Skelter creeped me out because it was real.

Edited by JÂy RÛßeÒ
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Apollo 18


Saw a 70's movie on late night tv as a kid. Can't remember name, but group of college age kids go to an island I think near NYC. Lead guy looks like a hippie. At night he insists on reading some incantations from old book to scare everyone, but it causes the dead to rise from the cemetery. Everyone eventually is killed, and the movie ends with the zombies getting in a boat to go to the city. My first experience with zombies.


"Children shouldn't play with dead things"




That one kept me up at night for a long time.

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"JAWS". The music alone scared me. Not to mention that Quint's death is the stuff that is made out of nightmares.


The made for TV movie, "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark". By today's standards it is very tame, but as a kid, it really scared me. I remember the next day at school, me and my friends were all talking about it.


"Pinocchio". I love this movie, but as a kid, when Lampwick turns into a donkey..... :o :o :o


Night on Bald Mountain segment from "Fantasia". A lot of scary images.


I was quite easily frightened as a kid, if you couldn't already guess. lol


I thought you were talking about "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" As a young kid, those shows were pretty damn freaky.


I still don't think I've recovered from the achilles cutting scene from "Hostel".


Jacob's Ladder and Event Horizon both have some chilling scenes in them.


I think what movie got me the most was watching The Omen at the age of like 10. "It's all for you Damien! It's all for you!"

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