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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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This is one of the many things that is infuriating about how the public sector misbehaves and covers up their incompetence, blunders, lies, etc. The private sector is far more accountable than those working for government, and it should not be this easy for them to twist the rules on their own behalf.


Kind-of a broad brush. The GS workers are usually very accountable - what I have to put up with for records retention is a serious pain in the ass, and I can be fired very quickly if I'm not caught complying with it.


But then the people at my level provide it to the SES people...and they start delaying and prevaricating to save their precious little SES hides.


Then it gets to the Congressionally-approved appointees, and they just !@#$ing lie through their ass, I spent one afternoon once watching hearings on CSPAN regarding a project I'd worked on, and I caught an agency director in three flat-out lies to the committee (and documented them, and emailed them to my Congresscritter and the committee chair, and that director is no longer with the federal government. You're welcome.)

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Hillary Stands On Her Genitalia To Make History. Here Are 5 Reasons Nobody Cares.

By Ben Shapiro


Upon winning the Democratic nomination last night, former Secretary of State and felon Hillary Clinton announced that her genitalia had made history.


“It's wonderful to be back in Brooklyn here in this beautiful building,” she crowed. “It may be hard to see tonight, but we're all standing under a glass ceiling right now. But don't worry. We're not smashing this one. Thanks to you, we've reached a milestone. The first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee.”


The people in the room cheered. The media halfheartedly covered the historic moment.


But nobody really cared. Here are five reasons why:


1. Nobody Opposed Hillary Because She Was A Woman. In order for an event to be truly “historic,” you have to overcome something. Hillary hasn’t had to overcome anything. She’s led a life of struggle characterized by growing up wealthy, going to the very best schools, then riding her husband’s political coattails to fame and fortune. Nobody opposed Hillary because she was a woman when she ran for Senate or president. They opposed her because she’s a screeching harridan with all the charm of a grease fire and all the personal decency you’d expect from a corrupt sociopath. She rallied women behind her by standing on her X chromosomes, but those chromosomes represented opportunism rather than an obstacle to be breached.


2. Women Represent A Majority Of Voters. The notion of America overcoming its sexism by electing a woman is bizarre. Women represented 53 percent of all voters in 2012, and 55 percent of them voted for Barack Obama. Women routinely overrepresent their percentage of the population in the voting booth. You can’t be an electoral majority and then complain that you’re a victim of electoral discrimination from a minority.


3. It’s More Historic That Hillary’s a Felon Than That She’s A Woman. Perhaps if Hillary weren’t so all-fired unpalatable in every way, people would be more excited about her historic moment. But Americans don’t trust Hillary, find her unlikeable, and know she’s deeply corrupt. That’s why she had a rough time putting away geriatric goofball socialist Bernie Sanders. She’s standing there pretending that she’s made some sort of major gains for women, but Americans know that she’s a criminal. It’s far more historic that we have a major party nominee under active FBI investigation than that she happens to have a vagina.


4. Obama Stole Hillary’s Thunder. Everybody knew Hillary would eventually be the first female major party nominee. But the sizzling enthusiasm over it went out of style in 2008, when Hillary’s “I’m a Woman, Hear Me Roar” shtick was crushed by the First Black President steamroller. Now, her historic moment is an afterthought. It’s the release of Transformers 2: everybody knew it was coming, but nobody wanted it, and certainly nobody’s excited about seeing it.


5. Women Are Not Victims Of Society. The premise of Hillary’s campaign is that women are victims in today’s society. This is bunk, and most Americans know it. Women do not experience systemic pay discrimination. Women are CEOs and Secretaries of State. Women are free to choose whatever they want to do with their lives – and, thanks to government, they’re free to have other people pay for it if they make bad decisions, whether it’s abortion or single motherhood. American women are some of the most privileged people in human history. Hillary suggesting that she’s a victim is only as silly as the women like untalented hack Lena Dunham and bajillionaire Jennifer Lawrence whining about their supposed victim status.



So no, nobody’s excited about Hillary, First Female President. It’s a boring narrative. So the press will have its brief spurt of excitement. Then it will flame out, and we’ll be back to a choice between a corrupt criminal and a reprehensible reality television vulgarian. That’s what’s truly historic.





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Kind-of a broad brush. The GS workers are usually very accountable - what I have to put up with for records retention is a serious pain in the ass, and I can be fired very quickly if I'm not caught complying with it.


But then the people at my level provide it to the SES people...and they start delaying and prevaricating to save their precious little SES hides.


Then it gets to the Congressionally-approved appointees, and they just !@#$ing lie through their ass, I spent one afternoon once watching hearings on CSPAN regarding a project I'd worked on, and I caught an agency director in three flat-out lies to the committee (and documented them, and emailed them to my Congresscritter and the committee chair, and that director is no longer with the federal government. You're welcome.)

For truth. The lower level GS workers are pretty much doing as they're told, though I suspect some pursue certain policies with more zeal than others. Thinking now of the IRS and EPA in particular.

I do think the mid-to-upper level bureaucracy is in CYA mode 24/7. But it's the the way some department heads and as you said the Congressionally-approved appointees behave that really can make one sick. Didn't pay your taxes for five years? No problem... CONFIRMED! Won't produce your internal correspondence because 'your hard drive crashed, and you had it shreaded'... OK, no worries. Won't hand over your emails from your time as Secretary of State? Oh, sure I get it. We can wait the 75 years to get them.


Oh, and thanks. That's one giant shot for a man, one small shot for mankind.

Edited by Nanker
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Didn't know if I should put this here or in the Obamanomics thread. Draw your own conclusions.



A Bearish George Soros Is Trading Again
Billionaire investor sees opportunities to profit from various economic and political issues afflicting the world
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Didn't know if I should put this here or in the Obamanomics thread. Draw your own conclusions.




Got this text today from the WSJ. Turmoil is the best time to invest, assuming you make the right bets. Soros can afford to make a few wrong ones.


I wonder if he has access to any insider info.

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I’m old enough to remember when the Left pose as being Anti-Establishment:


Can Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Save the Establishment?





The Look-I-have-a-Vagina strategy is mostly popular with women of a certain age:


Millennials still not that excited by prospect of first woman president.


Hillary Clinton and the Associated Press have declared that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic president nominee. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders hasn’t given up, but it would take several miracles for him to become the nominee at this point.

So why aren’t millennial women excited by the prospect of seeing the first female president in our lifetime? Precisely because the woman who might take that honor is Hillary Clinton.




Also, millennials have been taught that gender is fluid. She might be a woman today, but by the time she’s sworn in she might decide to be a man.








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Hillary Clinton’s State Department Gave South Sudan’s Military a Pass for Its Child Soldiers


Rebel forces in southern Sudan began using child soldiers long before seceding from Sudan in 2011. The United States, on the other hand, passed a law in 2008 that banned providing military assistance to nations that use child soldiers. The law was called the Child Soldiers Prevention Act, or CSPA, but after South Sudan’s independence, the White House issued annual waivers that kept aid flowing to the world’s newest nation despite its use of child soldiers. President Obama stated in 2012 that the waiver that year was in “the national interest of the United States.”

The president’s move was criticized by human rights activists and others. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, a Republican from Nebraska and the author of the CSPA, described the use of child soldiers as an “unthinkable practice.” The U.S. “must not be complicit in this practice,” he said. “The intent of the law is clear — the waiver authority should be used as a mechanism for reform, not as a way of continuing the status quo.” Because of the requirements of the law, the waivers were issued by the White House rather than the State Department, so Obama was the target of most of the criticism.

Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of state when the first waivers were issued, was apparently never asked to comment on them, and the State Department never provided any explanations about its role. Clinton had spent years vowing to defend the rights of children worldwide — in 2012, she railed against “modern-day slavery” in the introduction to a State Department report on human trafficking that took aim at the “unlawful recruitment or use of children” by armed forces. Yet she does not appear to have publicly explained her role in allowing South Sudan and other countries to receive military support despite using children as combatants. In fact, the State Department played a central role in issuing the controversial waivers, according to two sources, including a former State Department official.


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Jeez, even Ron Fournier gets it: Hillary Clinton’s Truth Problem.


“The CNN interview suggests how tone deaf Clinton has become about ethics, specifically concerning how she and her husband blurred the line between her work as secretary of state and their family foundation.”





ASSOCIATED PRESS: Experts: Clinton emails could have compromised CIA names.



We known this for at least a year

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Without a President or Justice Dept willing to enforce the law among its own administration, there is little chance Hillary ever is held accountable for her actions. Expect that the FBI turns their investigation of her over to Justice sometime this summer and expect Justice to sit on it until Obama is out of office all in the name of a careful review. Actually that's too optimistic. Lynch will come out before the election and clear Hillary in public.

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