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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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This is a gatorman level response. Do me a favor look up the definition off neocon, and then read up on ask the effects you just cited and see which side Hillary was on.



I'm well aware of the definition, and more importantly, the track record of the neo-con agenda post 2001. It single handedly set this country up for the rise in totalitarianism we're seeing every day around the globe, not just at home. It has made the world a far more dangerous place than it already was.


That's the track record. And it's undeniable.

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Agree but you brought up Trump and my position on immigration was in place years before Trump ran for President.


I brought up Trump's reaction to the Florida shootings being "You see folks, we need to ban Syrian refugees." You agree with Trump, which is quite beside the point that Trump's anti-immigrant agenda reaction to these shootings is totally irrelevant.

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I'm well aware of the definition, and more importantly, the track record of the neo-con agenda post 2001. It single handedly set this country up for the rise in totalitarianism we're seeing every day around the globe, not just at home. It has made the world a far more dangerous place than it already was.


That's the track record. And it's undeniable.

Put down the tin foil hat. Hillary has been on the opposite pole from neocons on almost every thing that you listed. But don't let that stop you

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A Muslim terrorists shoots up a gay bar. In response:


Hilary expresses her support for Muslims. Wants to ban guns.

Trump expresses his support for the 2nd amendment. Wants to ban Muslim terrorists.


...and Obama blames American culture, and wants to ban Trump.

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Put down the tin foil hat. Hillary has been on the opposite pole from neocons on almost every thing that you listed. But don't let that stop you

Can you point to a few specifics where she varies from neo con positions? I agree with the Rhino that her record shows her to be a true believer.

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Can you point to a few specifics where she varies from neo con positions? I agree with the Rhino that her record shows her to be a true believer.


Nice to see how Hillary's record gets whitewashed to suit a narrative. Neocons have a very basic set of beliefs. A free world is a better world, and they support regimes who foster democracies and open markets. Understanding that the world isn't perfect, they also know that a lot of countries who are nominally democratic are anything but, and if those countries present a threat to the US or global markets, they will not support those regimes.


She's nowhere near a neocon on almost every point, except voting for the 2003 war, and that vote was near unanimous. So by that stroke every person who voted for the authorization is a neocon.


Greggy usually conflates Bill's positions with Hillary's, so for the sake of argument I'll treat them as one.


Memories are very short, but you may recall that among the reasons cited for the 2003 Iraq War was Bill Clinton's ignorance of Saddam's growing belligerence and violations of the '93 agreements. If Greggy insists on calling Bill & Hill neocons, then the 2003 invasion wouldn't have been necessary since he would have taken proper actions much sooner.


Bill also famously waffled on addressing Al Qeda when they were building up in mid-90s, much to the neocons' dismay.


Hillary did not support the 2007 surge.


Honduras coup? Are you kidding me? Does Greggy do any basic research? That was the first major failure of her Foggy Bottom days. Zelaya broke Honduran law, and the government properly acted under its constitutional authority to remove him. The US called it a coup when it was not, essentially throwing the government into turmoil. This was also a time where the LatAm leftists percolated back to the surface with a well timed bet that an Obama administration would be much more inclined to support the socialist causes. Honduras' economy collapsed and all the economic gains the country made over a decade were wiped out.


Don't for a second think that this has no effect on the US, because as LatAm countries continue to be basked cases, there's a great incentive to run to the US. So I'm trying to find out exactly how neocons supported the Honduran debacle, Bolivia's decline, Ecuador's leftist tilt, FARC's terrorism in Colombia and the grand godfathers of the progressive thought in LatAm - Chavez & Castro. I'm sure Glenn Greenwald's mouthpiece has an explanation.


Europe - Please explain how a reset button with Russia, walking away from Central European allies, and tacitly supporting Putin's thugs in Crimea/East Ukraine is anything but a Chamberlanian appeasement of a despot?


Asia - How's that pivot working out?


MidEast - Why did Greggy ignore Egypt? Hillary threw Mubarak under the bus faster than a knee-hobbled TE, but has no problem with a dictator up the sea who continues to mow down his own people all the way down the red line. Lybia? Yeah, I imagine every neocon would hold off sending reinforcements to protect a US Ambassador and then lie through the teeth about it to the families.


So yeah, based on Greggy's news sources, I can see how he can mistake Hillary for a neocon.

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A Muslim American citizen terrorists shoots up a gay bar. In response:


Hilary expresses her support for Muslims. Wants to ban guns.

Trump expresses his support for the 2nd amendment. Wants to ban Muslim immigrants terrorists.


...and Obama blames American culture, and wants to ban Trump.




We all want to ban terrorists. Show anyone how and we're on it.

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We all want to ban terrorists. Show anyone how and we're on it.

To be fair and accurate Trump has called for a temporary ban on immigrants and visitors from Islamic countries. Obama is letting "Syrian" refugees into this country without proper vetting at the same time ISIS is calling for people to infiltrate the U.S. and commit acts of terror. In this instance it would appear that Trump is the one acting like a president, not Obama.

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We all want to ban terrorists. Show anyone how and we're on it.


step one would be to believe someone when they admit to supporting Isis.


step two would be to allow law enforcement to investigate the confessed sympathizer without yelling "islamaphobia.

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Observer is a big Grave spitter fan so he needn't read the rest of your post.


Every time 4merper4mer says grave spitter, an angel gets his wings.

To be fair and accurate Trump has called for a temporary ban on immigrants and visitors from Islamic countries. Obama is letting "Syrian" refugees into this country without proper vetting at the same time ISIS is calling for people to infiltrate the U.S. and commit acts of terror. In this instance it would appear that Trump is the one acting like a president, not Obama.


Yeah, Trump is getting a lot of support for his "ideas." Great to see the Republicans rebuking his filth. It's actually a good moment for the Rs. You won't see such honest dissension on the D side because the leadership is fed from the Clinton trough.

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Every time 4merper4mer says grave spitter, an angel gets his wings.


Yeah, Trump is getting a lot of support for his "ideas." Great to see the Republicans rebuking his filth. It's actually a good moment for the Rs. You won't see such honest dissension with the D side because the leadership is fed from the Clinton trough.

You are agreeing with something I didn't say.

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What Russia's DNC Hack Tells Us About Hillary Clinton's Private Email Server


"Two Russian intelligence agencies hacked the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) database which included opposition research on Donald Trump. The Post says “The intruders so thoroughly compromised the DNC’s system that they also were able to read all email and chat traffic.” The Russian had access to the network for about a year.

The DNC’s hired cyber security firm explains that “it is extremely difficult for a civilian organization to protect itself from a skilled and determined state such as Russia.” It suspects that Russian hackers used “spearphishing,” or emails made to look like they came from someone trusted that contain links or attachments that give the hacker access to the computer when clicked.

Despite the cause for concern, DNC officials are trying to soothe the public. They characterize these breaches as “political” and assured backers that no financial or donor information was disclosed. (How they would know, I wonder.)"


More, at the link.

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