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I give up....................I simply give up.


After ALL the discussion the past four years HOW can this just be be coming out now ?


How can this woman be PRESIDENT ?






Emails: State Dept. scrambled on trouble on Clinton's server
Jun. 22, 2016 7:48 PM EDT


WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem that affected emails from then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features on the government's own systems, according to emails released Wednesday.

The emails were released under court order Wednesday to the conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch, which has sued the State Department over access to public records related to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's service as the nation's top diplomat between 2009 and 2013.

The emails, reviewed by The Associated Press, show that State Department technical staff disabled software on their systems intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve delivery problems with emails sent from Clinton's private server.

"This should trump all other activities," a senior technical official, Ken LaVolpe, told IT employees in a Dec. 17, 2010, email. Another senior State Department official, Thomas W. Lawrence, wrote days later in an email that deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin personally was asking for an update about the repairs. Abedin and Clinton, who both used Clinton's private server, had complained that emails each sent to State Department employees were not being reliably received.

After technical staffers turned off some security features, Lawrence cautioned in an email, "We view this as a Band-Aid and fear it's not 100 percent fully effective."

The AP initially reported Wednesday that the emails described security features being turned off on Clinton's own private server, but State Department spokesman John Kirby clarified hours later that the emails described "a series of troubleshooting measures to the department's system — not Secretary Clinton's system — to attempt to remedy the problem."

Days after the technical crisis, on Jan. 9, 2011, an IT worker was forced to shut down Clinton's server because he believed "someone was trying to hack us." Later that day, he wrote, "We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min." It was one of several occasions when email access to Clinton's BlackBerry smartphone was disrupted because her private server was down, according to the documents.

The AP reported last year that in the early morning hours of Aug. 3, 2011, Clinton received infected emails, disguised as speeding tickets from New York. The emails instructed recipients to print the attached tickets. Opening an attachment would have allowed hackers to take over control of a victim's computer.

In a blistering audit released last month, the State Department's inspector general concluded that Clinton and her team ignored clear internal guidance that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Her aides twice brushed aside concerns, in one case telling technical staff "the matter was not to be discussed further," the report said.

More at the link..................................


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I give up....................I simply give up.


After ALL the discussion the past four years HOW can this just be be coming out now ?


How can this woman be PRESIDENT ?




Pretty simple. The case does not meet the requirements for this justice dept to pursue.

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I give up....................I simply give up.


After ALL the discussion the past four years HOW can this just be be coming out now ?


How can this woman be PRESIDENT ?






Emails: State Dept. scrambled on trouble on Clinton's server
Jun. 22, 2016 7:48 PM EDT


WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem that affected emails from then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features on the government's own systems, according to emails released Wednesday.

The emails were released under court order Wednesday to the conservative legal advocacy group Judicial Watch, which has sued the State Department over access to public records related to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's service as the nation's top diplomat between 2009 and 2013.

The emails, reviewed by The Associated Press, show that State Department technical staff disabled software on their systems intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve delivery problems with emails sent from Clinton's private server.

"This should trump all other activities," a senior technical official, Ken LaVolpe, told IT employees in a Dec. 17, 2010, email. Another senior State Department official, Thomas W. Lawrence, wrote days later in an email that deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin personally was asking for an update about the repairs. Abedin and Clinton, who both used Clinton's private server, had complained that emails each sent to State Department employees were not being reliably received.

After technical staffers turned off some security features, Lawrence cautioned in an email, "We view this as a Band-Aid and fear it's not 100 percent fully effective."

The AP initially reported Wednesday that the emails described security features being turned off on Clinton's own private server, but State Department spokesman John Kirby clarified hours later that the emails described "a series of troubleshooting measures to the department's system — not Secretary Clinton's system — to attempt to remedy the problem."

Days after the technical crisis, on Jan. 9, 2011, an IT worker was forced to shut down Clinton's server because he believed "someone was trying to hack us." Later that day, he wrote, "We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min." It was one of several occasions when email access to Clinton's BlackBerry smartphone was disrupted because her private server was down, according to the documents.

The AP reported last year that in the early morning hours of Aug. 3, 2011, Clinton received infected emails, disguised as speeding tickets from New York. The emails instructed recipients to print the attached tickets. Opening an attachment would have allowed hackers to take over control of a victim's computer.

In a blistering audit released last month, the State Department's inspector general concluded that Clinton and her team ignored clear internal guidance that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Her aides twice brushed aside concerns, in one case telling technical staff "the matter was not to be discussed further," the report said.

More at the link..................................



I can't even begin to describe the world of **** that would come down on my head if I were an IT worker involved in any of that.


Actually, if I were told to do what they did I would tell them "No. You're insane, I am not !@#$ing doing that." In fact, I have been in similar situations, and told them exactly that. They train everybody on this. You have to watch the equivalent of an elementary school film strip every year, and take an insipid quiz, for which you get a ridiculous certificate, showing that you learned "Don't disable security controls, and if anyone asks you to report them. Even your manager."


That's !@#$ing amazing.

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I can't even begin to describe the world of **** that would come down on my head if I were an IT worker involved in any of that.


Actually, if I were told to do what they did I would tell them "No. You're insane, I am not !@#$ing doing that." In fact, I have been in similar situations, and told them exactly that. They train everybody on this. You have to watch the equivalent of an elementary school film strip every year, and take an insipid quiz, for which you get a ridiculous certificate, showing that you learned "Don't disable security controls, and if anyone asks you to report them. Even your manager."


That's !@#$ing amazing.



Thank you Tom.


It's not just Hillary, there are multitudes of State dpt employees who covered up for her.........who KNEW she was using a private server.



And yet, they continued to let her use the private server, even after these serious problems, Amazing.





TelePrompTer fail? @HillaryClinton reads the word "sigh" in her speech. Did she just read stage direction?

Progressives Today added,


Clinton "sigh"
Vine by Charlie Spiering
View on Vine


I think that it was deliberate...................she's just a terrible speaker.



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I can't even begin to describe the world of **** that would come down on my head if I were an IT worker involved in any of that.


Actually, if I were told to do what they did I would tell them "No. You're insane, I am not !@#$ing doing that." In fact, I have been in similar situations, and told them exactly that. They train everybody on this. You have to watch the equivalent of an elementary school film strip every year, and take an insipid quiz, for which you get a ridiculous certificate, showing that you learned "Don't disable security controls, and if anyone asks you to report them. Even your manager."


That's !@#$ing amazing.

That applies to just about every IT worker and any end user who ever dared to ask something so stupid be done. The only way to escape it is to get an expensive lap dog and name it Comey.

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However, in the end [which is 'zackly where we'll get it], she'll skate through the $#!t storm unscathed. Remember: She never sent, nor read, a "classified" email on that server.


The fat-thighed harridan rides again!

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Leaked Documents Reveal Hillary’s Luxurious Demands For Private Speech


Democratic National Committee documents leaked by a hacker Tuesday reveal that Hillary Clinton’s requirements to give a speech included a private flight and a luxurious presidential hotel suite.


One of the documents leaked is a form filled out by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Foundation for the Harry Walker Agency. The Harry Walker Agency is a speaker’s bureau, which represented Hillary Clinton. On top of the $225,000 fee for her 20 minute speech, the agency gave the UNLV Foundation “standard travel expenses” for Clinton.


This “include a chartered roundtrip private air transportation (e.g., a Gulfstream 450 or larger jet), which must be paid in advance of the event. The host will also need to pay for roundtrip business class airfare to and from the event city for two (2) advance staffers who will arrive in the city of the engagement up to three (3) business days prior to the event,” the document reads.


“The host is responsible for hotel accommodations at a hotel identified by Speaker’s staff. Accommodations should include a presidential suite for the Speaker and up to three (3) adjoining or contiguous single rooms for her travel aides and up to two (2) additional single rooms for the advance staff. The host is responsible for all ground transportation for the Speaker, her travel aides and the advance staff while they are in the city of the engagement, as well as all phone charges/cell phones and meals during their stay.”



Hosts for a Hillary Clinton speech are also “responsible for a $500 flat payment to reimburse the lead travel aide for out-of-pocket travel expenses. The host will be responsible for a flat fee of $1,000 for the services of the onsite stenographer who will be responsible for creating an immediate transcript of Secretary Clinton’s remarks.”


The Harry Walker Agency wrote that, “we will be unable to share a copy of the transcript following the event.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/22/leaked-documents-reveal-hillarys-luxurious-demands-for-private-speech/#ixzz4CPDXHKTk





Clinton Foundation gives tiny fraction of $2 billion in revenue to veterans groups
by Rowan Scarborough


Original Article



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fixed for accuracy.


Not really. Obama makes no pretenses about following rules or requirements or expecting that of Hillary. Lap dog Comey has a "reputation" as tough and independent. He has done NOTHING. He is worthless.

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He certainly is taking his sweet-azzed time about things.

At this point, what difference does it make?

B. O. will simply give her a Presidential pardon on the day he leaves office and she assumes his position.

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But, but, but...


Exclusive: Prominent GOP Neoconservative to Fundraise for Hillary Clinton


During the heat of the Democratic primary campaign, prominent Sanders supporters sought to tie Clinton to the more hawkish foreign policy of Kaganand other neoconservatives, noting his favorable remarks toward the former first lady.

“I feel comfortable with her on foreign policy,” Kagan told the New York Times in 2014. “If she pursues a policy which we think she will pursue it’s something that might have been called neocon, but clearly her supporters are not going to call it that; they are going to call it something else.”

In more recent years, Kagan has loudly criticized the Obama administration for not intervening more forcefully in the five-year civil war in Syria or pushing back more aggressively against Russia in the Ukraine conflict. He routinely calls for defense spending to take up a larger share of the federal budget. Many of his beliefs were encapsulated in his New Republic cover story “Super Powers Don’t Get to Retire” advocating for an expansive U.S. diplomatic and military presence around the world.

As a staunch defender of NATO, Kagan’s views clash starkly with Trump, who has called the military alliance “obsolete” and castigated European allies for failing to pay at least two percent of their gross domestic product on defense — a benchmark that the vast majority of the 28 NATO members have failed to meet. Clinton, meanwhile, has been an outspoken defender of NATO in recent speeches.

Kagan is also the husband of Victoria Nuland, who served as the spokesperson for the State Department during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, and is currently the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs. Internally, Nuland has pressed the Obama administration to play a more aggressive role in the Ukraine conflict.



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But, but, but...


Exclusive: Prominent GOP Neoconservative to Fundraise for Hillary Clinton


During the heat of the Democratic primary campaign, prominent Sanders supporters sought to tie Clinton to the more hawkish foreign policy of Kaganand other neoconservatives, noting his favorable remarks toward the former first lady.

“I feel comfortable with her on foreign policy,” Kagan told the New York Times in 2014. “If she pursues a policy which we think she will pursue it’s something that might have been called neocon, but clearly her supporters are not going to call it that; they are going to call it something else.”

In more recent years, Kagan has loudly criticized the Obama administration for not intervening more forcefully in the five-year civil war in Syria or pushing back more aggressively against Russia in the Ukraine conflict. He routinely calls for defense spending to take up a larger share of the federal budget. Many of his beliefs were encapsulated in his New Republic cover story “Super Powers Don’t Get to Retire” advocating for an expansive U.S. diplomatic and military presence around the world.

As a staunch defender of NATO, Kagan’s views clash starkly with Trump, who has called the military alliance “obsolete” and castigated European allies for failing to pay at least two percent of their gross domestic product on defense — a benchmark that the vast majority of the 28 NATO members have failed to meet. Clinton, meanwhile, has been an outspoken defender of NATO in recent speeches.

Kagan is also the husband of Victoria Nuland, who served as the spokesperson for the State Department during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, and is currently the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs. Internally, Nuland has pressed the Obama administration to play a more aggressive role in the Ukraine conflict.




This election is so !@#$ing bizarre. Increasingly, the best choice looks like


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He certainly is taking his sweet-azzed time about things.

At this point, what difference does it make?

B. O. will simply give her a Presidential pardon on the day he leaves office and she assumes his position.

No pardon unless she is convicted of something. She's getting the defacto pardon now. The whole thing is much cleaner if she's not charged at all and everyone in the chain seems to be falling in line for her. It's her turn. She's waited long enough. She wins. The Dems win. That's what matters.

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"Let's get separate address or device but I don't want any risk of the personal being accessible," Clinton responded to Abedin.




She deleted that email before turning over her records. It's almost funny. She doesn't want to risk any of the "personal"....as defined by her....being accessible, so she commandeers everything and risks the highest level government documents to make sure it isn't. So the State department can't be allowed to touch Chelsea's wedding plans but Hillary can be personally in charge of all levels of government business documents? And she's running for President.


And nothing will be done about it. James Comey is an absolute disgrace to our nation.

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