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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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But... But... I've been told she's absolutely, 100% NOT a neocon. Funny how despite this, she's racking up neocon endorsements right and right (and it began before Trump was a threat).


Is Hillary Clinton a neocon?


Several neoconservatives have spent years gushing about Clinton’s penchant for supporting basically every foreign war or military escalation in the last decade, including Kagan, who said in 2014: “I feel comfortable with her on foreign policy ... If she pursues a policy which we think she will pursue, it’s something that might have been called neocon, but clearly her supporters are not going to call it that; they are going to call it something else.”

Her campaign hasn’t really deviated from that position, either. While she’s hit Trump for being too erratic and dangerous a man to have in charge of the nuclear codes, she also promised more ground troops in the fight against Isis, expressed support for a no-fly zone in Syria (effectively a declaration of war against Assad) and called for more weapons for various rebels in the region.

Just this past weekend, we learned yet another lesson about what constant military intervention in the Middle East has gotten us: one more disaster where untold numbers of US guns and weapons fell into the hands of the people we are fighting. The New York Times reported that the classified CIA program that armed and trained Syrian rebels directly fighting Assad – a policy Clinton pushed for while in the Obama administration and that she has subsequently said we should expand – led to the systematic stealing of millions of dollars of US weapons, which were then sold on the black market and even contributed to the killing of Americans.

On the economic front, Hank Paulson – former Goldman Sachs chief and the man who oversaw the financial collapse and economic bailout as George W Bush’s treasury secretary – put himself firmly in the #NeverTrump camp while also endorsing Clinton in a Washington Post op-ed.



Then there's this to add to the conspiracy mill:

Disgraced ex-UN official’s death ‘conveniently timed’


The death by barbell of disgraced UN official John Ashe could become a bigger obsession for conspiracy theorists than Vince Foster’s 1993 suicide.

Ashe — who was facing trial for tax fraud — died Wednesday afternoon in his house in Westchester County. The UN said he’d had a heart attack. But the local Dobbs Ferry police said Thursday that his throat had been crushed, presumably by a barbell he dropped while pumping iron.

Ashe was due in court Monday with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips.

Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration. (Ng was not charged with any crime.)

Ng and Trie had visited the White House several times for Democratic fundraising events and were photographed with then-President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Clinton.

One source told me, “During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed.”


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But... But... I've been told she's absolutely, 100% NOT a neocon. Funny how despite this, she's racking up neocon endorsements right and right (and it began before Trump was a threat).


Is Hillary Clinton a neocon?



Hillary is not a neocon, but you shouldn't be surprised that Kagan is supporting her since he and the wife used to work for the Clintons.


And as for you slamming her support of a no fly zone, should I assume that you're ok with Assad killing women & children?

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Hillary is not a neocon, but you shouldn't be surprised that Kagan is supporting her since he and the wife used to work for the Clintons.


And as for you slamming her support of a no fly zone, should I assume that you're ok with Assad killing women & children?


Because if we get involved, it's infinitely worse...


Even after 250,000 + people have been killed.

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Hillary is not a neocon, but you shouldn't be surprised that Kagan is supporting her since he and the wife used to work for the Clintons.


And as for you slamming her support of a no fly zone, should I assume that you're ok with Assad killing women & children?


A "no fly zone" is the antithesis of neo-con intervention. It's what Clinton used to dodge intervention in Iraq for a decade.

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Keep on telling yourself that, despite all evidence to the contrary.


She's the captain of your team now. Get on board or get left behind.


Actually, all the evidence supports GG. Hillary's stated positions and her actions consistently violate every basic tenet of neoconservatism as commonly accepted as laid out in Wolfowitz's 1992 paper.

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Actually, all the evidence supports GG. Hillary's stated positions and her actions consistently violate every basic tenet of neoconservatism as commonly accepted as laid out in Wolfowitz's 1992 paper.


Don't ruin it. There's a son of a neocon godfather who worked in Bill's administration, so she must be one too.

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Hillary’s actual beliefs are a matter of some debate; there’s some truth to views of her as both an ideological feminist culture warrior and a corporatist of the center on economic and foreign-policy issues. But even moreso, especially after a quarter century in national politics two contentious nomination fights against her left flank, she’s a political animal who dreads being out of step with her party’s base. And that means no amount of maturity or experience will make her someone who can be counted on to offer resistance to left-wing nuts taking over her party.
As Ben Shapiro documents, the newly-announced draft Democratic Party platform vividly illustrates that the extremists are taking control.
In areas from taxpayer-funded abortion to immigration to the minimum wage to the death penalty to jailing climate change skeptics, the official party platform pushes the party further to the left than it has ever been, even in the McGovern era.
And the more Democrats believe that the GOP has disabled itself from running a contested presidential campaign, the harder they will push their party to the left.
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Well this doesn’t seem good for @HillaryClinton http://bigstory.ap.org/article/775550d62ef8487a975a2a1c1c8b1100/more-clinton-emails-released-including-some-she-deleted#



This is damning. She lied every step of the way about what she deleted. It casts doubt on all 33 thousand deletes


The last paragraph certainly defines her.................



Cl_zKSiWQAANcVp.jpgClick on to enlarge

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Well this doesnt seem good for @HillaryClinton http://bigstory.ap.org/article/775550d62ef8487a975a2a1c1c8b1100/more-clinton-emails-released-including-some-she-deleted#



This is damning. She lied every step of the way about what she deleted. It casts doubt on all 33 thousand deletes


The last paragraph certainly defines her.................



Cl_zKSiWQAANcVp.jpgClick on to enlarge

I liked the last paragraph.


Other State Department officials told congressional investigators that Clinton never responded to internal offers to set her up with an official State account and an agency computer. Patrick Kennedy, the undersecretary for management at the State Department, said Clinton did "not know how to use a computer to do email. So it was never set up."


Didn't know how to use a computer to do email. :) Edited by reddogblitz
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Just as we're supposed to get Hillary's response to the Benghazi report,


(undoubtedly will say, "nothing new here, partisan witch hunt")


we get this;







Coordinated release ?...............Russians ?



This shouldn't be news to anyone who has an objective brain and isn't a total progressive party hack who doesn't care.

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