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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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09:45 AM.............................a little late with this response Hill......................


Hey Hillary...what the hell does that even mean? What tasks are you suggesting, specifically? Do you have a plan, or maybe you're just finding new ways to shove the words "working families" into another ridiculous tweet?

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I saw a sci-fi show where they had a welfare system that allowed anyone to withdraw as much money as they wanted from the government.

The catch was that each dollar taken results in your name being put into a national lottery to be euthanized.


Even if the odds are astronomical, how much money would you take in that situation?

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I saw a sci-fi show where they had a welfare system that allowed anyone to withdraw as much money as they wanted from the government.

The catch was that each dollar taken results in your name being put into a national lottery to be euthanized.


Even if the odds are astronomical, how much money would you take in that situation?


That's GENIUS.

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I saw a sci-fi show where they had a welfare system that allowed anyone to withdraw as much money as they wanted from the government.

The catch was that each dollar taken results in your name being put into a national lottery to be euthanized.


Even if the odds are astronomical, how much money would you take in that situation?


I'd take billions, and tell everyone I'm gatorman.

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And the beat goes on.....................................................................................right Bernie ?



Donors can now write checks of up to $418,800 to Clinton's joint fund with the DNC:



But, get money out of politics, or something, unicorn rainbow dust

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And the beat goes on.....................................................................................right Bernie ?



Donors can now write checks of up to $418,800 to Clinton's joint fund with the DNC:



But, get money out of politics, or something, unicorn rainbow dust


But you left out the best part...the headline...


Clinton-DNC Joint Campaign Fund Expands to Benefit Six New States



Yeah, right, the states will benefit. From the "Hillary Victory Fund." :lol:

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The Russian hacking of the DNC obviously bears on the subject. This is a complicated subject by itself. See Bill Gertz’s story “The cyber threat: Russian hackers behind DNC breach seeking to influence U.S. election.”


The DNC consultant CrowdStrike stands by their attribution of the hacking to Russian authorities “Bears in the midst: Intrusion into the Democratic National Committee.”


Let these stories cast their light on the FOX News report by Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne: “Top IT official: Disabling security for Clinton server laid out ‘welcome mat’ for hackers.”

And then we have this story by Tim Cushing at TechDirt, from the aptly named breaking-badly department: “Emails show Hillary Clinton’s email server was a massive security headache, set up to route around FOIA requests.”

Jonathan Turley adds “New evidence indicates multiple hacking attempts and the disabling of security protections for Clinton server.”

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As indicated in this email, she was open to using a state.gov account but she simply wanted her personal emails to remain private, as anyone would want."

Anyone not named Hillary Clinton would use her government account for business and yahoo or Gmail or your own server even for personal. Why is this so difficult? It's what most people do.

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Anyone not named Hillary Clinton would use her government account for business and yahoo or Gmail or your own server even for personal. Why is this so difficult? It's what most people do.


Because then she would have needed two different PDAs, and that's just too damned hard.

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That's what I do. That's what a lot of people do.

I get that it's annoying. I fight it tooth and nail.


But I don't have quite the same level of important documents flowing through my email. That this is not a big issue kills me.

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Anyone not named Hillary Clinton would use her government account for business and yahoo or Gmail or your own server even for personal. Why is this so difficult? It's what most people do.


Because most people would get fired on the spot for using a personal email account to conduct business, and anyone not named Hillary Clinton would be facing criminal charges for setting up a personal email account to circumvent federal laws.

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