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  1. I just don’t agree at all that Diggs was the most dominant receiver. Diggs plays in an era where receivers run free and don’t have the fear of getting their blocks knocked off. Reed and Moulds were in a class alone when it comes to dominant. And I’m not saying this bashing Diggs. Diggs is pretty damned good. To answer the OP’s question, Rene Robert.
  2. I have the same fear, but I keep telling myself that Beane not touching a restructure on Stef means that he knows his days are numbered. I’m still preparing myself for the onslaught of “we didn’t need a highly drafted WR, we signed Curtis Samuel” posts after the the draft.
  3. NFL has relaxed their weed policy in the last CBA. It is not banned like you say. "NFL DRUG POLICY Under the 2020 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), NFL players no longer get tested for THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) in April and August. This means that players can now consume cannabis during the off-season without fear of punishment." "Players who consume weed during the season can enter a treatment program and avoid suspension.* https://blackcannabismagazine.com/nfl-weed-policy-can-players-smoke-weed/amp/
  4. Holding back the years Thinking of the fear I've had so long When somebody hears Listen to the fear that's gone Strangled by the wishes of pater Hoping for the arms of mater Get to me the sooner or later I'll keep holding on I'll keep holding on
  5. I know that I'm a prisoner To all my Father held so dear I know that I'm a hostage To all his hopes and fears I just wish I could have told him in the living years
  6. I fear this. I looked at the renderings that were available at the times and they indicate with red glow, multiple sections other than the clubs that “appeared” be heated. Of course we don’t know for sure. They appear to be telling people that are going to the snake oil salesmen meetings that the only seats that will be heated and covered are the clubs. But at the same time they aren’t telling them any pricing or any other information on the other sections if they choose not to sign up at that time either. So who knows what’s actually going to be available or not at this point.
  7. My slightly irrational fear rn is that unencumbered by older, more experienced OCs w their own philosophies McDermott is going to have Brady install the kind of offense he told us he wanted in 2021: 'That has not been my message from Day 1, I can promise you that. If you were in the team meetings in training camp, you would know what style of offense I want. That identity needs to embody toughness'
  8. Panicked? Hardly. What are you going to do? Shout incorrect pronouns at me. I'm trembling with fear. Go back to your cult of inclusion where you and your fellow cult members take turns talking about how bad people hurt your feelings and made you cry. Once again this proves fences and walls work.
  9. I'm thinking not everyone has this caliber but Jefferson, Chase and such. Those guys that are open when they're not open, or create opportunities for your other receivers because they draw coverage. No one is going to fear Amy of our WRs. I know we can't just pull one out of a hat lol, but I'd like to know that the WR position is important enough to not just rely on Josh being Josh all the time.
  10. Agree. I'll root against him because he's a chief. That's easy. I see Roscoe Parrish, only smaller. And Roscoe has a highlight film. No doubt Worthy will have one too. Just like lots of other players. It will be annoying to see someone start a thread every time Worthy catches a pass for a first down. Actually I think my biggest fear is what Andy will do with him and the new kickoff rules. I could see Roscoe having a field day with that, and I fully believe that's a big part of why Andy wanted him.
  11. This idea is right behind that tweet about trading Josh Allen to the Bears. Healthy Bernard and Milano feels like something that should inspire fear in teams come next season they were starting to look scary good.
  12. I actually love it more if I am a Houston fan. Their risk is fairly low. If Diggs balls out and has an elite season he's going to be a 32 year old free agent he's not going to command a huge 3+ year deal. WR's usually don't have many prime seasons left after age 33. The Texans can still get a 5th round comp pick for him which would amount to the Texans trading a 2nd round pick from Minny for a 6th round pick, two 5th round picks and an elite year of WR play. What I would have feared if I were the Texans was Diggs declining rapidly in 2024 or 2025 and the Texans having to take a big hit on the cap to dump him or have him be an overpaid role player for a season. Now that fear is largely eliminated.
  13. That doesn't show he waited. You are making no sense. Are you saying he was scared of Trump? Trump praised the invasion. Heck, he's inviting Putin to attack NATO. Biden's the one that ignored the nuclear blackmail and has aided Ukraine. ("Expert" posters on this board said we were going to have a nuclear war if we aided Ukraine, lol) Putin should have invaded under Trump, he would have won, as Trump would never had lifted a finger to save that republic What are you trying to say, Putin fears Trump, or they are such good friends that Putin wanted to help Trump by not ruffling any feathers. You support a really screwed up person
  14. Fear Sets in for Joe Biden's Handlers As They Realize Their Gaslighting Isn't Working There's a common theme among the left-wing consulting class that supposes no Democrat policy is ever wrong or truly unpopular. Rather, any public discontent is the fault of voters for simply being too stupid to understand how great it is. Amid very low approval for the "Affordable Care Act," Barack Obama and his staffers constantly suggested people would love the disastrous healthcare bill if they just weren't so stupid. The issues change, but the strategies never do. It's always a supposed "messaging issue." Enter Joe Biden. His handlers are beginning to face the reality behind closed doors that they can't gaslight voters into believing the economy is on the "upswing." More succinctly, there's no "messaging" fix to this. Let me translate that for you. You are "stubborn" and dumb because you don't believe the economy is on the "upswing" while paying exorbitantly higher prices today than when Biden took office. Those mortgage rates that have made buying a home nearly impossible for most people? Those aren't an issue. What you should care about is the massaged unemployment numbers that have zero effect on your finances. That's the line the White House is going with. As they say, it's a bold move. Let's see how it works out for them. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2024/06/09/fear-sets-in-for-the-biden-administration-after-they-realize-they-cant-gaslight-the-public-n2175238 .
  15. I completely agree. My fear is he has a great combine and maybe even a sub 4.4 time. This will probably put us out of range. Franklin would still be an excellent plan B. I'm not considering Mitchell till the 2nd round. We all know the primary positions of need for the first 4 selections (wr, dt, s, de). We just don't know the order? And another fear is Andy jumping us for whoever we target. He knows we're his biggest obstacle.
  16. I get that, but how many seasons does he occupy a roster spot solely because management fears repercussion sentiments by releasing him?
  17. The post-SOTU talking points for the networks have been leaked: ”The empathizer-in-chief showed he was in command, spoke forcefully about how our democracy is at stake, and largely allayed fears about his age being an issue”.
  18. With respect to a bond, it may well be that the fear of retaliation by NYS (or the Feds) drives the decision. There are a number of articles, and a number of commentators offering the opinion that what transpired was egregious. Corporations and wealthy people are not dumb, they know that what passes for justice is often malleable, and that Trump is public enemy number one. Who wants that heat?
  19. No fear at all. I have the advantage of life experience whereas you are wet behind the ears. We’ve all seen the school board meetings that spin out of control when a parent begins reading aloud from a library book that most normal adults prefer not to have available at school. You have successfully twisted yourself into a pretzel with this idiotic post to the point you are denying what you know to be true. Next up from you - “there is no such thing as drag queen story hour”. “This didn’t happen and hasn’t happened on numerous occasions” -roundy
  20. If the entirety of media, corporations, and celebrities are all saying to vote one way then you can be assured that you should vote the opposite. The power should be in the hands of the people. We should never fear our government, our government should fear us!
  21. This is my exact fear upon hearing about the Curtis Samuel signing. The team has an aging/declining Stefon Diggs and several slot guys. The Bills are not going to moneyball their way to a Lombardi. The WR room is decent right now. Why stop? Lean into it and put this thing over-the-top.
  22. Spammer. Fear mongers. you don’t give a crap. No all my stupid spammer posts I’ve posted as much useful information as you have. I’ll guarantee you one thing. If anyone came to this message board trying to get some info trying to help them decide who to vote for they certainly wouldn’t be able to get it from here! And definitely not you!!!
  23. See these eyes, so green I can stare for a thousand years Colder than the moon It's been so long Feel my blood enraged It's just the fear of loosing you Don't you know my name? Well, you've been so long And I've been putting out fire With gasoline
  24. I mean, yes and no? In the plays we're talking about, Shakir is open BECAUSE the safety is glued to Diggs and Sherfield was open BECAUSE Diggs had 3 guys (I think) looking at him and the 2nd safety shaded to Shakir. Either Shakir steps up and becomes the guy they focus on and frees someone else, or we need a boundary guy the defense fears enough to blanket and leave Shakir open. The way I see it anyway. They don't have to be genius players, just guys who catch the football well enough and run routes well enough that DC's are "we better cover that guy or we're gonna look very stupid watching him WHUP WHUP WHUP into the EZ. Could they fear Hollins and Kincaid enough? One thing that struck me was how very physical the Chiefs DBs were being. They knocked the stuffing out of Cook a couple times and threw him yards off his route. Ditto Diggs, he was getting knocked around. Can Shakir handle that and provide enough of a threat? Can Kincaid?
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