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stinky finger

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  1. "you can check out anytime you like......."
  2. A couple rather clear and obvious points here. 1) This is a fine looking woman 2) Dems are insufferable and by most accounts un-American by nature.
  3. You would think so. But the the brainwashed Dems, well........ What a wretched pair.
  4. It's called "Dems in denial" America haters
  5. huh....what an appropriate avatar for my screen name.
  6. Not surprised. This falls in line with Dems pushing SCOTUS term limits or adding to the bench. Why not?
  7. His policies have sucked and his presidency has been an unmitigated disaster. Not to mention his other crooked dealings. Still, I feel a bit for him. His last laugh will be leaving that incompetent, cackling hen as the heir apparent.
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