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  1. It's perplexing that someone, who is fearful of Nazi Germany, would vote a third time for a person who praises Hitler.
  2. It was out there long enough to get the ladies of the left all worked up and putting on their serious faces this morning. They're all out there today with the dictator fear porn. What I'd like to hear from the girls is exactly how Trump, or any President for that matter, would step-by-step pull off a switch from elected democracy to dictatorship.
  3. This is my fear. Next offseason Pegula and the fans will justify it as "it was a planned rebuild year" and Josh Allen will be 31 years old before we decide to try again with different people in charge. Personally I think five years of elite QB play is more than enough time to make a judgment about a head coach, excuses be damned. But yes I suspect that's where the conversation will be next year, unfortunately.
  4. 10!!!! Keep it up Billfluencer. Maybe someone will care. This is it! You got him!!!! Hahahahahahahaha Reminder folks - we have a MONTH PLUS of protests around the country on college campuses calling for death to America and Israel. Not a peep of concern from Billsy. Fan video of Trump with a barely legible watermark - OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! My worst fears - Confirmed!!!!!
  5. If you had said T-Rex, we would have understood you. T-rex arms had anatomically short arms as everyone knows. Alligator arms are the appendages of cowardly receivers who don't want to fully extend for fear of being hit. Shakir may have T-rex arms but he doesn't have alligator arms.
  6. But the reaction around here isn’t that Rodgers is a more than capable game manager that’s better than Wilson, it’s OMG fear the great Aaron Rodgers. I agree with everything you said, but that’s not the contrarian argument. I don’t agree that Rodgers is still an automatic top 5 that guarantees NY the division.
  7. Another asinine comment. Q. So were are all those "women's rights groups" when Hamas attacked Israeli women on October 7? A. They were issuing statements condemning Hamas. https://now.org/media-center/press-release/now-condemns-violent-hateful-attacks-against-israel/ Released on October 7, 2023 National NOW President Christian F. Nunes issued the following statement upon the attacks reported in Israel “A terrorist army has invaded the land of Israel, murdering innocent civilians and taking whole communities hostage. ‘We are at war,’ Prime Minister Netanyahu told his nation, and today, the whole world is holding its breath. While the day unfolds, NOW members are sticking fast to our core principles of human rights and freedom from fear, violence, and division. The rise in antisemitism and violent attacks on Jewish communities here and around the world underscore our alarm. The people of Israel live in constant fear of days like today. This is what happens when hate has no boundaries. NOW supports the right of the Jewish people to live without fear or violence, and we condemn antisemitism in all its forms.” Dear Mike Davis: there's this new thingy called "Google." It found me the answer to this question in 0.3 seconds. You should try it!
  8. He really thinks the Catholic Church is messed up. Most of his speech is about how Priests are not doing their jobs as moral crusaders for traditional values. He sure sounds like a Protestant. Almost Martin Lutherish. The speech itself is juvenile, sophomoric and petty. He says Priests are chosen by God, yet he seems to act like he knows better than God what Priests should be and do, It's a Fox news rant against the Church for actually serving the parishioners. If this idiot had his way, the Priest would be like leaders that harassed and oppressed Margaret Sanger for advocating Birth Control. The Church would die if it went back to doing that. This is Fox News rhetoric here: "The world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion." How many Christians have been carted away to the gulag over this? "Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail." This is pure clownishness here: "They were motivated by fear, fear of being sued, fear of being removed, fear of being disliked. They showed by their actions, intentional or unintentional, that the sacraments don't actually matter. Because of this, countless people died alone, without access to the sacraments, and it's a tragedy we must never forget." Great! More should of died, so that some would not die alone. Just pure stupidity This is just so dumb: "Over the centuries, there have been great wars, great famines, and yes, even great diseases, all that came with a level of lethality and danger. But in each of those examples, Church leaders leaned into their vocations and ensured that their people received the sacraments."
  9. I think the fear of a QB run, and so many qb needy teams, will force peoples hands. I could see 4 going in the top 5, and none of them panning out.
  10. These are the very same people who told us to shutter businesses, wear useless masks 24/7 and be in constant fear of other humans and for our lives who now when news of a cover up around the friggin origin of the pandemic pathogen that pushed them to engage of all of the above hysteria now say... Meh...that's old news... why do we care now?
  11. Now the most feared words for every Bills player not named Josh Allen: "Mr. Beane would like to see you."
  12. You are applying your own feelings again Tibsy. I didn't say that it was a good thing if Russia takes over the Ukraine. NO ONE thinks that it is. BUT, it is NOT a "domino", it is NOT a huge problem for the American people. Take your "Putin Fear" someplace else. Adults want the war to end. .
  13. Why are you afraid to share which liberties and freedoms you are in fear of losing?
  14. That's my fear to. But the first 13 picks have been offensive players. It's clear where the entire NFL thinks the priority should be. To take a defensive player in the face of this and after you traded away your best WR would be a risky move by McD/Bean - a very risky move.
  15. I think thats bad business. you always do what best for you. Yeah kc has the rings. I get that. but it is not like they are on another level than the bills. this is why I can't wrap my head around these fear bunkers. do what's best for your team.
  16. When we're creating a fear thread for a Free Agent Running Back, who's played 9 games in 2 years, simply *visiting* the Chiefs, on a Bills board - the Chiefs obsession has gotten out of control.
  17. Dang. It's like business as usual in America. Sad. We had a kid shoot a security officer in the head 20mins from me at a football game this year. I try and tell my kids not to live in fear, and I truly mean it, but it's just so hard to live my my own words
  18. Since 2021 When our D is healthy McD has beaten Reid in KC twice. Reid got us at 13 seconds - no Von or Tre - and the 2024 playoff game where our LBs were UPS drivers. I fear injuries more than I do the Chiefs. Who have been near full health every dam season.
  19. Well, he's a Bill and one of us now and I will cheer him on. That said he's not a X and now one of many Bill pass catchers working the middle of the field. Still nobody for DCs to fear deep. No elite speed anywhere on this offense. I guess we're doing slow explosive plays.
  20. Because Rams traded for him. They didn't have to give him a contract. Beane should have done it. Many on here were hoping and advocating for it at the time. BBillsbeat KC and Cinci and win SuperBowl if Beane makes that move. Hopefully Miller returns to be at least better than Epenesa. White was awful after his ACL and took forever to heal. Makes me fear a little but for Milano and his timeline to return to form.
  21. Out w my Russian colleagues again here on the 90th floor in Hudson Yards. Despite tonight's events involving Trump, they underscored the fragility of democracy and the crucial need to safeguard it. They voiced that Putin's approach has had damaging effects on Russia. They also expressed fear that if Trump were to win, that same approach could harm America. Supporters of MAGA should remember what makes the US unique and never forget it. It's a concerning perspective.
  22. This all gives you one more boogeyman man to fear. You have my sympathies.
  23. Just because there were rumors that the Patriots wanted Keon Coleman and that’s why the Bills didn’t move down from 33. Could have also been the reason why Morgan moved up 1 spot out of fear that maybe the Patriots wanted Legette so two friends helped each other out
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