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Everything posted by zow2

  1. I kept reading last week on here and from media people that we are destined to be 2-14 or 3-13. Well folks, the Bears game was probably the easiest game left on the schedule. Detroit imo, is better tha Chicago, definitely have better playmakers on O and with Stafford very dangerous. Suh is a stud and their D-line is better than our O-line. Cleveland wiped out New Eng and N. Orleans this year. Their D is legit. Detroit and CLeve are probably losses. Jets, Miami, Pats, Steelers and even Vikings in their house would all be big upsets. I guess Cinci might be the best shot for a W since we have owned them the lat 8 or 9 meetings.
  2. I totally agree. I'm on the side that the Bills aren't even in any of these games without Fitz. He stood in there and made some great throws...but of course, he didn't gget it done in crunch time again. That's whats frustrating. Just one more play out of the O, D or special teams and we could win one of these. Last week vs. KC he hit on a bunch of 3rd down conversions to keep our D off the field.
  3. Well, this is no looking like the week we get our first win. Just another dismal performance in TO so far.
  4. Ding Ding! totally agree. good take. Randy Moss would have been a dumb move, imo. For these writers and ESPN heads to say Merriman made no sense is ridiculous. They are just trying to Opine and get clicks on their web pages. I said it yesterday as well....the Bills had no choice here. They had to take him for the sake of credibility for the organization, the players and the fans, etc.. At 0-7 and a horrible defense, you can't just sit there and do nothing. They may as well not be a part of the NFL if they did nothing.
  5. To borrow a phrase from a national sports talk host....the Sabres are a "dumpster fire" right now. I watch a lot of hockey and yes, they clearly look like the worst team in the league as of today. Even with Miller they're losing. I'm finally realizing the Sabres just lack talent, plus the effort seems weak. Last year was a fluke. They won alot of 3-2, 2-1 type games and Miller was playing at a Vezina level. This year they are the complete opposite. I give the Bills some credit. At least they appear they are giving maximum effort. Crazy that both our Major sports teams are dead last.
  6. I still can't figure out why the 'Skins went to great lengths to sign John Beck as their third QB this summer? For some reason Kyle Shanahan loves him. Beck is quite possibly the worst QB i've ever seen play NFL football. The game he started at Buffalo a few years ago was a one man blooper reel. His other starts were woeful. IMO, JP Losman is a better QB hands down over Beck.
  7. we all kinda' figure this should be our week, and Bears fans think its a trap game. Bills players may also fall into the trap of "we've come so close, we're going to finally come "home" and get a W"...and then watch, the Bills take like a 31-6 beatdown. This is a week the Bills really need to play at 120% because Chicago still has more talent all over the field.
  8. I can't emphasize this enough. The Baltimore Ravens have had a terrible time getting to the QB this year (any QB, unless they bring the house). Ask any Ravens beat reporter, blogger or fan. The Bills O-line fared better in pass protection because of that. The Ravens are not the Jets or KC for that matter when it comes to pressuring the QB. The Chiefs D is faster and got pressure even without blitzing. I don't care what the stats say, the Chiefs D is better than Baltimore's imo. So it wasn't a shocker that Fitz and the O had more trouble. Fitz had a so so game but i was still impressed at the number of 3rd (and 4th) down conversions he made. Probably more in the past 2 weeks than Trent had in his last 15 starts.
  9. Newton goes against Nixs' philosophy of taking guys who have proven 3-4 years of productive college careers. That's not saying Newton won't be really good in the pros. I don't think he will be another Jamarcus Russell but he's probably not worthy of a top 5 pick.
  10. The Bears are not a great team by any means but still better than Buffalo. I do however agree with you and think it's the Bills week mainly because: a) we are due for a win. b) we are due to finally play a decent game in Toronto (haven't yet). c) defense is due to get a few turnovers in their favor, possibly score a Def TD or special teams TD d) Freddie or Spiller are way overdue for a rushing TD or two e) I feel like Fitz will have a nice rebound game f) This team will give 100% and are dying to get a W. With each loss they are becoming more difficult to beat.
  11. I'm usually all for signing the big name player to make things interesting around Here. In this case, I hope the Bills take a pass on Moss. This group actually seems like a fairly close knit group of guys that are really working hard towards a win. They got rid of two dicey situations (Trent and Lynch)....and now the guys left are a good group. I think Moss would be disruptive (its always about him),,,and he will not try 100% all the time (we know this cuz he took plays off for Belichek too let alone Minny). I seriously doubt he wants any part of the BUffalo Bills so I'd leave it alone.
  12. I hate when people mention tanking. No one on this team is tanking it. That's why the football gods are on our side. They are TRYING to win and almost beating better teams. But some stroke of sheer luck is literally ripping these wins out of the teams' hands. And that will ultimately result in a prize winning pick in this coming draft.
  13. Spiller has to nip the fumbling thing in the bud, soon. HE seems pretty easy to separate from the ball. I never considered this when he was at Clemson because no one could hardly touch him! In the NFL, if you put the ball on the ground consistenly, you're done. If he puts up Adrian Peterson style numbers then you live with it but that's about it.
  14. I agree. These guys are very easy to root for and obviously care tremendously. Almost makes me wonder if Gailey is gonna have it in him to see this rebuilding process through. He has to be aging 6 months with every loss (9 months for every OT Loss!). If they go 0-16, 1-15 or something...that's gonna take a serious toll on him. I do hope he sticks around though. I actually like the play calling most of the time. We don't always have the people to execute it but I like the aggressiveness.
  15. Freddie didn't suck, but he definitely coulda been better. I am one of his biggest fans but even i admit he looked slow yesterday. He didn't have that second gear (i don't think he has any gear beyond 2nd!). Fred's best attribute is that he runs downhill and doesn't dance back there. When he needs 2 yds he gets 3. He seemed to be doing a little too much juking back there...which is an epic fail against a KC run defense that is really impressive. Those dudes are FAST to the edge. I also agree that while Fitz didn't have a great game, he was the only reason the Bills even had a chance. I don't think he gets the credit he deserves from Bills fans. It's been so long since a Bills QB has converted 3rd and 4th downs like Fitz has these past few weeks. What a great attribute to have from your QB....the ability to convert! Yes, that flutter ball to Eric Berry was a killer. You see Favre throw killer INT's every week. Manning, Rivers, Brees, Brady...they all throw bad balls occasionally. Not saying Fitz is on that level so don't start that nonsense...but a bad ball in windy conditions happens to every QB. For the Bills, it just always happens at the worst time.
  16. I made the comment during the gameday thread about the yellow seats. In the end zones, they were so completely empty it makes you think those tickets went unused? I mean, there should have been at least a couple hundred straglers braving it outdoors, but those were EMPTY. Meanwhile Detroit had an announced crowd of only 42K vs. Washington. From what i read it sounded like fewer were actually there. I wonder what they would have drawn for Buffalo? sheesh. Which makes me wonder how many of our hearty fans will turn out to see Detroit (which actually has some talent on that team). I'm guessing more than 42K
  17. I mean it seems like CJ has all the tools, but wow, Charles has the vision and smoothness when he runs that I'd like to see out of CJ. Still seeing a bit too much zig zagging out of Spiller which slows him down and allows the pursuit to catch up to him, meanwhile Charles uses his speed to glide around the edge or through holes. I know Charles also has a better Oline, but still, he'd probably being doing alot more if he were wearing a Bills uniform too.
  18. I always like listening to Chan. He's a real football guy. Lets face it, KC and Baltimore are much better teams and we took them to OT. Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland are also better teams so a win ain't gonna come easy for this group. BTW- is Fitz the only guy who does a post game press conference in full uniform and pads? kinda funny.
  19. Too many strange things are going on here. In a twist of fate reversal, I'm starting to believe that these last 2 weeks are critical in determining the future of this club. In the short term its hurtful, but if they had beaten Balt or KC, or both...it could have altered their draft position back to 3,4 or 5. Now they are still likely 1 or 2....plus they've played with tremendous heart against better teams and did everything but win. Five years from now the guy leading the team could be that 1 or 2 pick, that they would not have gotten if they won these last couple weeks. Anyway, just trying to bring some positive energy to this tough time.
  20. I tell you what...if Fitz keeps taking on LB's he gonna break something. I just hope its AFTER win #1 because if/when Brohm gets into a real game...your gonna realize how good Fitz is in comparison. I am in no hurry to see Briam Brohm start for a winless team.
  21. This was my only Gem from this thread, ha ha. But i answered lots of threads and was head of the Fitz bandwagon all summer...and the Trent bashing. Good to see i was on the right side for a change. Posted 16 August 2010 - 08:40 PM zow2 I am stunned when Trent completes a pass beyond 15 yds downfield. He's not a good QB. Maybe in practice he's ok but not in games.
  22. Don't get too crazy thinking Bell is worthy of anything. I was at the Ravens game and was flabbergasted at some of his botches. Fred and CJ both got stuffed in the backfield a couple times and Bell is just standing there staring at his man who did the stuffing. Like a matador, ole'! Fitz was often the reason they didn't get to him much...he identified the coverages and got the ball out quickly and decisively.
  23. Count me as NOT looking forward to seeing Brian Brohm. He looks like he could engineer about 2-3 field goals per game. I'm not saying he doesn't have potential...but i dont want to see him this season. I'd prefer Fitz for every snap...whose proven he can read a defense, audible to the correct play, and throw multiple TDs in a game.
  24. I'm always curious to know what would happen if the Bills just picked according to the prominent mock drafts out there. I mean, c'mon, they could not possibly do worse than what Modrak and his crew do? I realize you still need real scouts to interview players, etc.. but still, I'd like to know who the main mocks had us taking the last few years. That would be the simplest draft strategy of all!
  25. I contend that a solid defense is easier to build than a solid offense. That's why it's so remarkable that Fitz and the Bills O are putting up points and the D is failing miserably. Defense you can draft players and work them into a scheme that hopefully works. Offense- it's hard to hit on a superior QB or even a very good one and they are the driver of everything. To me, Fitz has always looked like a capable QB and now he has the extra years of experience and can read a defense like the back of his hand. He Always knows who to throw the ball to (even though he sometimes overshoots the target!). You can't teach this stuff in a day. It's taken him 6+ years. If the QB you want it there at the #1 pick than they should grab him and let him groom under Fitz for a while. Heck, we might have the next Rich Gannon here and Fitz could be very successful for the next 5 years. After that i would load up on almost all defense. If that side of the ball could hold the score into the Teens, we would have a lot more wins.
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