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Everything posted by ChronicAndKnuckles

  1. Milano is a top 5 LB of all time for the Bills and he still has years to go.
  2. Nah, not when your best passing season is 2300 yards 15 TDs and 11 picks.
  3. Howell is gonna be a good one. I really like this dudes playing style, but McD and the D are going to eat him for lunch. He just doesn’t have the experience going against a tough veteran defense like the Bills have and these are typically the types of borderline .500 teams that we blow out. I think the spread is very generous. I wouldn’t be surprised if Allen drops 30+ on them.
  4. Imagine your best QB ever being Jay Cutler 😅 I wanted to say McMahon, but I just looked up his stats and they are freakin atrocious even for that time period.
  5. AFC player of the week? This guy has gotten way too commercial for my taste. edit: obviously some people can’t detect sarcasm. @DaBillsFanSince1973
  6. Dude, if your offense can’t muster up 17 points in the modern NFL then it is on them. The defense came through numerous times only for Allen & company to squander it. No other part of the team has won the games other than Allen? While frustrating at times in big games, Buffalo’s #2 defense held their opponents under 13 points six times last season. I expect them to be even better this year.
  7. That’s an incredible stat considering how early he is in his career. If Allen can play until his late 30s I am sure he will will break into the top 10 if he can average about 35 passing TDs a year. This not even taking into account all his rushing TDs.
  8. Fields could resurrect his career here if he really wanted to put the work in and learn from Josh Allen possibly getting a shot to start somewhere else. Just like Trubisky, but he squandered it in Pittsburgh.
  9. This blows my mind because it’s such an obvious thing that nobody has ever thought to do. Kind of like the Wildcat offense. You gotta give the old cheater credit where it’s due.
  10. They’re definitely beating Tennessee, but 1-3 is a very real possibility. The AFC is gonna beat the crap out of each other so I think the 1 seed will be around 12-13 wins.
  11. Sure cost his team vs the Cowboys throwing 3 picks in a blow out loss. The Jets won’t be so lucky the next time around when they play the Bills. I’ll say it again..the Jets won their SB already. Their only hope is to cling onto Aaron Rodgers returning next year because they aren’t making any noise this season. The Dolphins are Buffalo’s true rival.
  12. I feel like I’m committing a mortal sin rooting for the Pats, but let’s go.
  13. Collinsworth is right that the whole league is going to copy this. I love seeing innovative new things in a sometimes predictable sport.
  14. Probably during the Trent Edwards years.
  15. This guy was all but forgotten on this board thru out the offseason. Glad they went w/ him instead of Dodson.
  16. It was not entirely Josh’s win. Cook had a hundred yard game and the defense played lights out. The o-line and special teams both also played a very solid game. This is 100% a team effort and I’m super glad.
  17. Better to sit him and let it heal at this point. They might be able to squeak into a WC.
  18. Cook is a menace running that ball. He’s gonna have some numbers this year. So much better than Singletary.
  19. Buffalo is really clicking in all 3 phases. They look unstoppable. What the hell are the Jets doing on defense that makes them so hard to play? The Bills look like a totally different team today on offense.
  20. Yeah, Allen is looking like Carson Wentz out there against that formidable Raiders defense.
  21. If I hear this Burger King song one more time I’m gonna go postal
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