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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. So true. Unfortunately, too many Americans can’t read between the lines or intelligently scrutinize biased reporting coming from mass media outlets. Rather than just being reported by print and broadcast news, the political landscape is now controlled by a media who prey on a vulnerable audience. If you didn’t live there, you would think all of WNY was at a standstill following the latest snow event. Call a friend or relative in Amherst (for example)- they’ll probably say “yeah, had to brush off the car, dig out a bit, but then drove up to Tops for some gametime pops and picked up a pizza on da way home Roads were clear. No big deal”. Much different than the perception an outsider might have.
  2. Right. I was thinking coach wife too. Who knows? Ancient history. I vaguely remember the season of ‘68 when QBs kept going down and Rutkowski was something like 6th-string emergency QB. Like so many things, one simple turning point changes history. The revolving door of QBs no doubt led to their overall first draft pick on ‘69. The Bills one-win season led to OJ, which led to Cousineau which led to Kelly. So it goes.
  3. I seem to remember a story (rumor) that he was messing about with one of the players’ wives. No idea if there was any validity to it or if just conjecture.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to assemble those stats and give a little perspective. I suspect the crowd crying "fire_______ "(fill in the blank) are part of the instant gratification generation who've never considered how difficult getting to and winning the superbowl is. Brady/Belichick set an unrealistic bar that is unlikely to be seen again in our lifetimes.
  5. Well, look at you with that cute tease...a career in mainstream media or an internet click-bait sites awaits you!
  6. Don’t disagree, but there were a few in which Jefferson’s jersey was being grabbed and there was a fair amount of contact, but the refs let it play out. It went both ways. The Bills earned the loss. Jefferson burned our secondary with spectacular catches and the Bills coaching and Allen’s brain farts combined to seal the deal.
  7. For all the whining, one thing we shouldn’t complain about is officiating. For the most part, the zebras let them play. The Bills got away with a lot of holding and they’re lucky the Gabe Davis bobble wasn’t overturned. side note-it’s a shame the Bills didn’t go after Hockenson. I wanted him for the Bills the year he was drafted. Knox is good, but not elite. Hockenson could have done for the Bills what Kelce does for the Chiefs.
  8. What the hell is with you Bills ‘fans’? You’re all butt-hurt by the loss and need to find a whipping boy? Whaaaaaa…the Bills and Tre White ruined your Monday morning. By all accounts, Tre has been working his ass off to come back. I suspect Tre may be physically ready, or close to it, but the Bills may want him at full-go practice for a few weeks to get past the psychological part of it before he sees live action against real opponents. it’s your right to criticize, but how about showing a little class?
  9. Agree. The defense needs to step up. Some here are saying it’s an excuse to point to injuries, but when they’re missing 3 all-pro DBs, it’s more than an excuse.
  10. I can’t sit around waiting for your mood swing before I can be a smartass.
  11. The 1st down goal line play was beyond predictable. The worry over a safety led to a fumble and Minn TD. A bootleg RPO or play action may have bought them a couple of yards and the ability to take a knee. Worse case scenario: incomplete pass and couple more downs or a safety.
  12. Unbelievable. This is all part of their clever plan. Get in as a wild card, then win it all and have the 3rd place schedule next year. It’s brilliant. Hear me out!!!
  13. For the record, I was being completely facetious and I don’t believe in anything like a jinx. That said, I think it’s time we start Case Keenum and make Josh sit for a few games and have a time out. Make him think about what he’s done to us. What do you say fellas-are you with me? 😏 oh almost forgot ….fire Frazier, McDermott, Beane(for giving Minn WR Jefferson) and cancel plans for the new stadium. Where can I get a # 18 Bills’ Jersey?
  14. I was going to post, “just don’t fumble”Before I had a chance to do that-they fumbled
  15. Way to jinx us Fox sports with your stupid statistic about the Bills not losing a game when leading at the half by 14 since 1960-something.
  16. The Bills have managed to win most of their games with injuries to White, MIlano, Edmunds, Poyer, and several others missing games. They have the ability to win games without some of these players - the proof is in the pudding. Next man up has been successful. The challenge the Bills have been facing is not just one or two top tier players missing, but five or six, mostly on the defensive side of the ball. We have backup's backups playing. Josh has been able to get them through it for the most part, but he had an off day - he acknowledged it. Maybe the time change messed with him. It's the same time-change weekend when they had an away game and a huge upset by Jacksonville last year. It's the cumulative affect of so many injuries that's causing concern. The Ravens went through this last year and missed the playoffs completely. And yet the Bills have managed to lose only 2 games by a total of 5 points and are still top seed in the conference at this time. I'm not concerned. If they can get Poyer, Milano, and a healthy White back on the same field, they'll get their groove back.
  17. Mahomes is the only NFL player that can’t grow a ‘stache better than Josh. So, at least we have that!
  18. Quit trying to blame Josh, the d-line, o-line, Bass, or coaching. My wife didn’t wash my lucky shirt. You do the math. Not worried.
  19. Pretty low standard for ‘national treasure’.
  20. When it first aired, I had to check out the pumpkin one that many found hilarious. For me, it was nothing but stupid. Yet, a lot of people raved about it. Different strokes for different folks. There used to be a blubbery fat guy in the end zone seats at Falcons games who did the stirring the pot dance and other gyrations when they scored, and he was put on camera for everyone to laugh about. Huh!? How is that funny? But somehow, it was repeated for years for everyone’s amusement. The poor guy has either successfully lost weight or has type 2 diabetes and a heart condition, or (hopefully not) succumbed to the effects of gross obesity. Regardless, the humor mocking him escapes me….as does 95% of anything SNL has put on in decades.
  21. You’re exactly right about the intended setup. But it’s like one of those looong jokes somebody tells you that leads to a stupid punchline that’s only worthy of a groan. There’s not enough time in a five minute skit to get involved and have empathy with those nameless characters, so again, the redundant insults were just pointless.
  22. I’m fascinated by the development of skits like this. On paper, as only a script, how would this look funny? The actors brought it to life, but even then, not remotely funny (to me). Jet fans yelling at Bills fans. Repeated 5 or 6 times. Even the same stupid insults were repeated. Yeah, hilarious😏 Slight amusement from the unintended irony of comic pig Amy Schumer calling a woman ‘slut’.
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