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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. No. Signing Crowder was a waste of precious cap money could have been better used elsewhere on the roster. He's frequently unavailable due to injury and even when he's healthy, he's only average or maybe slightly above.
  2. Young people tend to be night owls (unlike old farts like me). Maybe nights just simply suit his internal clock better. I'm most productive at the start of the day - an early morning person and ready to put my feet up by 4pm. My wife rarely gets out of bed before 10am and doesn't get into gear much before 2pm. Drives me nuts. Just as I'm winding down, she's in 'let's get going on the list' mode. I got your list right here honey! Maybe Josh is just at built for optimum performance in the evenings. Hoping that rings true this coming Monday night.
  3. It’s hard to imagine any team that’s rebuilding hiring a guy who’ll be 64 in a couple of months, especially in an era when head coaches are getting younger all the time. As qualified as he may be, it’s unlikely he’s getting a head coaching position in the NFL.
  4. Concerned. Has anyone gone out to the Buffalo airport to check on the 4 or 5 drunk Polacks waiting there to greet the Bills to congratulate them on the division championship?
  5. I'm slightly surprised at the widespread disdain for Directv. I've had it for around 24 years for the Sunday Ticket. Living outside of WNY it's been a godsend for this Bills fan. Customer service has been lat times lousy or great, depending on the rep. If you know enough to escalate and get past tier 1 customer service, you can usually get a knowledgeable rep who knows how to handle the situation. Overall, it's no better or worse than any other customer service outlet. I've enjoyed a great picture, time-shifting, multiple TVs, plenty of bandwidth for recorded content. Price? I've never had issues negotiating decent deals. I haven't paid for NFL ST in years, and currently pay $70/mo for 3 TV's for a package that includes NFL Network, HBO Max, ESPN, and most of the usual cable home fix it, cooking, and news stations. I'm not sure streaming will provide all the same benefits. If I'm busy prior to the start of a game, I have it recorded. I can come in an hour after start time and play from the beginning, skipping through commercials. Can I do that with streaming? Can I access the game again on Tuesday if I feel like watching again, or is that an entirely different service (NFL Game Pass?) I'd have to pay for in addition to NFLST? As far as streaming goes, I'm skeptical that I'll have the same picture quality and stability I've had with Directv signals. I watched part of a Amazon game and was frustrated by occasional pixilating that interrupted the broadcast. Don't know if it's just fashionable to hate Directv, but my personal experiences are mostly positive. Wait until your internet service goes out one of these gamedays.
  6. What is your point? The story about someone hurling 20 lb ice boulders from an overpass is hardly comparable to a couple mischievous teens tossing soft snowballs from fresh fallen snow at slow passing cars on a local village street.
  7. I learned my lesson when me and my brother were arrested as minors for throwing snowballs at passing cars from the top of a local Masonic building. Dad had to rescue us from the cop station. Fortunately, dad was even more of a hooligan in his day, so he laughed it off.
  8. Division record is tiebreaker after head to head. Dolphins still have games against Jets and Patriots. If they win both and Bills lose to Pats, Dolphins would be 4-2 in Division and Bills would be 3-3. Of course, for any of this to matter, the Bills don’t win another game and Dolphins win out. Highly unlikely. For the Bills to have anything less than # 3 seed is also highly unlikely.
  9. How soon we forget 7-6 after 13 games last season. I think the phenomenal showings in the playoffs has stuck in everyone’s mind, conveniently forgetting the mid-season slump that had them fighting for a playoff spot. Every championship team has close games. The difference being the good teams usually find a way to be on the winning end of those close games.
  10. I would like to be on a chairlift with McDaniels, and at the highest point, push him off. He’s the kind of geek in school who’d be walking up to the teacher with his homework and you’d stick your leg out to trip him…just because he’s the biggest dickwad in the class.
  11. It was safe. It guaranteed Bills retained possession. Bass was set up between the hash marks for a chip shot field goal. Apparently, the players and coaches (More familiar with the field conditions than you or I) weren’t terribly concerned about the footing or Bass’s ability to hit it solidly.As long as we’re playing ‘what if’, what if they ran it and the ball got ripped out and recovered by Dolphins.
  12. I was being facetious. I'm fairly sure it's happening. Just skeptical of what other agents or other issues that may delay the 2026 opening. Understand, I've been hearing 'new stadium' for over 20 years. Starting to feel like Linus every year, waiting for the Great Pumpkin who never arrives. The fact that it will take nearly 4 years the build is what surprised me. The empire state building was completed in 13 months over 90 years ago.
  13. Hard for me to imagine anyone that Marv can't get along with. The replacement coach must have been an 'over-officious jerk'.
  14. The Bills are about due for a game in London or Berlin. If they get London and it works with my schedule and overall health, I'm going to try to make it for that one.
  15. But, they’ll probably have to execute a drawn out environmental study before the first shovel of dirt is thrown. For someone living in Atlanta, it’s astounding to me how slowly progress is made in NYS. The layers of bureaucracy is mind-boggling. When there was talk of building a new stadium for the Falcons, they got the ball rolling and 3 years later they were playing in the Georgia Dome. 20+ years later, did it again and built Mercedes Benz Stadium. The Bills and league have been talking new stadium since Doug Flutie and the stadium rehab of early 2000’s. As far as the new stadium goes…I’ll believe it when I see it. BTW- how’s that new Peace Bridge project coming along?
  16. Interesting that many of you believe Beasley is ‘washed’, but Josh Allen who purportedly requested his return doesn’t think so, or is at least willing to find out. Beasley was signed to the practice squad for cheap (presumably). What do they have to lose? If he looks slow and not useful to the active roster, they can cut him loose. Frankly, I don’t care about his vaccine position. It doesn’t affect my enjoyment of watching the Bills. If he contributes to wins, that’s the extent of my concern with his personal life.
  17. Can’t hate them for that. Without hands their choices are limited unless there’s a blowfish nearby who needs the money.
  18. The best O-lineman Beane drafted was a 5th-round pick who quickly became a pro-bowl guard for the Browns after one year with the Bills. The Bills used the 6th round pick obtained in Wyatt Teller trade for Tyler Bass, so it worked out, but it would be nice to hit on some other mid round picks rather than wasting another # 2 on someone like Cody Ford. That was a terrible waste of a early round pick. Maybe they can get lucky and turn that trade into a decent player from the next draft.
  19. Surprised we haven’t seen the classic standing red Buffalo helmet yet. I wonder if it’s being phased out or if they’ll have it for one of the final 3 games.
  20. Ha😊 more likely he wants to win SB, thereby giving Brady the middle finger.
  21. That may explain his sudden retirement. After playing with Josh and the family atmosphere of the Buffalo Bills, he finds himself on a team with a whiny finger-pointing QB who berates him publicly as if he’s a rookie who needs to get it together. If I’m Beasley in that situation, I tell Brady to F.O. and retire. If he’s the same Bease that had a knack for finding open areas and rarely dropped passes, I’d gladly welcome him back. QBs look for receivers they can consistently count on. Currently, Josh has only one of those.
  22. Good to hear it's not just me with the sound issues. Maybe an Audacy thing. I really enjoy Tasker's insight and colorful turn of phrase, but unless he's getting amped up about a subject, he can be a 'low-talker'. So instead of straining to hear what he's saying, I turn up the volume, and Chris comes screaming into the mic with his 'high-voice' cranked up to 10 when he's adamant about something, so I have to turn it down....until Tasker comes back when I have to turn up the volume again, and hope Brownie doesn't surprise me with a screaming interuption. Does anyone there know anything about levels. or do they just have the on-air talent do 'testing 1,2,3' at normal conversation levels, and then the engineers walk away? And, it's only on the One Bills Live show I have that issue, so I presume we can point the finger of blame at whomever handles engineering at the stadium studios.
  23. The criticism of every commentator/host/announcer is over the top. There's nobody today on TV or Radio that is universally loved. A lot of people here have an issue with Collinsworth. There was a fair number of Dierdorf haters back in the day. Some can't stand Tasker. I like all 3 of them. Chris Brown on WGR tries too hard to be a comedian, can be overly-animated with inflections that make my speakers rattle (any of you GR engineers heard of limiters or compression?) , and interrupts too often, but gotta give him credit for doing his homework and having good insight for someone who never played. Most agree that Beth Mowens has an annoying voice. But, if you read a transcript or used closed-caption for her, you'd realize she too has done her homework and is knowledgeable. Maddy's voice is not the best for broadcasting (I'm used to it now), but like Beth, she knows her stuff. Besides, she seems like a really sweet and genuine person. Madden and Cosell were not always loved before they became cultural and broadcast legends. Maybe some throwbacks like Keith Jackson, Dick Enberg, or Merlin Olsen were rarely disliked. But, I agree that there's a lot of listeners who have issues with many of the personalities. It's their right. I really don't, or if I do, I simply don't listen (Bulldog). When I first relocated to Georgia in the 80's, the most Bills' info I often had access to was a 2-sentence blurb in that POS rag USA Today. I'm just happy to have so much content that's specifically Bills-related, regardless of the messenger.
  24. Is there a common factor with the cleats injured players are using? Not enough give? If the foot is staying planted when reasonable force should cause movement, it could easily lead to ankle and knee injuries.
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