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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. I need to go hang with the mafia for one of these games. I’m somewhere between Anchor Bar in Kennesaw or Standard in Roswell. I appreciate that DrD and others enjoy the family atmosphere with their kids, but in the days before practical home satellite and having to watch at sports bars, one of my main gripes was trying to enjoy the game with little free-range kids screaming and running all around like it’s a McDonald’s play land. I’m just at the age that I’m past all of that and have low tolerance for chaos in the room when I’m trying to watch my Bills. My new handle will be Grumpy Old Man😜
  2. Which location do you go to watch in Atlanta? I’ve had NFL Sunday ticket for 25 years and have negotiated the cost to $0 for the past 4 or 5 years, and don’t expect YouTube to negotiate. I doubt there are even actual people to talk to with YouTube. Even paying full price this year it’s still a bargain compared to an afternoon at one of the Atl Bills’ Backers locations. I can’t imagine occupying a table for 4-5 hours and dropping less than $50-$75 with food, drinks, tax, and tip. Hell, I go to the Chick-Fil-A drive thru with my wife and it’s easily $17 for a couple ssndwiches, fries, and drinks. $300 for the ticket seems like a lot a first, but it’s actually pretty good value for the comfort of home. Just hope it’s not a case of getting you hooked and locked into their service and then increasing every year another $50.
  3. We already have a #2 TE. I'd love to have a #1 TE that opponents fear.
  4. I'm tired of hearing about Jack Campbell. Great sounding football name with appealing assonance. Sounds a little like Jack Lambert. Could be a character out of a Dean Koontz novel. I think some of you just like saying 'Jack Campbell'. But is he really going to move us forward or are we just treading water by replacing Edmunds with a player who won't be as good as Edmunds (and I'm not a fan of # 49). If Campbell is around in the 2nd, I might be ok with that. I'm hoping the early picks will be players that can make an immediate impact, preferably on offense. Someone who can help Josh keep drives going. Let the clock and time of possession be the best asset to improving the defense. Keep the Bills' D fresh. Put opposing offenses in more predictable desperation 'catch-up' mode.
  5. I predicted this in a post a couple of days ago along with the belief escalating costs from inflation could delay or cease the construction.
  6. Yes, but in the end it’s all about $$ with the NFL. The days of young scamps named butch sporting newsboy caps peeping through knotholes to watch for free are over. The era of the an average blue collar family of 4 going to multiple games is largely a thing of the past when a day at the stadium could eat up a good chunk of that weekly paycheck. It’s now geared towards the white collar upper class. WNY could be the greatest market for fan support and still fall closer to the bottom of generated revenue when competing against teams in Dallas, L.A., Vegas, etc. The Bills should remain in Buffalo for some time, but at some point one of those mega billionaires will want in and money talks. Pegulas will listen.
  7. Of course. It was stated with tongue in cheek, noting that it’s nearly impossible to make a point or post an opinion without someone challenging it with an opposing view. The sky is blue. (Wait for it)
  8. A large percentage of participants in this forum are clueless idiots whose on-line time would be better spent playing candy crush.
  9. Opinions are just that - opinions. They can’t be proven right or wrong. They’re just one individual’s perception.
  10. Josh Allen is overrated. His accuracy to stationary targets is decent, but he too often can’t time a vertical pass to a running target without overthrowing him or the receiver having to slow up to come back for the ball. He doesn’t have great field vision, frequently missing open receivers.
  11. The speed (or rather lack of) at which anything is done there is beyond comprehension. If the geniuses that make decisions on these matters had acted when the Pegulas took ownership, they’d already be playing in a decent facility that would’ve been built at a cost for a fraction of what the proposed one will. Considering the current lifespan of modern NFL stadiums and the snail-like pace of WNY (in)action, maybe they should begin a feasibility study and architectural cost and design for the next stadium after the one that’s supposedly opening in 2026. Whatever costs have been projected better be revised monthly to account for runaway inflation and the devalued dollar. I will not be surprised if the whole thing is scrapped or the already crappy design gets simplified further as the project can’t be done anywhere close to the original cost estimated. They’ll probably start tap dancing around the truth by announcing ongoing delays they’ll attribute to some logistical or bureaucratic nonsense while they try to come up with solutions. If I appear cynical it’s because I’ve been witnessing the same WNY political clown show since the late 60’s-early 70’s when there was a plan for a domed stadium to be built in Lancaster. If not for Ralph Wilson’s threats of moving the team, Rich Stadium wouldn’t have been built as early as it was, if at all.
  12. FWIW- unlike many of you, I will miss the convenient features that came with DIRECTV. I could set recording for kickoff, run to the store for snacks, or anything else, and sit down to watch 45 minutes later, and skip through all the endless redundant ads for the networks stupid primetime shows and halftime happy talk. I have issues with ads. Complete waste of time. As far as I know, streaming means you watch when they tell you to and there’s no skipping through ads. Am I correct or are there ways to time shift with streaming? Even if we can view later, are we limited with no fast-forward feature? Furthermore, with DTV I could go back during the week and review the recorded game on my time without the distractions that sometimes accompany watching with other people while watching live. Right now, not thrilled with the prospect of streaming only.
  13. May be repeating myself….. When T.J. Hockenson went from division rival Lions to Vikings for a 2nd round pick, was Beane aware of availability and did he make an offer? Still on a rookie contract ! If I’m in Beane’s shoes, I’d have offered a 2nd and player or another pick from 2024. If Bills interested in another TE, wouldn’t that be better than spending a 2023 on 1st or 2nd pick that still needs to be developed? I would love to have seen him as another big target and blocker like Hockenson for Josh. On the other hand, I’d like to see more of what Q. Morris can contribute.
  14. I’m not that into this debate that I’m going to research it, but I’m sure there are plenty of day 3 picks who are tenured on NFL rosters. Not the 6th round, but just before in round 5 are 2 more recent names you might recognize: Tyreek Hill, Stefon Diggs. Some prospects are late bloomers. Some suffered injuries in college that knocked them down a few notches. Some were in bad systems or small schools. Some needed a higher level of coaching. Hopefully, our personnel dept will recognize potential that can be developed. Bennett doesn’t have the physical traits needed for NFL football. It would be a huge gamble and probably a waste of a draft pick- a valuable commodity when building and maintaining a roster.
  15. Sounds like you believe 6th (and later) are just throw-a-ways to be used as camp fodder. Do the names Tom Brady or Terrell Davis ring a bell? Plenty of 6th, 7th, and undrafted players make NFL active rosters. There will be numerous FA options better than Bennett that wouldn’t cost a precious draft pick.
  16. that would be a complete waste of a draft pick
  17. Edmunds and his value as a Bills’ LB is polarizing. Serious question with no agenda- what games did Edmunds miss that were impacted negatively by his absence? I don’t know the answer but am sure some of you do. I’m aware that AJ Klein and others have filled his role occasionally, but don’t recall a highly measurable drop off in defensive production. Was there? Here’s another way to ask the original question: would you rather have Edmunds or a carbon copy of Milano playing along side Milano?
  18. Could be health-related. Could be McDermott wants to call the shots himself for the defense and the ‘year off’ thing is just a very diplomatic way of giving Frazier an ‘honorable discharge’. In a year Frazier can attest to how much he’s enjoyed the break at which time he decides to retire. Or maybe he’s just burned out and needs the rest but isn’t ready to commit to retirement.
  19. So, a playoff team who wants that player who will give them that edge will opt for a player whose “best days are behind him” with the likelihood that he’ll miss multiple games with age-related injury. For that, they’ll pay the big bucks that the Bills won’t (or can’t). You may be right, but to me it doesn’t sound like a winning strategy. Under Beane, the Bills frequently employ the ‘rent-a-player-for-a-year’ tactic, but they’re usually able to get them for a bargain price.
  20. Agree. It became just a lot of smart aleck remarks from Hawkeye or showing the sensitive side of the guys and trying to send a social message to their viewers. Following the lead of All In the Family, network comedies started patronizing their audience with serious message shows. That was possibly the beginning of when Hollywood started to believe their own press clippings and felt so superior to us, thinking it was their duty to learn us imbeciles a thing or two.
  21. Poyer is probably gone and the good news is there are good safety prospects. But...don't the Dolphins and every other possible Poyer suitor know that? Why would they overpay (more than what the Bills would) for an aging safety who may have some gas in the tank, but could 'hit the wall' any point from now until the end of his career, knowing there's a good pool of economically beneficial safeties in this draft class? It's an accepted fact that apart from having Tom Brady, the Patriots long run of success was due in part to knowing when to cut a player loose while they could still provide some future benefits in the form of compensation picks or draft choices in trade. They were able to parlay veteran players nearing their end of usefulness into future players with low cap implications who they'd develop to replace the veteran. They were savvy enough not to get too emotionally attached to the roster. I'll be surprised if Poyer gets a great payday without tons of incentives in the contract.
  22. Keep in mind the issue is state income tax- not federal. Anyway, I believe they’re taxed according the site at which they earn the weekly check. So, at least 8 or 9 games are not in NYS. At some point, those Florida players will travel to NY, NJ, California, Mass, etc. and he taxed accordingly. Furthermore, the Florida players still have the same Federal tax obligations. Some of their savings from not having to pay state income tax is offset by higher insurance costs on their real and personal property thanks to the constant and unpredictable threat of powerful hurricanes. More toll roads too. I don’t believe there’s a substantial financial benefit playing in Fla.
  23. I think they’ll examine weaknesses on defense, identify run support, and explore options in FA or draft and look for a LB who can cover and also be aggressive against the run. If they find that guy, they may be open to Edmunds finding greener pastures. Otherwise, they’ll either franchise him or start moving money around to pay him. Something that’s intriguing to me is the statement the Bills will make with whatever path they follow. They’re always supportive of their guys in public, but if they let Edmunds walk, it’s a pretty good bet they agree with some of the fan sentiment regarding Edmund’s perceived weaknesses.
  24. Agreed. Compared to the most recent Jetson’s-style stadiums that have become the NFL standard, that looks old before it’s even built. BTW- any word on when someone will turn that first shovel of dirt or do they have to form a committee and do a shovel study first? It’s ridiculous how protracted any construction effort is up there.
  25. Were any of them with the Panthers’ organization? If not, they probably won’t be considered as an option
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