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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. No need to rush him back. Including the Thanksgiving game in which Tre was injured, the Bills record is 10-4 since that day. 4 losses were 2 OT games, Pats windstorm game, and a bad Josh throw to McKenzie away from the win in Miami. Won’t be surprised if he’s dressed for Packers and is given very limited snaps. If he seems ready, could be Jets the following week for first start since last year. The latest reports are that the rest of the injured players are close to being fully active for game day.
  2. Right! Those crafty Bills are leaving little clues in uniform reveals- just like Beatle albums with the ‘Paul is Dead’ hoax. Oh, so clever. Hoping that Milano is a clue also. Maybe something to do with cookies!
  3. Last I heard neither Miller or Diggs are the GMs for the Buffalo Bills, so I don't care much about who they want to invite to the party. I do like the idea that Buffalo has become a preferred destination for FAs, but right now they're doing fine without OBJ. As far as I know, he's still several weeks behind Tre in his ACL rehab, and even then, there's no guarantee he'll be 100% or any better than Shakir, Hodgins, or others who are already familiar with the playbook and Josh. Basically, the order goes: Tre comes back, stadium renderings, OBJ maybe someday, but if not, that's fine too.
  4. Finally - here's the leaked rendering I was covertly given from a friend of a friend of friend of Jim Kelly.
  5. I understand your point. The Bills are a class organization from top to bottom and I’m disappointed at the number of internet bullies who have shown an enormous lack of class with attacks on the OP. The Bills have succeeded in spite of numerous injuries. Josh Allen is a huge part of why they can overcome that challenge. Seeing Keenum’s less than stellar performance in his second stint in mop up duty raised concerns for Einstein, and he/she came here to share and discuss, presumably because he/she values your opinions. instead of a respectful dialogue or counterpoint, Einstein was blasted with insults. This is how you treat a fellow Bills’ fan? If you don’t find the topic interesting enough to contribute, skip it or choose an emoji that reflects your opinion. Go Bills!
  6. It reminds me a bit of Brett Favre. He was relaxed and having fun. As a team leader, I think that attitude is contagious. Be smart, be competative, work hard to win, but have fun also. It IS a game.
  7. A lot of professional athletes have been "big man on campus" since they were teens. Some can keep their head on straight, and others let their egos get in the way of their humanity. Kelly was probably a typical arrogant a-hole, but life events like losing a child, almost losing a wife during a rocky period, being a good example to his young daughters, and fighting the Big C can humble a soul. I suspect Kelly became more spiritual and gained a lot of perspective about his place in the universe following his playing days. Josh doesn't seem to suffer the same "big head" syndrome, or if he does, he disguises it acts gracious and grateful with fawning fans.
  8. What does the OP have to do with hate? Y'all are so quick to throw that crap around. I think what we see in the video is that Singletary needs to protect the ball better - something McD is always preaching. Singletary needs to smother that ball with both arms when he's being converged on by defenders who are practiced at punching balls from RBs. He's leaving an open target for someone's fist. For all Josh's greatness, he tends to be a bit careless at times too when scrambling.
  9. That's just stupid. Doesn't matter what team they play for, at some point they will play in the cold, especially if their schedule rotation puts them against 1 or even 2 northeastern divisions. It's not inconceivable that (the Cardinals for example) could play the both NFC and AFC Eastern divisions and get additional cold weather outdoor game against one of the other 'similar standing' teams they face on the road. The Bills play approximately 9 games that may be 'cold weather'. (how is that defined anyway? Under 50 degrees? Under 40? 30?) So, in effect, the dome guy could end up with maybe 5 or 6 less cold weather games than a player in the northeast. That's assuming every road game in the last part of the season is outdoors, and it's frigid. So that second round douche bag would give up over $1,500,000/year in potential earnings to not suffer in colder weather for a total of around 20 hours per season? Should have honed his baseball skills. Anyway, there must be a good reason the guy has been waived. In situations like this where athleticism isn't an issue, usually it's either a bad attitude and he's a team cancer, or a dude who doesn't have enough brains to grasp the playbook.
  10. Word on the street is he’ll start practicing as soon as the new Stadium renderings are released to the public.
  11. Then he should do what I do.... (I leaned this trick from Señor Wences) Tuck the thumb under your index finger, paint some lipstick on the 'mouth' that was created, stick some googly eyes on the index finger over the lipstick, now get in the shower and reach around the curtain. Hello gorgous!
  12. They both want to pursue their careers, but with young kids to watch, someone has to give in. Giselle: TOM why don't YOU stay home and take care of them? It's MY turn! Tom: I'll just dump them off at Phil Rivers or Ryan Fitzpatrick's house. Those guys are retired and they won't even notice a couple of extra kids.
  13. I suspect that Brady got one look at Josh's girl and thought, "I'm Tom Brady dammit! WTF am I doing with this past-her-prime nagging wench?"
  14. Ignorant. Nobody's leaving their cocaine baggies lying around - unless they mean empties after a good pinky swipe around the inside - then yeah.
  15. I wouldn't be so quick to count McKenzie out. He didn't show any obvious signs when he ran off the field to the locker room. Last year (or was it the year before?) Josh was in concussion protocol, but was cleared to play the following week. If McKenzie suffered a very mild concussion, he may miss some practice time, but it's entirely possible he'll be cleared to play on Sunday.
  16. First of all I’d have been surprised if I knew the one loss would be the fish, but we killed the others. But in all honesty, we’re looking good. Hopefully we’ll get the walking wounded healthy and avoid any other major losses.
  17. My Bills shirt I’d been wearing since Friday, but went in the basket Sunday morning. BTW- is that really your name or is it what your wife says to you when she has a headache? 😁
  18. Milano was consistently great all game, so your point is well taken. But Poyer’s 2 INTs, especially the one that resulted in a touchback- those were huge.
  19. Looks like y’all got it wrong. The final Jeopardy question was: Who is Jordan Poyer? But for all you losers, as a parting gift, here’s a box of Rice-a-Roni…the San Francisco treat.
  20. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.
  21. I believe the question was answered with the video that Einstein posted.
  22. Not sure if this has been brought up since yesterdays win. One of the stranger circumstances that can occur in a game is a player carrying the ball (Singletary)but not wanting to go into the end zone, even though it’s right there. At the same time the opposition wants him to score. The Ravens know the best odds of getting the ball back for their offense is to let him score so there will be time left to march upfield. So here’s my question: As Singletary is trying to stop at the one yard line and go down to give himself up, hypothetically, could the Ravens’ defenders have forced a TD by holding him upright and carrying him into the end zone against his will? Anyone know what the rule book says about that?
  23. When he looked sub-par and it was clear he wasn't being aggressive enough, a lot us criticized his play, rightfully so. It wasn't a personal attack! He's playing much better this year. I suspect he realized there was room for improvement. I'm sure McD and his position coaches have been pointing out ways he can improve, and he's apparently been receptive to their advise. I don't believe the criticisms from the past were unfair, and I don't think anyone here has an axe to grind with him. We're thrilled that he's playing the way we hoped he would. Why would we continue to criticize if he's playing well?
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