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  2. OMG I want to give Kay and Leo a group Hug ***HUG*** a very muplike pipsqueak response in this thread is both sincere and heartfelt. Come Lord Jesus. I really think only deity will ever cure this conflict. Especially now. If we thought bad blood existed before, which it did. By now it is MAGNIFIED Lord have Mercy
  3. Simply an idiotic view. Thousands of Americans and Europeans visit South America every day, safely, enjoyably and in confident comfort. Thousands of Americans work there, and have thousands of locals who work for their companies every day. Great place. Glad to have had the experience, myself and my family, including kids, which with friends still goes on. To each his own.,
  4. Owners have been selling minority interests in their teams for years, so this is nothing new. Remember when Serena and Venus Williams bought a small stake in the Dolphins? And it’s gonna be more prevalent once private equity firms are allowed by the league.
  5. Joy Reid provides a perfect example of why people don’t buy the disingenuous arguments, by the Left, about race anymore…And the polls are starting to reflect that… In a “last ditch” effort, the Left is desperately trying to hold onto their influence over black people…And just like Jussie Smollett, they have to lie and gaslight to protect the narrative… Watch, as racist Joy Reid makes an utter fool of herself…yet again…👍
  6. Video: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C79lolYuOQL/?igsh=aWNrOW44c3lhaHVt They’re starting some pre-cast concrete installation. About 1,400 pre-cast pieces forming the bowl and to the upper decks that will support the canopy. Awesome! Pre-cast is like big Lego. It should start getting more of a stadium shape. (I don’t know how to or if Insta can be embedded.)
  7. I guess Coleman=Gravy Can he be on the staff and also have his own business?
  8. To quote Christopher Walken...."they're #######s"
  9. I think some gym time will do you good. You may have had your sleep number at 17 when you’re actually a 75…you woke up grumpy. It’s pretty cool how you had item #1 in your Lululemon Everywhere Belt bag—I was getting worried you were completely dismissive of the suffering of the hostages—you barely/ never mention that…while picking at me for speaking about the hostages. Now that you’ve come around—let’s just reflect on our back and forth here—where fundamentally you agreed with my initial suggestion as outlined in Kay’s bullet point 1 (which is actually Kay’s bullet point 22, subsection A, paragraph 4) today, which was my bullet point 1 several days ago. From there, I’d think there is merit in some of your remaining bullet points. As for the fitness/well-being advice you’ve shared, thank you. I’ll consider it. On the other hand, I’m listening to Billy Joel at the moment, working around the house, and he tells us “It’s all about soul…a power of love and a power of healing”. I like that. Have a nice workout, and kudos to you on your flat summer tummy, or summy as they (maybe) say in Paupa New Guinea.
  10. I can't help but notice the little ticker on the right of my TBD forums screen. Leading posters: This week: 1. BillsFanNC 191 This month: 1. BillsFanNC 1,071 This year: 2. BillsFanNC 8,505 Which ordinarily would be a sign of a sad old man whose biologist career stalled out at 35, with nothing to do but post stupid political troll posts on a football fan forum. But fortunately for us, many of the posts are actually quite informative. I particularly enjoy the following: Bump Bump, with gif of shirtless guy on bus "f.ck stain" "urine/poop" stain Commie (with or without up arrow) Marxist (same) Lots of value added!
  11. Josh will be the best QB either Samuel or Claypool have ever played with and both eclipsed 850 yards at points in their careers, compared to Sherfield whose best season was 417 yards. If Claypool can be motivated (and at this stage of his career he has every reason to be) he can be a big boost to the offense while Samuel's speed has been sorely lacking. Shakir will see a bigger role and Kincaid should continue building on his strong rookie season. Then you add-in Cook, Davis (who is supposed to be an excellent receiver) and don't forget Knox. Anyone outside of them producing will be gravy.
  12. Democrats and the White House Whine That the Media is Being Unfair to Them JOHN SEXTON FTA: As a result of all this shrieking, other outlets will hesitate to publish similar stories. Progressives are counting on it. That's not because the underlying story is false, we can all see Biden has lost a step, but because no one wants to deal with the combined fury of the White House and the professional left. For its part, the WSJ says it continues to stand behind its reporting. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2024/06/06/democrats-and-the-white-house-whine-that-the-media-is-being-unfair-to-them-n3789801 .
  13. I suspect that when the 53-man roster is finally built, that there is going to be a broad range of types of receivers. A lot of hay has been made about these big-bodied receivers that are all competing for spots, and for good reason. But, opposing defenses are going to have to defend the whole field. That's what I think they're really going for this season. I think you're wrong about Coleman. That designation of "eventually being an average starter" may even be true, but it's a vague, and useless talking point. And it doesn't negate his strengths, or what his usefulness might be in a Josh Allen led offense. He has exceptional ball tracking, and his 40-time notwithstanding, he had the fastest gauntlet speed in the combine. However he pans out as a WR, he will stretch the field. (So will MVS/Claypool/Shorter/Shavers-- whomever gets a roster spot, their deficiencies notwithstanding...) I actually think Allen's biggest strength in passing are the intermediate throws from 10 to 20 yards beyond the LOS, or 30-35 air yards. He consistently delivers those on a rope. That's ideal for the big guys we're going to have receiving the ball, as well. But, I'm expecting a much broader spread than that. Receiving ability is a requisite on this team. On any given play, there will be five legit receiving options on the field-- even in Jumbo packages. I also don't put much stock in Allen's (or Cook's) lower numbers after Brady took over. a) It's not a large enough sample size to be close to definitive. (And 96.6 to 85.5 really doesn't constitute a "plummet.") b) Those numbers are far less important than the win percentages. Dorsey= 0.500, Brady= 0.857. I know this all sounds overly optimistic, and I fully admit to being that type of fan. I'm a homer, to be sure. But, I try to be realistic, as well. Not having an elite receiver like Diggs on the field is going to matter. Even as his production fell off at the end of the season, he was still drawing coverage. DCs were still game-planning him. Where my optimism comes from for 2024 is the notion that even with the loss of an elite WR in Diggs, the sum total of all the parts in the WR room could very well exceed that of 2023. That's not an expectation, but I think it's a reasonable hope. GO BILLS!
  14. You guys obviously don't even bother to read each other's posts. So what is the point of reposting the same Twitter monkey's take multiple times from multiple people in multiple threads? It's some kind of weird performative Trumpism I guess. Second time I've pointed this out in the last two days, and that's just based on a quick skim of all the duplicative topics.
  15. Would love to catch a game at West Point in autumn.
  16. Seems good for China and bad for almost every other country that wants to compete. Until we know how much time the Chinese students spent on issues of social justice, gender equality, and assorted DEI concerns we can’t really know for sure. They may not be well-rounded individuals without all that.
  17. "Gettin results" Oh, Just Four Russian Warships Cruisin' on in to Havana NORA GAMEZ TORRES AND MICLAEL WILNER FROM MIAMI HERALD https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/cuba/article289062299.html https://hotair.com/headlines/2024/06/08/oh-just-four-russian-warships-cruisin-on-in-to-havana-n3789858
  18. It's an old term around here. A tbd-ism going back to the days of pickle juice.
  19. It wasn't a day for politics but for statesmanship. Normandy is the altar of liberation for Europe, not a campaign stop. Honoring Heroes: Reflections of D-Day and Reagan's Legacy By Brittany Sheehan FTA: Following Reagan's example, let us embrace the human element in our actions, striving to be worthy inheritors. The freedom we enjoy was bought with great sacrifice, but we aren't asked to storm beaches. Instead, we are called to be "good Americans," embodying the enduring principles of freedom, democracy, and service to others. https://redstate.com/brutalbrittany/2024/06/07/d-day-reagan-library-n2175146 .
  20. UFL is something I watch when it is on TV and I happen to pass by it. I tend to mostly enjoy it for what it is when I catch it but I never go out of my way for it. There’s just no attachment to the teams and no reason to be fully invested. I do hope the league sticks around. I think if they could get keep plodding a course for 10 more years they could make inroads. Sports leagues take time to build and spring leagues having a reputation for going out of business quick leads people to not be as invested. But if they can be there for at least a decade they could see more traction and get people to invest in teams that start to stick around. Look at the WNBA. The NBA kept investing in it and after it had a hot start it was a money loser that was only kept around because David Stern really believed in it and thought not only was it great marketing but also that if they could get the product to stick around and build market strength it could be profitable decades in. Right now the NBA keeping the WNBA around seems to be hitting a tipping point where in 5-10 years the league could be vastly more popular and is already undergoing expansion.
  21. It's crazy because the info is right from the approved operating system update provider. Does not compute, attack the messenger.
  22. Why do so many people here people think Cooper Kupp is small😂😂
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