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  1. Purple Falcon? Did you just call me a pig *****?
  2. Dear sir, I didn't care to read it to begin with.
  3. Where is Tibs? You know if was that *****. I think you are. Should you be scared?
  4. Jordan and Brady both seemed to come out on top too. Dismantle their successes next please...
  5. Honest question, have any of the true "dual threat" quarterbacks ever won a superbowl?
  6. Claypool. If he could put it together he could be very good.
  7. Let us not forget Josh holds onto the ball for an eternity as well.
  8. The only way Dak doesn't get 60 a year is if he decides that he wants to stay in Dallas no matter what.
  9. Are those numbers legit? It certainly feels right.
  10. Absolutely, the nfl teams will certainly change his punting ability. This isn't nearly as hard as you are attempting to make it. I know your shtick but just be better here. Common sense can be common again.
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