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Epic, Hypothetical Trade Scenario: Would ya?

Epic, Hypothetical Trade Scenario: Would ya?  

287 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you trade Josh Allen to the Bears for #1, #9 and a 1st and 2nd in 2025?

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4 hours ago, Sweats said:

This is a tough one....on one hand, you have the 2nd best QB in the league, but on the other hand, there are some quality QB's in this draft.....unproven, yes, but every QB is unproven when coming out of college and playing their first season in the NFL.


I voted yes, only because if you can get enough draft capital in the next 2 years, you could actually build something special. It seems we're just piecemealing a roster together the past couple of years, but if you can create a structured foundation, you can have a somewhat juggernaut for years to come.....all on a rookie salary.


Would i want this to happen?......probably not, but i wouldn't be upset with it. 


A level-headed response, BUT I'm trying to think of everything.


Josh, with DJ Moore, Keenan Allen, Kmet, DeAndre Swift at RB and a very good Bears defense... he would be in better situation than he is currently.


The Bears would be favorites to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl.  It would be tough to live that down, particularly after trading away the Mahomes pick.

Edited by Chicken Boo
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34 minutes ago, Sweats said:

Fans don't ever want to admit this, but everything is negotiable, and everything has a price.


You can't tell me that Beane already hasn't gotten 8-12 (and even that is probably low) trade scenarios across his desk for JA from other franchises and of course his answer will be no, but offers are considered every day, not every offer is acted upon.

The FO will do their due diligence and consider every offer or trade, but that doesn't mean they will accept any........this, my friends, is business.


JA is a Bill.....he isn't going anywhere.





Wow, disillusioned.


100% chance Beane has considered trading JA, if the right scenario comes across his desk.........that's business, son.

You don’t seem to know the difference from someone calling to ask the impossible and Beane actually considering it.


There has absolutely under no circumstance been even been one second of thought by Beane considering whether his answer should be yes or no.  The fact you delusionaly think you can “guarantee” it’s happened is maybe the most ludicrous thing I’ve seen written on the board this year.    

Not only that, I highly doubt no team in the NFL has even attempted to approach the Bills about a trade for Josh Allen as everyone in the league already knows that not only is he 100% not available, to even begin to get the Bills to think for even 1 second before saying no, the offer would have to be so ludicrous that they couldn’t make that offer in the first place.  

To say everyone had a price is such a lazy cop out and a false statement.  It takes TWO to make a deal…so it’s not just everyone has a price, there needs to be someone willing to pay that price, and I assure you there are 0 teams that would ever pay the price it would take for Beane to even think about it, let alone say yes.  

So sorry, but I guarantee you’re categorically wrong about Beane having considered trading Josh Allen.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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26 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

You don’t seem to know the difference from someone calling to ask the impossible and Beane actually considering it.


There has absolutely under no circumstance been even been one second of thought by Beane considering whether his answer should be yes or no.  The fact you delusionaly think you can “guarantee” it’s happened is maybe the most ludicrous thing I’ve seen written on the board this year.    

Not only that, I highly doubt no team in the NFL has even attempted to approach the Bills about a trade for Josh Allen as everyone in the league already knows that not only is he 100% not available, to even begin to get the Bills to think for even 1 second before saying no, the offer would have to be so ludicrous that they couldn’t make that offer in the first place.  

To say everyone had a price is such a lazy cop out and a false statement.  It takes TWO to make a deal…so it’s not just everyone has a price, there needs to be someone willing to pay that price, and I assure you there are 0 teams that would ever pay the price it would take for Beane to even think about it, let alone say yes.  

So sorry, but I guarantee you’re categorically wrong about Beane having considered trading Josh Allen.





1) It's a lazy and irresponsible response to even think that every single player in the NFL is untouchable, that every single player is above an offer or trade, that every single player is of god-like status to their franchise


2) Maybe Beane has never considered trading JA, but he would if the right deal came along, i can assure you that


3) Can you guarantee that no other team since 2018 hasn't called the Bills asking Beane if he has a price or trade value on JA?.....so you're telling me that Beane hasn't gotten even one phone call from 31 other teams about what it would take to let JA walk?........wow, just wow guy.


4) Yes, it takes 2 to make a deal, however, that's if the deal is made.....it only takes one to offer the deal


5) Would any franchise in their right minds want to offer the deal/money/trade capital for what it would take to get JA?.......probably not, but you know there's some fairly stupid franchises out there (i'm looking at you Browns, Jets, etc.) and stupid deals are done in this league all the time......nothing surprises me anymore, including a blind delusional fanbase with very little business insight.


I have spoken.

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5 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

I’d probably need 5 firsts including the first overall pick with a “can’t miss QB” prospect in the draft. I’m not talking Trevor Lawrence. I’m talking Andrew Luck / Peyton Manning level prospect.

You’d also need more picks as they are gonna be playoff team picks.


5 pick 26+’s are worth like 1 or 2 top 10 picks.

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55 minutes ago, Sweats said:





1) It's a lazy and irresponsible response to even think that every single player in the NFL is untouchable, that every single player is above an offer or trade, that every single player is of god-like status to their franchise


Stop moving the goal post.  We are not talking about every player in the NFL, we are talking about one specific player, so stop putting words in my mouth as if I said everyone is untouchable.  


55 minutes ago, Sweats said:


2) Maybe Beane has never considered trading JA, but he would if the right deal came along, i can assure you that


And that right deal is not a deal anyone would offer to move the needle for Beane is the point because everyone knows Allen is not available for trade and to make him available would cost more than any team is willing to pay.  


55 minutes ago, Sweats said:


3) Can you guarantee that no other team since 2018 hasn't called the Bills asking Beane if he has a price or trade value on JA?.....so you're telling me that Beane hasn't gotten even one phone call from 31 other teams about what it would take to let JA walk?........wow, just wow guy.


Geezus dude...moving the needle again.  You want to speculate that maybe someone inquired in Josh's first 2 years before he became untouchable to the Bills after his year 3 breakout, then sure go ahead and do that.  But you know you aren't talking about then, you are talking about NOW (see OP and Poll)...and in recent time since Allen became what Allen is now, which is untouchable to this franchise after averaging 5100 yards and 44 TDS per year for the past 4 seasons.


55 minutes ago, Sweats said:


4) Yes, it takes 2 to make a deal, however, that's if the deal is made.....it only takes one to offer the deal


Again...I don't think you understand the difference in ONE side OFFERING and the OTHER side CONSIDERING or not.  Just because a team makes an offer does not in any circumstance equate to the other team "considering" it before making a decision.  There is absolutely no chance what so ever that someone called Beane and made an offer where Beane actually CONSIDERED it before saying no.  It would have been met with an immediate no and probably some laughter.  


55 minutes ago, Sweats said:


5) Would any franchise in their right minds want to offer the deal/money/trade capital for what it would take to get JA?.......probably not, but you know there's some fairly stupid franchises out there (i'm looking at you Browns, Jets, etc.) and stupid deals are done in this league all the time......nothing surprises me anymore, including a blind delusional fanbase with very little business insight.


I have spoken.


Hate to break it to you, but none of what you are saying is business insight.  It's make believe "what if" stuff that will never happen, and has never happened, and literally has nothing to do with business.



Edited by Alphadawg7
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1 hour ago, Gregg said:

Hypothetical trade between the Bills and Chiefs.


Chiefs get a red balloon, a kit kat, bubble gum, and an Aaron Judge baseball card.


Bills get Chris Jones.




I would almost argue this has more possibility than the Josh Allen trade proposal in the OP...


Before I can answer yes or no...I need to know what kind of bubble gum it is first, that would be the key to this trade for me

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20 minutes ago, Sweats said:

Wow, you guys are feisty today


Lets recap:  

  1. You post a trade scenario for probably the most loved player in Western NY sports history.  
  2. A player that has averaged 5100 yards and 44 TD's and been a perennial MVP candidate for 4 straight years still in his prime on a discount compared to other top paid QB's in the league.
  3. Then you use compensation that is GROSSLY undervaluing him that has NO possibility of ever being considered by anyone within the Bills organization.
  4. Then you compound it by telling the doubters here that you "100% guaranteeing" that BOTH the offers have come in and that Beane HAS considered trading him because you know "business".

So I am not sure what is worse...your original never gonna happen trade offer or that you thought this would go better around here lol


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1 hour ago, Gregg said:

Hypothetical trade between the Bills and Chiefs.


Chiefs get a red balloon, a kit kat, bubble gum, and an Aaron Judge baseball card.


Bills get Chris Jones.



Well the balloon needs to be purple. I don't hang on the extremes which these days is left or right

Honestly I need to up that Kitkat to a Snickers. 

Everything else is good so I would then make this trade with those changes

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5 hours ago, BuffaloBillyG said:

I mean, sure we already have Josh Allen. But those are draft picks. A draft pick can turn out to be anything...heck we could even end up with the next Josh Allen!


Something about a bird in the hand being better than two in a bush applies here, I believe. So I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means 'no'".


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1 hour ago, Sweats said:





You fit right in around here then.


I'm undecided if you're trolling or if you simply refuse to admit, even to yourself, that you've said/wrote/posted something really stupid, so you have to defend that indefensible position to the death.   Brandon Beane has better things to do than waste even a nanosecond on considering a trade offer for Josh Allen ... that's supposing that some other GM has wasted even a nanosecond thinking that the Bills would accept any offer for him.

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I don't trade him for literally anything.  


I'd trade his #1 WR.  I'd fire the HC and GM - he's only ever worked with the 2 we have so i'd be willing to take my chances with allen and new people over giving the staff free reign to build from the ground up.  


I know its hypothetical.  But i'd rather start over with josh than use him to get assets to start over.  

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