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  1. Partly why I love him. He’s greatly exceeded expectations
  2. I don’t think he is aware of his position nor is his team powerful enough to continue weekend at Bernie’s It’s a very bizarre situation.
  3. Bernard might be my favorite player on the defense. He’s always making plays and has instincts only Edmunds could have dreamed of.
  4. If Kamala can bring world peace by getting down on her knees, then so be it. I just don’t see other leaders going for it.
  5. They don’t care man. They don’t care who is running things as long as it has the designated political title of (D)emocrat. They care only about the color and gender of the person. They don’t care that their vote doesn’t matter during the primaries. They want a leftist/socialist hell hole where everyone suffers bc they are also so miserable in life that the only thing that brings them joy is seeing everyone else in misery. They are sick and twisted people.
  6. Kamala as SF DA literally sent people to jail for weed. HELLO ITS WEED IN SF. She’s a bonafide moron.
  7. If killary couldn’t win, Kumala won’t. Hillary was much more electable than her. Atleast she could string a sentence together.
  8. Ah yes. Arizona, the border state she never visited. Im sure they are anxious to vote for her /not
  9. What a joke of a presidency. The worst one ever at that. Let’s see what garbage the dems put up now
  10. Trump hustles. He wants the presidency. Gotta give him that. Biden couldnt come close to this. but yes this is a bit much haha
  11. I came close to choking from my sandwich. dear lord my ears
  12. Better than your average nonbinary leftist ####### from their moms basement
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