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RoyBatty is alive

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  1. I agree. Of course with Tua concussion and injury history, the risk is massive, glad the Bills weren't forced into such a decision a la Allen.
  2. I disagree. Listen to the Taron Johnson interview how he loves the challenge of never knowing what type or player/who he will be defending, if Brady can pull it off, it will make of Offense very hard to cover while improving our defense in practice. Similar to what Belichek was also striving for on Defense, make as many players interchangeable as possible. Will Brady be able to pull it off? It will be difficult, could be a tremendous success or massive failure. One of the reasons why, i believe, that Buillls are always targeting smart players/team captains, people willing to put in the work.
  3. Precisely, it was almost inevitable as Allen matured. I dont think it is simple minded coachspeak about Allen and his more dynamic leadership role thus far in TC.
  4. It also has to do with the maturation of Allen as a team leader, especially this year with so many younger players. Diggs was here at the right time, as Josh was evolving into his role as the team leader, initially he was best buds with Diggs, more or less on the same level. As Allen matured in his role, he couldnt any longer be his best buddy, he had grown out of "that role". I will bet Diggs is in Houston one year. The wr diva will emerge, not sure he will be able to control his ego and be "under" a 2nd yr Q!B and HC. He signed a one year contract which is all I think he stays in Houston.
  5. Is this exchange for real? Supposed Bills fans bickering back and forth about close to nothing in an otherwise positive upbeat thread.
  6. This is very reasonable, makes sense. Seems like it was a matter of time if Allen continued to progress as a leader, more so this year with a substantially younger roster.
  7. Insightful interview by Taron, I am starting to get the advantages for both the offense and the defense without have a set static X Y Z assigned receiver corps and threw in the mix the interchanging RBs. This is why you have to have SMART and dedicated football players. One reason why the Bills have drafted to many teams leaders/captains. Listening to Taron it is easy to tell how intelligent he is.That is a LOT of work for Brady to put together.
  8. Rookie versus veteran, makes sense to me.
  9. Really so for the rest of his life he can’t get a job? always hated this argument . Flat tax is too easy and cost effective, never happen. imagine all the tax consultants and overpriced lawyers would be put out if business .
  10. "more dumber ones everywhere" is not a good look, JFYI
  11. yes i have and why are you so concerned about what i post, bothers you so much put me on ignore
  12. Otto Graham, for his era, was easily one of the greatest QBs of all time, no debate about that.
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