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PSL Pricing/Seat Selection Discussion

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5 hours ago, PBF81 said:


Indeed, those would be coveted seats no doubt.  


The lowest priced heated seats according to their survey are that one and these;  


Location: Mezzanine level end zone

Coverage: Significant

Heating: Above seats

Annual price per seat: $820

One-time PSL: $2,100


Location: Mezzanine level corner

Coverage: Significant

Heating: Above seats

Annual price per seat: $1,090

One-time PSL: $1,750


After those, the next "reasonably priced" heated seats in their survey were these ... 


Location: Mezzanine level between 40-yard lines

Coverage: Significant

Heating: Above seats

Annual price per seat: $2,080

One-time PSL: $5,950

Those PSL's are not too bad

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1 minute ago, Matt_In_NH said:

Those PSL's are not too bad

Yeah. If those seats actually exist. Depending on who you talk to. The general consensus is that the reps are telling people that the current clubs are the only option for heat and cover at the crazy 10k per PSL and $8k a ticket price. The question is, are they telling people this because it’s the truth? Or are they performing shady business practices and only saying that to sell as many of the higher priced seats that are currently available now.

The survey provided these options, but because we have no actual factual info on the stadium because the team is keeping things hush hush about the options after they get through the club seats, we don’t know if these options will actually exist in the new stadium. Maybe this was a possibility before the cost overruns (many doubt that’s possible) and now they cut back on the idea. Who knows. The Bills and Legends know and they aren’t saying. And that’s the problem. 

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5 hours ago, mrags said:

I was in New Orleans a few years ago for the Thanksgiving game. Near the top. Probably 20-30 rows from the last seat in the house. Boy were they steep. I was worried walking up the steps. Walking down them. And god forbid if I stood up with any sort of quickness I would have tumbled for 8 minutes until my lifeless body hit the turf on the Bills sideline. 

not to mention we were so far away you could barely make out numbers on the jerseys. Not a pleasurable experience imo. 

I would take any one of these seats as reasonable options. It’s the last one you listed that makes me curious. Because as some have said that have been to the experience. They are currently in the 200-300s now and the club seats that are covered and heated are going for way more than this. Triple these prices. So I’m wondering if there is some other options coming? Or if they have vastly increased the prices (triple) from the survey. 

I hate the upper deck seats in the dome.


I have to be pretty desperate to pick a seat that I have to go up from the tunnel up there. Amazes me more drunks don’t just tumble to their demise.

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11 minutes ago, NoSaint said:

I hate the upper deck seats in the dome.


I have to be pretty desperate to pick a seat that I have to go up from the tunnel up there. Amazes me more drunks don’t just tumble to their demise.

That was my thought exactly. I wasn’t even close to tipsy and I felt uneasy up there. I couldn’t imagine if I was drinking like I might at a home Bills game. 

man, I remember riding those escalators for like 10+ minutes getting up there. Every floor I was like, oh this must be it; but nope, kept going and going and going and going….

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Wasn’t sure whether to put this in the stadium construction thread or here but since it’s about financing I chose this thread.


Jacksinville’s upgrade/makeover is budgeted at $1.2 million and is a 50/50 split between the Jaguars and the City…. not the State of Florida. They also report the public funding piece to be investment, not a cost, (typical) as the newly envisioned stadium is forecasted to bring in billions over  the course of the 30 year lease. 

So there’s that. 

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6 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Wasn’t sure whether to put this in the stadium construction thread or here but since it’s about financing I chose this thread.


Jacksinville’s upgrade/makeover is budgeted at $1.2 million and is a 50/50 split between the Jaguars and the City…. not the State of Florida. They also report the public funding piece to be investment, not a cost, (typical) as the newly envisioned stadium is forecasted to bring in billions over  the course of the 30 year lease. 

So there’s that. 

The projected cost is $1.4 Billion. 

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12 minutes ago, Saratoga Leo said:

The projected cost is $1.4 Billion. 

My $1.2B figure comes straight from an article out of NBC News in Jacksonville but what’s a few $ million between friends. 😉

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2 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

My $1.2B figure comes straight from an article out of NBC News in Jacksonville but what’s a few $ million between friends. 😉

Either $1.2 or $1.4B. Your original post, you typed $1.2 million by mistake. I had to look to see what could they get for a million dollars. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, I have not seen any updates on pricing outside of the Clubs.  If they are still doing club Experience tours, this process is gunna take an awhile.  I mean what’s it been two months to do tours for about 7% of the ticket base? 

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8 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

Man, I have not seen any updates on pricing outside of the Clubs.  If they are still doing club Experience tours, this process is gunna take an awhile.  I mean what’s it been two months to do tours for about 7% of the ticket base? 


Pretty much. At this rate they'll just be getting to the 300's by opening day 2026.


I hope someone does a deep dive into how Legends is conducting this dog & pony show. Was it really necessary?  Could they have gotten the same result just sending everyone a rate card saying what it would cost to sit here or there?

Edited by PromoTheRobot
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9 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

Man, I have not seen any updates on pricing outside of the Clubs.  If they are still doing club Experience tours, this process is gunna take an awhile.  I mean what’s it been two months to do tours for about 7% of the ticket base? 


I'm in the very last section and row of my club, and I haven't been contacted to set up an appointment.  I figure I'll be one of the last ones they call.  When it happens, I'll let you know.  

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1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

Man, I have not seen any updates on pricing outside of the Clubs.  If they are still doing club Experience tours, this process is gunna take an awhile.  I mean what’s it been two months to do tours for about 7% of the ticket base? 

I'm in Toyota Club section 237 and have my experience next Wednesday (6/19).  Will report back.

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11 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

Man, I have not seen any updates on pricing outside of the Clubs.  If they are still doing club Experience tours, this process is gunna take an awhile.  I mean what’s it been two months to do tours for about 7% of the ticket base? 


11 hours ago, Just Jack said:


I'm in the very last section and row of my club, and I haven't been contacted to set up an appointment.  I figure I'll be one of the last ones they call.  When it happens, I'll let you know.  


10 hours ago, wolfpack78 said:

I'm in Toyota Club section 237 and have my experience next Wednesday (6/19).  Will report back.

I’m also in 237 and I have my appointment next week as well. @Just Jack you should be getting your call very soon. 

@plenzmd1, I don’t know what you’re worried about. You already said when the new stadium was built you were out anyway. 

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For anyone that’s already had their appointment, I have a question re: the “down payment” option (with remainder paid in monthly installments until stadium opening). 

I know I saw that people are paying 20% upfront, but is that simply the minimum? Is the only option 20% down, or would I have the ability to pay any amount over 20% upfront and spread rest out monthly until 2026?

My window won’t be until “late this year” but just trying to have a plan in place so any info would be appreciated!  

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7 hours ago, billsfanmiamioh said:

For anyone that’s already had their appointment, I have a question re: the “down payment” option (with remainder paid in monthly installments until stadium opening). 

I know I saw that people are paying 20% upfront, but is that simply the minimum? Is the only option 20% down, or would I have the ability to pay any amount over 20% upfront and spread rest out monthly until 2026?

My window won’t be until “late this year” but just trying to have a plan in place so any info would be appreciated!  

Why would you want to pay more than you have to?

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13 hours ago, mrags said:



I’m also in 237 and I have my appointment next week as well. @Just Jack you should be getting your call very soon. 

@plenzmd1, I don’t know what you’re worried about. You already said when the new stadium was built you were out anyway. 

I’ve not said I am out. Will prolly get them so my kids have em when I am in the ground.  

Something had to have changed for this process to be going so slow. Reps quit, close numbers not high enough so they changed their pitch….something happened. 

If it did not, must be once they get through the lower bowl in the  middle of 2025 upper decks just go in groups or something.  

Cause they won’t get through the whole stadium at the pace they are at now. 

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19 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

I’ve not said I am out. Will prolly get them so my kids have em when I am in the ground.  

Something had to have changed for this process to be going so slow. Reps quit, close numbers not high enough so they changed their pitch….something happened. 

If it did not, must be once they get through the lower bowl in the  middle of 2025 upper decks just go in groups or something.  

Cause they won’t get through the whole stadium at the pace they are at now. 


Legends: a champagne and caviar pitch to a shot and beer market. 

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