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PSL Pricing/Seat Selection Discussion

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20K to 50K for the better seats so far. I know these are the way of life for quite some time but I can't help but to feel these are the ultimate slap in the face. Billionaires come to taxpayers to fund much of their stadiums, then insult them and make them pay huge sums just to have the right to buy season tickets. One time purchase? OK, but it's a big one. It's not like the tickets themselves are free.

On 3/23/2024 at 6:47 AM, Spiderweb said:

20K to 50K for the better seats so far. I know these are the way of life for quite some time but I can't help but to feel these are the ultimate slap in the face. Billionaires come to taxpayers to fund much of their stadiums, then insult them and make them pay huge sums just to have the right to buy season tickets. One time purchase? OK, but it's a big one. It's not like the tickets themselves are free. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/business/buffalo-bills-stadium-experience-center-walker-center-new-buffalo-bills-stadium/article_786e625c-e7d2-11ee-abc4-ffe0847a1e80.html

Ouch.. posted on wrong board again.. should be on Stadium Wall.

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Greed and gambling will eventually be this and other league's undoing. The Ohtani story is going to blow up in ways we haven't foreseen. 


Why would a working family prioritize a PSL over their kids education when the UFL offers something similar? 

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1 hour ago, stuvian said:

Greed and gambling will eventually be this and other league's undoing. The Ohtani story is going to blow up in ways we haven't foreseen. 


Why would a working family prioritize a PSL over their kids education when the UFL offers something similar? 


In actuality  UFL is like generic soda pop compared to brand name soda for NFL.   Perhaps it will be better than its parent league however. 

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ALL I gotta say is... Hope The League is reading this!




Not the same BS we've been dealt with for 64 years... The Refs, etc...


If the Bills don't bring in a championship, trouble times ahead.


I don't care how they do it, but they owe us... Look what they did to save the Cheatriots after Krafty built on his own dime.


Get it done NFL!  The championship pieces are in place.  Bring us one. You got customers for life.  Screw as usual, all bets off.

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5 hours ago, stuvian said:

Why would a working family prioritize a PSL over their kids education when the UFL offers something similar? 

I agree with this last sentence but that should not be a question…whether that is a PSL, vacation home, expensive vehicle/boat or any other costly item that could impact your children’s education. PSLs are intended, just like any expensive entertainment item, for those that have the means to acquire them. If the PSLs would have been required twenty or so years ago, I would have passed but things change over time.

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18 hours ago, muppy said:

@Spiderweb perhaps you can delete this thread and repost a thread to the main Stadium Wall?


The amounts of money they are seeking is Outrageous.  unreal. #TOOEXPENSIVE


A very smart guy (a retired pediatric neuro-radiologist) once asked me if I knew what the cure for high prices was. I hesitated and he said “high prices.” If something is too expensive to sell successfully, the price will come down, or an alternative will be found. That is often true, it seems. I believe he said it when he bought a house up the road from us, right before the housing collapse in 2006. Ouch! 


It’s easy for me not to get too worked up about the cost of the PSL’s, because I’m not facing that big, new car size invoice. I just pay a little extra second hand when I get my seats on the secondary market (plus all the ridiculous fees, which is another topic).  


I’ll wait to see how things pan out before declaring a state of panic. I fully understand being upset, that’s natural. It’s going to cause a lot of angst for many, but these things have a way of working out. I’m sure some people will begin to enjoy the NFL experience from the comfort of home, and it’s a very good experience, indeed. Maybe pick a game or two a year to see live instead of having the whole season and trying to figure out what to do with tix for games you can’t make and/or lousy weather games. 






Edited by Augie
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10 minutes ago, Buffalo Super Fan said:

Disagree it should be here because you are getting into gray areas and where if the government should be funding things like stadiums so politics enters into it. If it is here instead of the Bills stadium topic mods will suspend you for politics. So the topic belongs here where Buffalo people can speak out on this topic. Without fear from pro stadium Bills mods Terry Pegula and Bills stadium cheerleaders looking to suspend Bills fans that don’t toe the Bills fans company line everything is wonderful, wonderful. Terry Pegula is a Buffalo hero crappola. I am a huge Buffalo sports fan for 49 years and counting but even I draw a line with this ridiculous stuff. Keep it here where Buffalo fans can speak freely without the fear of suspension because the Bills mods hero worship Terry Pegula and 100% support the new Buffalo Bills stadium. I personally have been suspended 3 times with no recourse to defend myself you are just suspended agree to it. The Bills mods are on a witch hunt when it comes to this new Buffalo Bills stadium so much so you would think they are related to Terry Pegula family or greatly benefit monetary in some way in my opinion. Go Bills! Let’s Go Buffalo 


Did you attend a weekend retreat or something with all the mods to gain insight into their deep personal thoughts on this? I’m here quite a bit, and I’ve never noticed the cheerleader level of bias you mention. It sounds like you may have crossed some lines somewhere to me if you were suspended on three separate occasions. Just a thought, but maybe a little self-scouting would be helpful for you. 


FYI -  I guess you can go to PPP for greater freedom of speech (I avoid that place!), but you can get in trouble here too. I’m not trying to stir anything up, I’m just trying to help you avoid further issues. Going out of your way to offend people generally does not end well, in my experience, so maybe that could be part of your self-scouting.  

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Something is only worth what people will pay for it. If people will pay 20-50k, good on them. If not, those prices will drop really quick. Pegula just better hope this team is still good come 2026/27. People arnt gonna pay these prices with a crap product. This isn't 2007. We long held super low ticket prices, and that definitely helped the fan base keep coming to games. 

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clearly the economic strata of people who watch and are entertained by the NFL is massive and crosses all social economic boundaries


for reasons many already stated, I think this is a NFL billionaires money grab to profit off of our absolute LOYALTY as Bills fans. The deep pocketed ones can


pay these PSL's and not really blink. And yes the Most expensive fees are for the very Best seats. I get all that.


so we paupers will scrimp for our bucket list one time appearance inside the new crib by making that choice.  I will do it. In a heart beat.


But asking people to buy a "License" for the "privilege" of being inside the stadium for season tickets?


I may be old school and cheap but to me that ain't right. at all. It's a pretty slickster move if you ask me.

Edited by muppy
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6 minutes ago, Steptide said:

Something is only worth what people will pay for it. If people will pay 20-50k, good on them. If not, those prices will drop really quick. Pegula just better hope this team is still good come 2026/27. People arnt gonna pay these prices with a crap product. This isn't 2007. We long held super low ticket prices, and that definitely helped the fan base keep coming to games. 

That's why they're making people pay up front, even telling people to get a bank loan and pay it off in 10 years! They are hoping enough people will be OK with the initial PSLs, and they'll have all their PSL money by opening day in 2026. After that, they don’t care.

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1 hour ago, Bob Jones said:

That's why they're making people pay up front, even telling people to get a bank loan and pay it off in 10 years! They are hoping enough people will be OK with the initial PSLs, and they'll have all their PSL money by opening day in 2026. After that, they don’t care.

And I wonder what part of that 10 percent interest M&T is charging is getting kicked back to the Pegulas for the privilege of being the bank that gets to make the loans.

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1 hour ago, That's No Moon said:

And I wonder what part of that 10 percent interest M&T is charging is getting kicked back to the Pegulas for the privilege of being the bank that gets to make the loans.

Is the 10% interest loan accurate?. If so, anyone that finances the PSL should reexamine their personal finances. 

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