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Thank a player this week


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In whatever fashion you'd like, social media/mailing a letter to OBD/etc..., find a way to thank a current player on our team this week. These guys give up their bodies and a portion of their lives for our entertainment. Yes, they make great $ for what they do, but their bodies face long term damage for us. For a few minutes, put the negativity away and thank someone on the roster this week

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thank a player this week, God lord.


In the aftermath of what is going on in Houston, one cop already lost his life and you want us to thank a player for " These guys give up their bodies and a portion of their lives for our entertainment" .


Idolized, spoiled, wildly overpaid and you want us to thank them?


How about thanks a first responded or a cop that puts there life on the line, half th country hates them and they get paid $60k/yr.


How about thank a construction worker or a looper in a steel mill (well I guess that doesn't exist anymore in WNY) for their hard and dangerous work.


Thank a player. Ridiculous. Yeah right because they dont get their arses kissed enough.


​By the way, very classy move on the part of Jerry Hughes, good for you Jerry.

Edited by RoyBatty is alive
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Should've pledged $1,000 for every penalty yard called on him :lol:


$1000 for every legit penalty yard. And the refs have to cough up $1000 for every bull **** penalty yard.


That would make for a highly entertaining season. :lol:

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I want to the thank the OP for creating this thread.


I also want to thank those forum members who have contributed and will contribute to this thread.

While at it, we should all thank the creators of this forum for letting us discuss the Bills every day.


I'd also like to thank Jerry Hughes for donating some money to charity.


And let's not forget the charity itself, in fact, let's thank all charities that do good work


I also want to thank the sun. Without it, life on this planet probably wouldn't exist and if it did, it would be sucky. If we didn't exist, we wouldn't have football to watch, nor could we thank the players for playing it. So thank you, sun.


I would also like to thank cheeseburgers. They taste so good going down.


Alcohol is another good thing to thank. It makes so many intolerable situations tolerable. Thank you, alcohol.


Lastly, I want to thank my mother and father, my agent, and the entire cast and crew. Without them none of my message would have been possible.

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