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RG3 as the Bills backup QB?

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I think he'll want to go somewhere that will allow him to compete for a starting job. That opportunity doesn't exist in Buffalo (that's really weird to say).


I don't think he's a bad guy. Shanahan forced him into a horrible corner and ruined his career. Gruden discarded him and he kept his head down and helped Cousins as much as possible.


I wouldn't mind him if he's willing to be a backup and he's relatively cheap.

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I think he'll want to go somewhere that will allow him to compete for a starting job. That opportunity doesn't exist in Buffalo (that's really weird to say).


I don't think he's a bad guy. Shanahan forced him into a horrible corner and ruined his career. Gruden discarded him and he kept his head down and helped Cousins as much as possible.


I wouldn't mind him if he's willing to be a backup and he's relatively cheap.

No. His inability to adapt and read a defense are why Cousins is going to get paid and Bob Griffin needs to find new work

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No. His inability to adapt and read a defense are why Cousins is going to get paid and Bob Griffin needs to find new work


He lost all confidence in his knee after the injury. Don't think for a second that wasn't compounded when Shanahan threw him back out there after he already injured himself. Just because they're athletes and they get paid millions doesn't negate the psychological effects. He played tentatively once he came back and that spelled disaster for him.


He obviously has issues as a quarterback. Frankly, I don't know how anyone takes an Art Briles QB that early. That system doesn't lend itself to the NFL at all. I'm just not above giving the guy a second chance.

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I don't think we'd get him. I am sure someone desperate enough will try him as a starter. Toss in our salary cap, and we can't overpay for him.


But if you are looking for a backup for Tyrod, someone who Roman can use for when Taylor misses a gane to injury...


We've seen EJ cannot hack it. RGIII is not a starter right now, but I have more faith in him to pull something out than EJ or any street free agent QB we would pick up.

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No he's a whiner ! Not a winner & bad for a locker room . Plus he would be way to much money !


Not to mention that Unfortunately EJ has a contract that is guaranteed so unlike they did with Fitz instead of jumping to quick & having dead money & adding more by getting another unproven player just stay the coarse ...

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that's my feeling... EJ out.... a competent veteran who can play in the system IN.

Draft the future 4th-7th round or next year after thoroughly evaluating TT.



Competent veteran? That's so far from RGIII, That's like saying Tim Tebow is a competent veteran.


I'd take EJ as our backup over RGIII any day of the week.

Edited by MarkAF43
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I was just saying last night, I think EJ will have a longer NFL career. RG3 might even be the better QB/football player, very good back up, to bottom end starter. But the guy is a really bad teammate, so won't be able to bounce around in back up rolls at all.

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With RG3 on his way out of Washington, I wonder if any team considers him a starter and would go after him as such.

Cleveland, San Francisco, St. Louis, Philadelphia and Houston seem to be the only teams in the market and with Chipper gone, no one really runs RG's style of offense.


With RG and Tyrod playing similar styles, would he consider the Bills as a place to challenge for a starting position and work in a system that is suited to his strengths.


If he does not beat out TT, then we have a capable backup that does not require retooling the offense for. I can't see RG3 getting a substantial long term deal, so if we offered 2-3 yrs at 5m per, would it be enough to lure him over.


Personally, I would take RG3 instead of wasting a draft pick or keeping EJ around.


So let me get this straight. We have a running QB who exposes himself to injury, so we want a sturdy reliable backup. Therefore you want to bring in a QB whose red-hot rookie season was cut short by brutal knee injuries sustained while running, and who hasn't been the same (and has been injured multiple times) since.


Doesn't make sense to me.


I don't think a draft pick is wasted on a QB. if you look around the league, the successful teams who already have QB (Bal, GB and NE for three) use far more draft picks on QB even though they have a QB. They treat it like fishing, draft one, measure him against the backup you got, if he's better keep him, if he's not, throw him back and get another one. Every 3 years is about right, so we're due.



I think RG3 will end up in Dallas or Houston


It is Houston's pattern as a team to try to fill their QB position with other team's cast-offs so yeah, likely.

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