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Bills' Camp @ SJF: Week 1 Day 6 - Begins on Page 64

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Have we seen any sign that Washington would let RGIII go? Granted, I'm all for it and even with his injury history I think he would work well with this offense, but I haven't heard any trade rumors. In fact, didn't they just pick up his option?


Purely hypothetical, but what would you offer for him?




"He suggested the Buffalo Bills, where Rex Ryan has shown he’s good at supporting quarterbacks, and offensive coordinator Greg Roman built the San Francisco 49ers’ offense around the similarly talented Colin Kaepernick."



I think the RGIII trade would be either the Bills 1st or a conditional 2nd round pick in 2016. This is what desperation looks like. The Bills will get roasted, but what choice will they have if these three QBs continue to suck?

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I can't get on board with that thought process for one reason: in 2013, they had nothing that even resembled a developmental QB on the roster. They absolutely had to draft a guy, and they took the guy with the best physical tools, who also had a terrific work ethic and attitude. They knew it was something of a long-shot (as were all of the guys in that class), so they took their shot. I can't blame them for doing it, and I don't see anyone else from that draft that I think had more upside.


I don't think that's a fireable offense. Now, had Whaley traded up (and not down) for EJ, that would be fireable IMO.


But then you don't go all in with that scenario - you double, triple, quadruple hedge. Whaley's failure to bring in serious competition, through the draft or otherwise, to hedge his EJ bet, is pure negligence. I realize there haven't been too many options out there, but there have been enough to at least take a shot.

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But then you don't go all in with that scenario - you double, triple, quadruple hedge. Whaley's failure to bring in serious competition, through the draft or otherwise, to hedge his EJ bet, is pure negligence. I realize there haven't been too many options out there, but there have been enough to at least take a shot.


I agree with you; the bold statement is where I have a conflict in my own thinking.


Whaley did bring in Kolb to compete with EJ, and while he wasn't a sure-thing, he was a guy that had played decently for a stretch. The real negligence, in my mind, was not bringing in an Orton-type earlier than they did last offseason.


As far as this year goes, they didn't have the ammo to swing a Bradford-like trade (they tried), so the other option was to take a shot on a guy in the 2nd/3rd rounds; IMO none of those guys were very inspiring.

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I agree with you; the bold statement is where I have a conflict in my own thinking.


Whaley did bring in Kolb to compete with EJ, and while he wasn't a sure-thing, he was a guy that had played decently for a stretch. The real negligence, in my mind, was not bringing in an Orton-type earlier than they did last offseason.


As far as this year goes, they didn't have the ammo to swing a Bradford-like trade (they tried), so the other option was to take a shot on a guy in the 2nd/3rd rounds; IMO none of those guys were very inspiring.


And let's face it, whether you like the options or not 3 of the 4 QBs at camp weren't Buffalo Bills last year -- so it's not as if they aren't trying.

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Just to counter, I'm not saying anything positive or negative against Astro but how do you know who is more objective. If anything I would assume someone that actively roots for the Bills would be more biased. The guys who cover the Bills for local news have always been pretty down on EJ and EJ has pretty much lived up to to their criticism thus far. If what I see on the field totally went against what those guys said I wouldn't buy the tweets and coverage but it's almost always right. I really don't understand why the hate for these guys except for the fact that you don't want to believe that what they're saying is correct.


Let's say joe B and Rodak held the opinion they seem to have that EJ isn't good but Fairburn loved what EJ was doing (purely hypothetical) would people here really only believe what Fairburn had to say? It seems that way.

The reason we tend to believe Astro isn't complicated: track record. He has been right a hell of a lot more than wrong. One of the reasons? Objectivity. 2nd reason: he's not getting paid for clicks. 3rd reason: independence, he's not looking to support, or provide, whatever an "on air analyst" or "columnist" has to say. 4th reason: all he cares about is...us. This community. Well, that and Draftek. :lol: It's the same reason any poster here does a camp report: help the rest of us get the best info we can get.


This site has arisen, like most things, due to necessity. Necessity: the media has been looking to kick this team, or ignore it, based on their own business considerations, forever. We wanted better/competent/no agenda, so the posters here provide it.


Regarding the media: I see the pattern. Throw out 3-5 controversial tweets in a row, then link to your "Day 3 camp review" article. :rolleyes: Marketing 101.


Are the rest of you seeing this pattern?


As far as your question: you're not getting it, because you left somebody out of your hypothetical. We'd still listen to Astro over Fairburn.





"He suggested the Buffalo Bills, where Rex Ryan has shown he’s good at supporting quarterbacks, and offensive coordinator Greg Roman built the San Francisco 49ers’ offense around the similarly talented Colin Kaepernick."



I think the RGIII trade would be either the Bills 1st or a conditional 2nd round pick in 2016. This is what desperation looks like. The Bills will get roasted, but what choice will they have if these three QBs continue to suck?

Why would the Bills trade for somebody the Redskins have talked about releasing? Why not just wait until they do? And, if we entertain a trade, how the hell does somebody who is demonstrably not good enough to start for the Redskins(um, we're not talking Peyton Manning's backup here) rate a 1st or conditional 2nd?


Dude, I think you need to re-run your calculations. Logic is getting in the way.


EDIT: Worst of all, you're listening to DC sports(well, an NFC ESPN reporter by proxy) guy who covers football. Dan Snyder and his cronies have cowed all of those guys: you do as he says, and support his speculation, or you never see the locker room again. Does anybody remember the "Aaron Schobel is unhappy in Buffalo, and Dan Snyder is "aggressive!" fiasco? I'd be happy to tell the story.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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And let's face it, whether you like the options or not 3 of the 4 QBs at camp weren't Buffalo Bills last year -- so it's not as if they aren't trying.


True; I do think you can make the argument that they haven't invested their most precious resources into the position over the long-haul though (EJ notwithstanding).

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If EJ gets traded this preseason for a low round pick, Whaley may need to be fired. I'm serious. The lack of urgency and ultimate failure regarding the QB position is unacceptable. Sam Bradford was available for trade this offseason. Josh McCown was in town and they let him leave without a contract. No QB was drafted despite several developmental prospects being available (Bryce Petty, etc.), several of whom were on the Bills' radar screen. There is no excuse for another lost season, especially given the talent that exists throughout the rest of this roster.


I know it's harsh and maybe premature but I've just about had it with Doug Whaley.



I fully disagree. Whaley doesn't deserve to be fired.

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"He suggested the Buffalo Bills, where Rex Ryan has shown hes good at supporting quarterbacks, and offensive coordinator Greg Roman built the San Francisco 49ers offense around the similarly talented Colin Kaepernick."



I think the RGIII trade would be either the Bills 1st or a conditional 2nd round pick in 2016. This is what desperation looks like. The Bills will get roasted, but what choice will they have if these three QBs continue to suck?

I'm not going to lie, I'd be hyped. RGIII is never going to be a precision passer but I'd take him over anyone we currently have. Gruden is trying to make him a pocket passer which he'll never be. He'd absolutely work with what Roman did with the wishbone in SF.

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If EJ gets traded this preseason for a low round pick, Whaley may need to be fired. I'm serious. The lack of urgency and ultimate failure regarding the QB position is unacceptable. Sam Bradford was available for trade this offseason. Josh McCown was in town and they let him leave without a contract. No QB was drafted despite several developmental prospects being available (Bryce Petty, etc.), several of whom were on the Bills' radar screen. There is no excuse for another lost season, especially given the talent that exists throughout the rest of this roster.


I know it's harsh and maybe premature but I've just about had it with Doug Whaley.

Brilliant. Let's fire the guy who built the rest of this team. Heads must roll. Someone slice off my nose.
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Why would the Bills trade for somebody the Redskins have talked about releasing? Why not just wait until they do? And, if we entertain a trade, how the hell does somebody who is demonstrably not good enough to start for the Redskins(um, we're not talking Peyton Manning's backup here) rate a 1st or conditional 2nd?


Dude, I think you need to re-run your calculations. Logic is getting in the way.


The Redskins owner still wants to see RGIII this season so that's a factor in why the Bills would have to pay a premium pick. The other factor is that the Bills could become very desperate and we all know that means a very high pick. The third factor is that RGIII on a team with the #1 defense and a top running game could actually be an effective and winning QB. RGIII on that Redskins team is kind of worthless to anyone who is not the owner.


In the end, I hope that either EJ or Tyrod makes huge strides this next week and RGIII is someone that's not even needed to be discussed about trading for.

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I'm not going to lie, I'd be hyped. RGIII is never going to be a precision passer but I'd take him over anyone we currently have. Gruden is trying to make him a pocket passer which he'll never be. He'd absolutely work with what Roman did with the wishbone in SF.


RGIII appears to lack the necessary intangibles. He simply does not and has not put in the work. He seems to be a prima donna who got used to being the best athlete on the field and the most popular guy in the clubhouse. His reaction to adversity has been troubling, to say the least, and he already got one coach fired (though Shanny didn't do himself any favors). If you could take RGIII's skillset and combine them with EJ's work ethic and intangibles, you'd have a real answer at the position. I'm afraid that trading for RGIII would trade one kind of problem for another, more subtle and deeper problem. RGIII would put Rex's tenure in jeopardy - he's that kind of problem.

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The Redskins owner still wants to see RGIII this season so that's a factor in why the Bills would have to pay a premium pick. The other factor is that the Bills could become very desperate and we all know that means a very high pick. The third factor is that RGIII on a team with the #1 defense and a top running game could actually be an effective and winning QB. RGIII on that Redskins team is kind of worthless to anyone who is not the owner.


In the end, I hope that either EJ or Tyrod makes huge strides this next week and RGIII is someone that's not even needed to be discussed about trading for.

Uh...how to the 2 bolded sentences resolve one another? Premium pick...but worthles to anyone who is not the owner?


If RG3 is kind of worthless to anyone other than Synder, why would anyone trade for him? :blink:


The Bills don't have to do anything Dan Synder wants, desperate or not. If anything, Dan Synder has to do what the Bills want, if there is a trade, in this situation.


This appears to be left-over "RG3 Trade is the Best trade of all Time" residue. Let me help: if Stevie Johnson is worth a 4th? So is RG3.

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RGIII appears to lack the necessary intangibles. He simply does not and has not put in the work. He seems to be a prima donna who got used to being the best athlete on the field and the most popular guy in the clubhouse. His reaction to adversity has been troubling, to say the least, and he already got one coach fired (though Shanny didn't do himself any favors). If you could take RGIII's skillset and combine them with EJ's work ethic and intangibles, you'd have a real answer at the position. I'm afraid that trading for RGIII would trade one kind of problem for another, more subtle and deeper problem. RGIII would put Rex's tenure in jeopardy - he's that kind of problem.

Separating RG3 from Snyder is the first step in his career rehabilitation. The owner empowered a rookie from day 1. Stupid.

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But then you don't go all in with that scenario - you double, triple, quadruple hedge. Whaley's failure to bring in serious competition, through the draft or otherwise, to hedge his EJ bet, is pure negligence. I realize there haven't been too many options out there, but there have been enough to at least take a shot.

Remember the phrase, "all-in on EJ?" This board didn't coin that phrase, but it certainly was oft repeated. There are no hedge bets when you go "all-in."

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Remember the phrase, "all-in on EJ?" This board didn't coin that phrase, but it certainly was oft repeated. There are no hedge bets when you go "all-in."

In the NFL, "all in" means "we don't want to hurt the players confidence so we are all in until we are no longer all in".

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