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NEW HEAD COACH: Rex Ryan! It's Official!


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I'm wary of the Ryan persona, I hope he learned a lesson or two about leading men and that what he says in a podium could have a negative impact on the team, like inflating a player's ego to the point of giving him a catchy nickname and a reason to ask for more money. I don't like that he doesn't think before he speaks giving unintended press fodder to the other team.

His teams were a B word to play against when he had talent, I hated the way he ran all over Chan's defenses and how he smack his offenses in the face. It was less traumatic to face his team the last couple of years and for the most part I thought his teams were not well prepared when they faced us.

Overall I think he's a good coach but he's lousy getting out of bad situations, like making a good coordinator the scapegoat because he couldn't win with a creation of his, the Sanchize. Brian Schottenheimer was a good playcaller that could not perform miracles and everything went haywire when the big fatties on that big OL started to go down.
I don't know if Tebow was his decision but with the way he talked about him you would think he was the best thing to happen to the Jets.
Going from Schottenheimer to Sparano and then Morhinweg is regressing when choosing people to work with. Lets hope Roman is a sure thing and not just a Ryan's desire.

It will difficult to keep Schwartz, I don't know what Ryan's plans will be but I hope he tries to retain him.

I would have preferred an offensive minded coach and kept the defense intact with Schwartz, I was hoping we would interview Kubiak for the HC job. We will see what happens, we could have done a lot worse than Ryan.

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The thing that bothers me the most is we have a really talented team that was likely going to make the playoffs next year anyway. Now this worthless sack of crap is gonna get credit for it.


Can't wait to hear this fat POS run his mouth off all the time.


Sorry, but he's not a Buffalo type of guy who's humble with working class roots/mentality. He's a "I'm better than everyone else" type of guy.

What?? What the hell is a Buffalo type guy anyway. Ridiculous comment

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An "inspired" move would be to hire a guy like Kubiak who's team quit on him for an entire 16 game season????


Players love playing for Rex and the guy isn't wishy-washy about beating the Pats. He's not going to have his QB only throw the ball 3 times to Sammy Watkins against the Patriots like that wussy Marrone. That was the moment I wanted Marrone gone. Rex loves Sammy and he will make sure he gets thrown the ball a LOT and in turn Watkins will be giving Odell Beckham Jr. a real run for his money on who truly is the best WR is from that draft.


Agreed. When they acquired Percy Harvin, they tried sub-packages, special plays, formations, etc. designed to get him the ball in space. I can't wait.

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An "inspired" move would be to hire a guy like Kubiak who's team quit on him for an entire 16 game season????


Players love playing for Rex and the guy isn't wishy-washy about beating the Pats. He's not going to have his QB only throw the ball 3 times to Sammy Watkins against the Patriots like that wussy Marrone. That was the moment I wanted Marrone gone. Rex loves Sammy and he will make sure he gets thrown the ball a LOT and in turn Watkins will be giving Odell Beckham Jr. a real run for his money on who truly is the best WR is from that draft.

Right? Seriously one of the most screwball posts of all time. Gary Kubiak!

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Not sure about this, but it's too early to comment fully.


Ryan has historically struggled with mediocre QB play; that's just what we have.

He is a defensive specialist almost to the neglect of offense; our strength is our defense, the offense is the side that needs help.


Lastly, those Trestman rumors are now dated and apparently false.


It looks like Rex wants to bring in Roman from San Fran. They are ready to hang that guy from a tree out there and he is heavily criticized for having a college football IQ that thinks in college football terms. The critics say he is not ready for prime time in the NFL.

Sound familiar to any other offensive coordinators you can think of?


Not sure about this.


PS: It is sounding like Schwartz will stay as DC, so that part is good.


PPS: Don't assume we go to a 3-4 just b/c Rex is in town. It's not that simple. I hope we stay 4-3.

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I lived in Philly during the Buddy Ryan days and remember what a moron he was, though the did go to the playoffs.....and I've not thought much more of his son Rex....but maybe that was because he was with the Jets....I'm going to take a wait and see attitude....

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Kubiak would be less inspired. I think no matter who was hired you would criticize. it's what you do.



Whatever, Nucci. I think if you are going to be the first to hire a new HC in a hot market, is Rex Ryan the guy you want?


Kubiak called a great game all year for Balt, including some real genius yesterday. That would be a "less inspired" choice than ol Rex Ryan?


Come on Nucci--say something meaningful--answer the questions I asked.

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I think this is going to be more of an Ryan being the manager of the coaches. Schwartz left to run the D, an OC left to run the offense, positional coaches to run the positions. I see this as Ryan running the team while other coaches run their units.


The more I look at the way this is happening I like it.


Schwartz will enjoy working with Rex.

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Anything short of resurrecting Vince Lombardi and making him our coach and people are going to B word, and even then, there would be detractors. I am glad to see that the Pegulas are willing to go out and pay top dollar for coaches who are highly respected in the NFL. There is a negative to any available candidate but this is a pretty bold statement. I believe this will help the Bills attract free agents.

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Hopefully Rex will be the Man.......but I am finding it difficult to get past my feelings that a top Offensive minded HC could have given us a chance at the SB within 3 years.


Go Bills!


It's all about the coordinators. Rex's big failing was he wasn't the head coach in NY, he was the defensive coordinator. I get the feeling they keep Schwartz and bring in a Roman/Trestman. If its Roman and he gets the Bills offense to the middle of the pack...he ends up being the top candidate next season. Schwartz has a top 5 defense again and he will start getting interviewed for coaching jobs again. Then Ryan can bring in Thurman to replace Schwartz.

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I like this. He is a players coach, and i think he mixes well with this team. I'm excited to see how he meshes with them.


I used to hate Rex. I gained a new respect for him over the past few years. I'm excited to see him as the head coach of the Bills.

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