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Russ Brandon: "Marrone Has Changed the Bills' Culture"


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Not sure if anyone heard the Kyle Williams interview tonight with Murph but he said the local media has been trying to drive a wedge between the offense and the defense by trying to bait them with questions.


They've been asking, "how does it feel to be the defense carrying the load for the offense" almost every interview I've watched.

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Not sure if anyone heard the Kyle Williams interview tonight with Murph but he said the local media has been trying to drive a wedge between the offense and the defense by trying to bait them with questions.


And some in the media wonder why they can't get the time of day? They have an agenda. Players and coaches don't DO agendas. This upsets some in the media so some in the media belabor the point, like a kid stomping his feet in the sandbox. Good for Kyle for not playing.



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The receivers were Graham (cut & landed on Jets), Johnson (a #3), Jones (out of the league) and Nelson (out of the league). We moved the football with those scrubs.


Why not use an extra OL instead? Your TEs aren't pass catching threats so teams are countering with DL or at worst LBs.

Thats not a bad idea. Some teams have implemented the unbalanced line across the league,NE included. Multiple TE's also draws defenses away from those double A-gap blitzes our team is suspect with more-so than unbalanced lines because they are forced to cover, but yeah not a bad idea at all.

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Thats not a bad idea. Some teams have implemented the unbalanced line across the league,NE included. Multiple TE's also draws defenses away from those double A-gap blitzes our team is suspect with more-so than unbalanced lines because they are forced to cover, but yeah not a bad idea at all.

The Bills had an unbalanced line against the Pack. But put two TEs on the line next to each other on the outside of Henderson. The Pack crowded the line and the Bills ran Fred right between the guard and tackle where he got smothered. It was Marronnic. :wallbash: :wallbash:

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Go to the Broncos message boards and you will see that they loathe John Fox...


He kicked a fg on 4th and goal from the 1 vs SD.... Twice in one game!


My point? Every coach does it


As for Russ... I predict some issues in the future. He talks on the radio like the Pegulas work for him. Right now they are watching and leaving things mostly alone, but they are very much involved with every facet of the Sabres. No longer will Russ be playing owner and just getting a rubber stamp from the money men in Detroit.



He will be losing power as time goes on. Just ask Lafontaine how hands off the Pegulas are. And that's a guy Terry idolized.


Bottom line: they are good cop bad cop. you don't make billions in the cutthroat oil industry by being soft.

Edited by TheFunPolice
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You don't. You build your offense around the players you have to play. Marrone doesn't do that. He forces players that cannot play that system into it. Same thing they did last year running the no huddle. They didn't have the right players to play it. You don't wait 2-3 years until you do. That's the sign of horrible coaching. You play the players and run the formations and plays within your system that utilizes the guys you have that particular year and game to help them succeed. We don't do that.


That's right, you make what you have work.


It frustrates me to no end seeing defenses effortlessly adapt to the Bills rhythm passing game and them not having an answer for it.


On the 4th and short play late in the game last week that Orton appeared to airmail over Sammy's head and he was blasted here for it. It was a questionable decision to throw there yes, but it fell incomplete because Watkins got bumped on his route. A veteran bursts thru that and gets to his spot. Losing stride Sammy seemed confused by his depth and the ball landed where he should have been. This kind of stuff is happening a lot and the Bills don't have an answer for it.


When you have a receiving corps full of inexperience you need to get them in situations where they won't make mistakes.

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Absolutely, they are. They primarily rush 4 and run a lot of stunts. Obviously they are talented but 1 could easily argue that they were more talented last year but predictable with all of the blitzing. They didn't control their gaps nearly as well. This defense is well coached top to bottom. If you look at it each position group has improved on the defensive side of the ball. Improvement can be chalked up to coaching. I don't see a position group on the offense that has either gotten better or played to their talent level. That again is coaching.


The reason that a lot of us (myself included) liked Chan offensively is because he maximized bad talent. They were not the Broncos but for a team with bad talent they moved the ball. My expectations for a coach are to get the most out of what they have.


He had arguably the worst talent in the league and ranked in the middle. When you have middle of the league talent you shouldn't rank near the bottom. That is really, really simple.


^This. Yes QB play is obviously the biggest issue with this team but this offense has lots of talent and with better coaching would be an average unit. The weirdest thing is that we actually move the ball with some regularity but the red zone offense is just pathetic. That's all I need to know about this coaching staff. I think this is the worst team I've ever seen in the red zone. Playcalling is very suspect and execution is horrible.


Think about the rosters of the Jauron and Gailey teams. It's a wonder Jauron's teams were able to hang with most teams due to the "bend but don't break style of d". May even be more of a miracle that the Gailey offenses were able to function at a decent level because I think they had very little talent. Our roster is the best in 15 years and should be good enough for playoffs. I think game day playcalling and decision making is holding us back.


I will say one thing I think Marrone deserves credit for is having the team ready to play each Sunday, especially on the road. Gaileys teams had a tendency to have a couple road games a year when it looked like Half the team was still on the bus. Any bit of adversity would have meant a meltdown. I've seen that change and hope it comes full circle with two big road wins in the next two weeks.

Edited by billsfanmiami(oh)
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When your best record from 2005-2013 was winning 7 games, I'd eventually expect to exceed that level of mediocrity.


It's been a 15 year process to get it right at OBD. That kind of stench doesn't occur without serious issues in management.


But Doug Whaley and Doug Marrone and Jim Monos and Calvin Fisher and the two coordinators.... so all the guys making the key football decisions have been here two years. You cannot lay the previous 13 at their doors. We can ask about what extend Russ has been interfering all along and whether anything changed post his 1 January 2013 presser.... but when the Pegulas and / or their consultant analyses the organisation they are looking at it as it is and the guys we have now and their performance. You say the improvement is not quantifiable and then say "you are what your record says you are". Well our record says we are improved.


Now that improvement might not be enough, it likely still won't make the play-offs and they are all things that the ownership must consider and I didn't say any different.... but to argue that you can't quantify improvement and then point to the record is intentionally negligent.

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I still don't understand, beside contractual obligations, why WGR has a weekly radio spot with Brandon. Fans want to hear about players, not marketing strategies and Brandon offers little if anything to the average listener. Of course, he doesn't miss the opportunity to establish new narratives like "changing the culture" and "the overall team talent is improved." The later of which was the message in early 2013 when Nix was under fire for 3 bad seasons.


Russ always has an answer but rarely has anything worthwhile to say. For someone who says most team presidents aren't known, he sure makes himself available quite a bit.

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The Bills had an unbalanced line against the Pack. But put two TEs on the line next to each other on the outside of Henderson. The Pack crowded the line and the Bills ran Fred right between the guard and tackle where he got smothered. It was Marronnic. :wallbash: :wallbash:


The line was regularly jammed by the defense because it knew that the qb couldn't pass the ball. The Bills playcalling is limited because the qb can't execute plays to counter the lopsided lineup of the defense. This isn't a coaching issue; it is a qb deficiency issue.


Jackson and Boobie are inside runners, not runners who run sweeps. Where else are you going to run them? Kyle Orton has played so poorly that not only is the defense challenging him to make plays with his erratic limp arm but his coaches are willing to force the running game because they have little confidence (justifiable) that their qb can be productive in the passing game.


The game plan is to rely on a stellar defense and good special teams' play. That isn't due to the lack of intellience or imaginationof the offensive coaches. It is a realization that the worst starting qb in the NFL can't reliably make plays to win games so they try to place him in situations that won't lose games for them. It's pathetic!

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Not sure if anyone heard the Kyle Williams interview tonight with Murph but he said the local media has been trying to drive a wedge between the offense and the defense by trying to bait them with questions.

lol....and everyone knows when those meany sportswriters start coming in with their meany questions (which they always ask in the MEANEST ways!)...the last best refuge is the John Murphy show. State-run radio for Pollyannas!
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