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Russ Brandon: "Marrone Has Changed the Bills' Culture"


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To be fair, all great sports figures are arrogant. Maybe not blindly arrogant, but they're close. It's why most figures flame out spectacularly because their arrogance doesn't coincide with success.

I don't agree. I think all great sports figures have enormous egos. That's different in my book from arrogance. You absolutely must think you are great to be even good in any sport. Or to coach. Or to be a GM. Arrogance is a personality trait that is not needed at all.


I do agree the arrogant ones flame out as you said.

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I don't agree. I think all great sports figures have enormous egos. That's different in my book from arrogance. You absolutely must think you are great to be even good in any sport. Or to coach. Or to be a GM. Arrogance is a personality trait that is not needed at all.


I do agree the arrogant ones flame out as you said.


Maybe I should have been more clear. The main difference between ego/arrogance is that the winners have big ego's but they deserve it because they're successful, meanwhile the losers are arrogant because they failed.


It's sort of a chicken/egg scenario. What came first, the success or the ego?

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