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New sale of team thread

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Remember that, as the details emerge, nothing in the process is changing; it's just that the public is finding out what the players in the game already knew.



so often we forget this around here. worth quoting just to underscore the concept.

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Do you hear the Canada group got to make a 2nd bid, 1 because it's a higher bid and 2 they now guarantee that the will not more the team

While the during the current lease agreement.


Oh boy I'm good to go the Bills are staying forever

That seals it for me.


Any new bidders now in the extended

5 new ones could simply say they won't

Move the team.


But you know if any of these owners

Are out of town after that lease is up

All bets are off.


So I guess that's all is needed to get to

Make a final bid and steal this team.

You really do seem like quite

The whiney spoiled blight

That sprinkles our interwebs

Much to some poster's delight


But you fail to see

That no owner is guaranteed

To be as steadfast and true

As good ole Ralphie


Even someone named Pegula

Could decide after eating arugula

That its time to look elsewhere

And make himself alot of moola



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Well those are real issues, but consider what the NFL has let Haslam, Wilf, Jerry Jones, Jim Irsay get away with. One thing I can guarantee you about Jeff Gundlach is that he will not accept losing.

By the way I would be just as happy with Pegula, so forgive me if this comes across as shilling.


No worries about shilling, he's a legit contender.


But I am wary of his long term commitment to WNY. Can't help to think why he wouldn't seriously consider LA if that ever became a possibility after 2019. That's why Pegula has to be the prohibitive favorite. Not only for the local ties, but now he has serious skin in making Buffalo work. Not one of the other candidates have sunk so much of their own money in the area.


One more thing that few have brought up, I'm guessing that part of the sale discussions could be a mandate to provide a commitment to NYS to keep the team in WNY for another 20 years. That may be another reason for the slow initial bid activity.

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How do you know that the Trust won't sell the team to anyone? Frankly, I'd like to see how it is worded in print. I don't trust anything that has to do with JP Morgan Chase. The Morgans and Rockefellers caused more harm in the world than any other entity on the face of the earth. Elites such as the Wilson ladies and the bankers at Morgan Stanley don't give a hoot about Buffalo or Bills fans. Might makes right and whomever has the most money has the might. The bidder who coughs up the most money or proposes to bilk the most financing for a new stadium will get to do whatever they want.


Speaking of distortions, what does this have to do with JP Morgan Chase & Rockefellers?

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No worries about shilling, he's a legit contender.


But I am wary of his long term commitment to WNY. Can't help to think why he wouldn't seriously consider LA if that ever became a possibility after 2019. That's why Pegula has to be the prohibitive favorite. Not only for the local ties, but now he has serious skin in making Buffalo work. Not one of the other candidates have sunk so much of their own money in the area.


One more thing that few have brought up, I'm guessing that part of the sale discussions could be a mandate to provide a commitment to NYS to keep the team in WNY for another 20 years. That may be another reason for the slow initial bid activity.


I suppose people will still doubt him in the absence of legal paperwork (and I get that, honestly), but these comments from 2011 make me rest easier, personally:

"One of these days, maybe five years from now -- I hope it's 20 years from now -- the Bills will have to have an ownership change," Gundlach said in a followup interview with Channel 7.

"I think it would be a tragedy to have the Bills go to some random city and be called, you know, the L.A. Multitude or whatever the hell they'd call it. I want them to be the Buffalo Bills. I want Buffalo to receive a championship one of these days."


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" While the existence of unnamed potential buyers will make Bills fans nervous because those buyers could be based in cities like Los Angeles, the rejection of Bon Jovi’s initial bid based in part of the lack of sufficient assurances that the team won’t move should be interpreted as very good news for folks who want the team to stay put in Buffalo."


right from the article.

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But will he have road sodas available in the vending machine?


JK - this aligns with what Kirby and others are hearing...

Kevin Massare@KevinMassare 37m

Hearing that Terry Pegula would keep all current management in place to run the Bills including Russ Brandon.


That would not only be the prudent thing to do (take the time evaluating what's in place before making sweeping changes), it would also make the NFL very happy.


They love Russ, and they want him around during the transition.

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Reports are that Jim Kelly aligned himself with one of those new groups, no real details yet tho.


Listen to Kirby, and relax willyas. The team isn't going anywhere.





Tim Graham of the Buffalo News reports that Kelly joined forces with one of the eight bidders for the Bills franchise. Graham doesn't specifically name which bidder, though he previously reported Kelly was approached by Jeffery Gundlach, a bond investor from East Amherst.

Per Graham, the Bills are making "in-home" visits with "as many as eight" potential buyers in the coming weeks

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I sense a scarecrow, i.e. a strawman :rolleyes:


Not sure I get the reference? to be clear a "sock puppet" is when someone creates a dummy account (under a different email/name) specifically to back himself up in an argument on the interwebs when he is clearly outnumbered because he is either a) ignorant b) a fool or c) a troll.


Or in this case most likely, an ingnorant, foolish Troll.



A strawman is when someone creates a "logical argument for or against a point that has no basis in FACT, for the express purpose of defeating that argument" AS in we have 5 new buyers. (not knowing who they are and what thier intentions are) you automatically assume that all 5 of them are interested in moving the team. (straw man argument)


I have no idea what a scarecrow is. other than the classic Oz character and those figures employed in cornfields by farmers.


I did no such thing (in reference to being a strawman argument). I said that at least 2 of the Mystery Bidders are easily identifiable, ie Golisano and the develeoper. Both have expressed intrest in bidding, and since the identity and intentions of the other three buyers are uknown it is both unreasonable and illogical to assume that they would ALL wish to move the Bills. And given the amount of strong negative pressure that JBJ and his group have recieved from both the community and the trust, (admittedly from reports from the media) it is unlikely that any of these biders would have immediate intentions of moving the team.


And to clearer when i said," I sense a sock puppet" it was an accusation, not an argument. they are both long multi-sylable words that start with the letter "a" so I can see where you might get confused.



I hope that clears up the confusion.

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Not sure I get the reference? to be clear a "sock puppet" is when someone creates a dummy account (under a different email/name) specifically to back himself up in an argument on the interwebs when he is clearly outnumbered because he is either a) ignorant b) a fool or c) a troll.

Um, yeah, I know. I have over 400 posts here, and you have less than 10. Who is the sock puppet?
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That would not only be the prudent thing to do (take the time evaluating what's in place before making sweeping changes), it would also make the NFL very happy.


They love Russ, and they want him around during the transition.

That's the case with a bunch of these groups. We will not see many changes on the surface when ownership transfers. I could honestly see RB ending up over both the Bills and Sabres. I do not know that to be true but usually one group takes over when there are multiple properties in play.
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Howard WGR @hsimon62


so if Jim Kelly is hooked up with undisclosed #Bills bidder meeting with trust today its another group that wouldnt move team#hurray

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Two sources: Jim Kelly has hooked on with a Bills bidder, and they are meeting with the team's trust today. http://billsblitz.wp.buffalonews.com/2014/08/07/sources-many-eight-bills-suitors-scheduled-person-presentations-donald-trump-went-first-wednesday/?preview=true&preview_id=198271&preview_nonce=66b318ef1a …

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