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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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That reminds me...you know who I actually feel kind-of bad for? Huma Abedin. She's lost just about everything. She went from "Prospective White House Chief of Staff" to nothing more than a punch line overnight. Twenty years of work, and nothing to show for it.

On a human level, I can agree. However, I don't believe the last shoe has dropped on her. She was the enabler-in-chief for Hillary's shenanigans, her Stamper. She's never been questioned regarding her ties and her family ties to Muslim extremist leaders and their money. She was certainly aware of the private email server and other tactics they strategically employed to keep the American public from seeing the real Hillary for what she is. She was a key manipulator of the MSM WRT how they handled Hillary and probably how they were told to attack the Republican nominee. On a professional level, I hope she gets what she deserves.

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On a human level, I can agree. However, I don't believe the last shoe has dropped on her. She was the enabler-in-chief for Hillary's shenanigans, her Stamper. She's never been questioned regarding her ties and her family ties to Muslim extremist leaders and their money. She was certainly aware of the private email server and other tactics they strategically employed to keep the American public from seeing the real Hillary for what she is. She was a key manipulator of the MSM WRT how they handled Hillary and probably how they were told to attack the Republican nominee. On a professional level, I hope she gets what she deserves.


Yeah. F her.

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F huma. To give her mercy because she chose to marry a dumbass is one thing. But her entire campaign and life professionally has been a sham for Middle Eastern influence



She is still pretty young though and Coolzabanga needs a date. Who knows, maybe he can turn her into a pro-American with his powers of persuasion.

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Agree. She's been mixed up in a lot of crap her whole life beginning with her radical family and then doing Clinton's dirty work for years. She also married a complete imbecile. Everything points to her having terrible judgement.


She stayed with Weiner for political gain, just like her mentor and idol did. I have no sympathy.

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That reminds me...you know who I actually feel kind-of bad for? Huma Abedin. She's lost just about everything. She went from "Prospective White House Chief of Staff" to nothing more than a punch line overnight. Twenty years of work, and nothing to show for it.


Oh, I'm pretty sure Huma has multiple well-padded bank accounts from helping the Clintons launder all that cash. She'll probably clean out Weiner's accounts as well, and have a high-profile roll at the Clinton Foundation.


And let's not forget. Now she can spend time with the baby she spit out to show everyone that she and Anthony were still in love.

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Oh, I'm pretty sure Huma has multiple well-padded bank accounts from helping the Clintons launder all that cash. She'll probably clean out Weiner's accounts as well, and have a high-profile roll at the Clinton Foundation.


And let's not forget. Now she can spend time with the baby she spit out to show everyone that she and Anthony were still in love.


Oh ****!! The baby!! [/Huma]

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On a human level, I can agree. However, I don't believe the last shoe has dropped on her. She was the enabler-in-chief for Hillary's shenanigans, her Stamper. She's never been questioned regarding her ties and her family ties to Muslim extremist leaders and their money. She was certainly aware of the private email server and other tactics they strategically employed to keep the American public from seeing the real Hillary for what she is. She was a key manipulator of the MSM WRT how they handled Hillary and probably how they were told to attack the Republican nominee. On a professional level, I hope she gets what she deserves.

Don't you mean the last house has dropped on her?

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So white college-educated women don't want to see white college-educated women be successful because they secretly hate white college-educated women?


Man, you leftists are going to ensure this loss will be the gift that keeps giving for months.

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