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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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..Jim Clyburn’s 76,...... Nancy Pelosi’s 76, .......Steny Hoyer’s 77.



Your Democrat "leaders"



Hillary 2020 !!




Please............oh please.....



Vice President Biden on Monday raised the possibility of a presidential bid in 2020.

The Hill ^


Asked if he was kidding, the 74-year-old Biden paused for four seconds before saying he is “not committing not to run.


“I am not committed to anything. I learned a long time ago, fate has a strange way of intervening.”

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It's interesting to me we keep seeing article after article about how the left needs to understand what happened in November, and yet all we hear is that Hillary and Biden are already thinking about 2020.


At least they managed to get Pelosi out of her position of power.


Oh, wait...

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It's interesting to me we keep seeing article after article about how the left needs to understand what happened in November, and yet all we hear is that Hillary and Biden are already thinking about 2020.


At least they managed to get Pelosi out of her position of power.


Oh, wait...


I wanted to say something to friends on FB that have posted articles about Biden not ruling out a run in 2020 and how great an idea it was. I really wanted to point out they still don't understand why they lost and the 8 years of Obama is partially to blame. I thought it best to be the adult in the room and just shook my head and moved on.

Edited by Chef Jim
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It's interesting to me we keep seeing article after article about how the left needs to understand what happened in November, and yet all we hear is that Hillary and Biden are already thinking about 2020.


At least they managed to get Pelosi out of her position of power.


Oh, wait...


They really don't understand what happened.

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They really don't understand what happened.


I think they know precisely what happened, but can't say it out loud.


Think about the one thing pretty much everyone knows about the core of the establishment DNC: no self-accountability. Nothing is ever their fault. Obama, who is particularly adept at casting blame elsewhere, is actually stupid enough to argue they lost because Fox News dominates the airwaves in dive bars and bowling alleys.


Obamacare failed because they couldn't get GOP help.


Recovery act failed because someone didn't understand what 'shovel ready' meant.


Solyndra failed because someone else didn't tell the truth about the company's books.


Terrorist attacks happen because of Youtube videos. Or global warming.


And terrorist attacks in the US aren't even terrorist attacks. They're workplace violence. Or misunderstood homosexuals.


When you are unable to accept responsibility, how can you ever expect to fix what doesn't work?

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I think they know precisely what happened, but can't say it out loud.




No they don't. They really don't. Ask anyone that voted for Hillary or supported Bernie what think of Obama. They love him. The absolutely love him and Michelle.


This way they are focusing their attention on getting the word how the Republic is doomed.

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I think they know precisely what happened, but can't say it out loud.


Think about the one thing pretty much everyone knows about the core of the establishment DNC: no self-accountability. Nothing is ever their fault. Obama, who is particularly adept at casting blame elsewhere, is actually stupid enough to argue they lost because Fox News dominates the airwaves in dive bars and bowling alleys.


Obamacare failed because they couldn't get GOP help.


Recovery act failed because someone didn't understand what 'shovel ready' meant.


Solyndra failed because someone else didn't tell the truth about the company's books.


Terrorist attacks happen because of Youtube videos. Or global warming.


And terrorist attacks in the US aren't even terrorist attacks. They're workplace violence. Or misunderstood homosexuals.


When you are unable to accept responsibility, how can you ever expect to fix what doesn't work?


If deep down they know, I would expect their actions to reflect that, not that they would admit it.

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I think they know precisely what happened, but can't say it out loud.


Think about the one thing pretty much everyone knows about the core of the establishment DNC: no self-accountability. Nothing is ever their fault. Obama, who is particularly adept at casting blame elsewhere, is actually stupid enough to argue they lost because Fox News dominates the airwaves in dive bars and bowling alleys.


Obamacare failed because they couldn't get GOP help.


Recovery act failed because someone didn't understand what 'shovel ready' meant.


Solyndra failed because someone else didn't tell the truth about the company's books.


Terrorist attacks happen because of Youtube videos. Or global warming.


And terrorist attacks in the US aren't even terrorist attacks. They're workplace violence. Or misunderstood homosexuals.


When you are unable to accept responsibility, how can you ever expect to fix what doesn't work?


They didn't lose the election, somebody else made it happen.

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The Twin Pillars of Progressive Prejudice
by Victor Davis Hanson
In media land, Donald Trump is a reckless tweeter; Barack Obama’s outreach to GloZell and rapper Kendrick Lamar is just kicking back and having fun (Lamar’s latest album portrayed the corpse of a judge to the toasting merriment of rappers on the White House lawn).
In media land, Donald Trump risked world peace by accepting a phone call from the democratically elected president of Taiwan; Barack Obama’s talks with dictators and thugs such as Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and Raul Castro were long overdue.
In media land, jawboning Carrier not to relocate a plant to Mexico is an existential threat to the free market; not so when Barack Obama tried to coerce Boeing to move to Washington State to produce union-made planes, or bullied a small non-union guitar company, or reordered the bankruptcy payouts of Chrysler and essentially took over the company.
In campus land, the election of 2008 was cause for ebullition; in 2016, elections by nature were traumatic as students were reduced to whining toddlers who needed cookies and milk. (Note that campus post-election micro-parenting is not extended to departing students when they are hit with huge student-loan totals. Then they suddenly morph from helpless teenagers to full-fledged adults who must pay up what they borrowed to the colleges that did not educate them. Offering cookies and “caring” are a lot cheaper than not collecting overdue loans.)
In campus land, federal laws should be rendered null and void — as in 1861 (over slavery) or 1961 (over racial integration of schools) — as colleges see fit; Donald Trump is a near fascist for wanting carry out the oath of his office by enforcing all federal statutes against states’-rights subversion. The university and the media share two traits: Both industries have become arrogant and ignorant. We have created a climate, ethically and professionally, in which extremism has bred extremism, and bias is seen not as proof of journalistic and academic corruption, but of political purity.
In the aftermath, they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing, as they insist that the popular vote alone should have mattered, that the Russians stole the election, that there was voting fraud, but only in the swing states Trump won, or that Democrats did not emphasize identity politics enough — anything other than the truth that a now municipal Democratic party is run by apartheid coastal elites and fueled by identity politics, and that journalists and professors cannot keep society’s trust.
Instead of introspective self-critique, the media have now gone postmodern, doubling down on their biases, under a new project of attacking supposed “neutrality” and “objectivity” themselves. From the strange suggestion by the New York Times’ James Rutenberg that journalists should feel no need to treat the exceptional Trump candidacy by “normal standards” to Christiane Amanpour’s recent screed that there can be no so such thing as neutral reporting over man-caused global warming, given “settled science” (the linguistic gymnastics by which “global warming” became “climate change” escapes her). (In 1980, Amanpour no doubt would have damned the few outliers who questioned the settled-science consensus on the cause of stomach ulcers or who doubted that we were really nearing “peak petroleum” production.)
If both the media and the campus are unconcerned by their obvious bias, or, indeed, brandish it proudly (recall that there were no campus lamentation centers after the presidential election in 2008 or 2012), then the public and president-elect Trump should show no reluctance in addressing their incompetence and conceit.
But how?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/442777/

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No they don't. They really don't. Ask anyone that voted for Hillary or supported Bernie what think of Obama. They love him. The absolutely love him and Michelle.


This way they are focusing their attention on getting the word how the Republic is doomed.


I agree with this. One of the recent Facebook things is the 'not a whiff of scandal' story with the pretty picture of the Obamas. These people actually believe this; along with 'cut the deficit in half' and 'got Osama'.

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I agree with this. One of the recent Facebook things is the 'not a whiff of scandal' story with the pretty picture of the Obamas. These people actually believe this; along with 'cut the deficit in half' and 'got Osama'.


Oh that's nothing. I really "like" the fawning meme of "Share if you love these two and are really going to miss them" posted with boners and moist crotches. Boners and moistness on the posters not the Obama's. Just thought that needed clarification. :lol:

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I agree with this. One of the recent Facebook things is the 'not a whiff of scandal' story with the pretty picture of the Obamas. These people actually believe this; along with 'cut the deficit in half' and 'got Osama'.



I keep seeing that "No scandal Obama" being pushed. It's all coordinated.

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I agree with this. One of the recent Facebook things is the 'not a whiff of scandal' story with the pretty picture of the Obamas. These people actually believe this; along with 'cut the deficit in half' and 'got Osama'.

What scandals were there? I don't recall any Watergate, Travel gate, Iran Contra, Monica, Paula Jones type of things. Osama was killed on BO's watch.

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