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The next thing to blame Clinton’s loss on: voter ID laws, of course

by Jazz Shaw


Who or what was to blame for Hillary Clinton losing the election? Well, obviously not Hillary herself. We can rule that one out right off the bat. So it was Comey, right? Or was it the Russians? Loretta Lynch? Fake news? Just in case all of those fall through, some of Team Clinton’s supporters are preparing a backup plan. It was “suppression” of the vote because of new Voter ID laws, particularly in places like Wisconsin. (LA Times)


[Delia Anderson] had cast her ballot at the same polling place for years, never with a glitch. This year, however, a volunteer driving her to the polls mentioned that she would be asked to show a state-approved photo ID.

“Don’t these poll people already know who I am?” replied Anderson, who is 77, black and uses a wheelchair, as she frantically sifted through her purse for anything to prove her identity.

It was a lost cause. She had planned to vote for Hillary Clinton. Instead, for the first time in 56 years, she did not cast a ballot.

“Lord, have mercy,” she said. “What happened to voting?”



Lord have mercy indeed. The linked article goes on from the wrenching story of Delia Anderson to explain parts of Wisconsin’s new voter ID law. They then attempt to draw a line from there to the fact that voter turnout was down in Milwaukee by 41,000 compared to 2012. This was especially true in the black vote. This apparently makes the case that Hillary might have carried Wisconsin if it weren’t for those pesky voter ID laws, right?

Sure, unless you bother to check with… reality. The number of things wrong with this argument is staggering, starting with the idea that this phenomenon was somehow linked to the new law. The fact is that black voter turnout was down across the nation, not just in places with specific voting laws. Of course, if her defenders had to admit that they would then have to face the idea that Clinton simply wasn’t as well liked or popular as Barack Obama and people didn’t bother showing up to vote for her.

But let’s go back to the touching story of Delia, who was unable to find a suitable ID and, by her own admission, left without casting a ballot. Why would you do that? The LA Times is making it sound as if she was given the boot as soon as her lack of ID was discovered. But the fact is that she could have immediately cast a provisional ballot (as so many other people did) and come back with her ID at her convenience to verify it. That’s precisely what happened for many folks during the primary and all of their ballots were counted. (NPR)


But… but.. but… what if she couldn’t afford to go get an ID card? We hear this complaint often from voter ID opponents, but it’s similarly vacuous. Delia would have to be pretty impoverished not to be able to afford a free ID card. And yes, anyone in the state can get a free voter ID card in Wisconsin if they can’t afford a license or normal state ID. They can get you one even if you don’t have a birth certificate. There’s a phone number you can call, a web site to visit or a list of offices where you can drop by.

Anyone who didn’t cast a ballot that day didn’t care all that much about voting. These laws were publicized non-stop, and even if you didn’t know about it (ignorance of the law is no excuse, but…) you could cast a provisional ballot, go get your free ID and come back and finish the process. But hey… don’t let that stop you from dreaming up new things to blame for Hillary Clinton’s loss. I mean, it couldn’t have been her own fault.



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The next thing to blame Clinton’s loss on: voter ID laws, of course

by Jazz Shaw


Who or what was to blame for Hillary Clinton losing the election? Well, obviously not Hillary herself. We can rule that one out right off the bat. So it was Comey, right? Or was it the Russians? Loretta Lynch? Fake news? Just in case all of those fall through, some of Team Clinton’s supporters are preparing a backup plan. It was “suppression” of the vote because of new Voter ID laws, particularly in places like Wisconsin. (LA Times)


[Delia Anderson] had cast her ballot at the same polling place for years, never with a glitch. This year, however, a volunteer driving her to the polls mentioned that she would be asked to show a state-approved photo ID.

“Don’t these poll people already know who I am?” replied Anderson, who is 77, black and uses a wheelchair, as she frantically sifted through her purse for anything to prove her identity.

It was a lost cause. She had planned to vote for Hillary Clinton. Instead, for the first time in 56 years, she did not cast a ballot.

“Lord, have mercy,” she said. “What happened to voting?”



Lord have mercy indeed. The linked article goes on from the wrenching story of Delia Anderson to explain parts of Wisconsin’s new voter ID law. They then attempt to draw a line from there to the fact that voter turnout was down in Milwaukee by 41,000 compared to 2012. This was especially true in the black vote. This apparently makes the case that Hillary might have carried Wisconsin if it weren’t for those pesky voter ID laws, right?

Sure, unless you bother to check with… reality. The number of things wrong with this argument is staggering, starting with the idea that this phenomenon was somehow linked to the new law. The fact is that black voter turnout was down across the nation, not just in places with specific voting laws. Of course, if her defenders had to admit that they would then have to face the idea that Clinton simply wasn’t as well liked or popular as Barack Obama and people didn’t bother showing up to vote for her.

But let’s go back to the touching story of Delia, who was unable to find a suitable ID and, by her own admission, left without casting a ballot. Why would you do that? The LA Times is making it sound as if she was given the boot as soon as her lack of ID was discovered. But the fact is that she could have immediately cast a provisional ballot (as so many other people did) and come back with her ID at her convenience to verify it. That’s precisely what happened for many folks during the primary and all of their ballots were counted. (NPR)


But… but.. but… what if she couldn’t afford to go get an ID card? We hear this complaint often from voter ID opponents, but it’s similarly vacuous. Delia would have to be pretty impoverished not to be able to afford a free ID card. And yes, anyone in the state can get a free voter ID card in Wisconsin if they can’t afford a license or normal state ID. They can get you one even if you don’t have a birth certificate. There’s a phone number you can call, a web site to visit or a list of offices where you can drop by.

Anyone who didn’t cast a ballot that day didn’t care all that much about voting. These laws were publicized non-stop, and even if you didn’t know about it (ignorance of the law is no excuse, but…) you could cast a provisional ballot, go get your free ID and come back and finish the process. But hey… don’t let that stop you from dreaming up new things to blame for Hillary Clinton’s loss. I mean, it couldn’t have been her own fault.




All these poor shut-ins who don't leave their house, because you need an ID to do at least one thing in this country, yet they have no problem getting out to vote. Maybe they should bus these people to the free voter ID offices.

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They obviously have mixed emotions about their chances now of getting grabbed by the kitty now that Trump will be POTUS and his minions of deplorables will be roaming the streets and molesting women with abandon. You know - just like the Muslim immigrants in Germany do.

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“Where in most presidential campaigns the circle grows broader and broader, hers grew smaller and smaller,” a source told Vanity Fair.

A spokesperson for the Clinton campaign disputed that notion to Vanity Fair and said the campaign’s plane seated up to three times as many people during the run-up to the November vote.

"You became more insular over time!"

"No we didn't! We got a bigger plane!"

How EVER did they lose this election? :rolleyes:

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Gov. Cuomo was so eager to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s presidential inauguration, he booked 200 hotel rooms in DC for family, friends and supporters of his possible future bid for the presidency.


“A little overconfident,” snickered one Republican.


Well if you need that many rooms for an inauguration you do need to book way in advance so that's not a big deal. I wonder if he checked with any of those he booked rooms for still wanted to attend however. Naaaahhh. Of course not.

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I didn't know this before today. It was Eric Holder who approached Bill Clinton with the idea to pardon Marc Rich.

“Holder failed to inform the prosecutors under him that the Rich pardon was under consideration, despite the fact that he was aware of the pardon effort for almost two months before it was granted.”

The prosecutor who was after Rich... James Comey.

Edited by Nanker
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