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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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On a human level, I can agree. However, I don't believe the last shoe has dropped on her. She was the enabler-in-chief for Hillary's shenanigans, her Stamper. She's never been questioned regarding her ties and her family ties to Muslim extremist leaders and their money. She was certainly aware of the private email server and other tactics they strategically employed to keep the American public from seeing the real Hillary for what she is. She was a key manipulator of the MSM WRT how they handled Hillary and probably how they were told to attack the Republican nominee. On a professional level, I hope she gets what she deserves.

According to son inside the beltway, she's a little more than Hillary's Stamper.*


*not that there's anything wrong with that

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Election analysts have had experience dealing with elections in which majorities have positive feelings about both nominees; that has usually been the case in contests which turn out to have been seriously contested. "Double positives," people with positive feelings about both candidates, will usually split along partisan or perhaps ethnic lines, and ordinarily pretty evenly.


But what about "double negatives"? The default assumption most of us have had, I suspect, is that they would split roughly evenly between the candidates. But that didn't happen this year. According to the exit poll (current figures, which may be slightly revised), 18 percent of voters were "double negatives," that is, had negative feelings toward both Clinton and Trump. Of these 18 percent, 49 percent voted for Trump and only 29 percent voted for Clinton, with 22 percent saying they picked another candidate or not answering.





The Trump-Clinton split as a percentage of the entire electorate was 9 to 5 percent, a 4 percent margin. Assume that was the split in each target state, rather than the 7 to 7 percent under my default assumption. If you subtract 2 percent from each close state from Trump's percentage and add it to Clinton's, you have Clinton carrying Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, which have 101 electoral votes. That would give Clinton a 329-209 majority in the Electoral College. As Nate Silver pointed out on FiveThirtyEight.com, that's a big difference.


In retrospect, observers (and the Clinton campaign!) might have had a better understanding of the election if we had all drilled down and looked more closely at the preferences of the "double negatives." My hypothesis why they split for Trump: it was a change year, and most "double negatives" wanted change.

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PARTY OF OLD, WHITE PEOPLE: Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren Named to Senate Democratic Leadership Team.


Just look at the photo.







CHANGE? House Democrats Pressure Nancy Pelosi After Trump’s Win.


The Democrats have NO bench whatsoever






ADDED: We haven't heard from Hillary in nearly a week........it's like she's running for President again.




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Would it then be appropriate to take a job as honorary chair of the Clinton campaign? Nah, that'd never happen.

I wonder now, since it's been 5 months, where you head is at right now.




I mean, what we were talking about when you posted this,,,,seems like the naive ramblings of grad students today, does it not?


Also: be honest, what did you feel(EDIT: F feel, what did you think?) when you saw Trump holding the gay flag?


Did you say: "That's cool!" or, did you say "That's gay!" :lol:

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Wait a minute. I thought we were blaming white college-educated women like who don't like white college-educated white women to be successful.


They lost because they belittled half of America, but that won't stop them from belittling half of America even more. :wallbash:

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I hope the poor four kids who beat up the Trump supporter get counseling so they learn how to be more discrete in the future when they want to whomp up on somebody's azz that they disagree with. [/sEIU]


Nothing to see here. The kid was asking for it. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull. [/MSM]

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I hope the poor four kids who beat up the Trump supporter get counseling so they learn how to be more discrete in the future when they want to whomp up on somebody's azz that they disagree with. [/sEIU]


Nothing to see here. The kid was asking for it. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull. [/MSM]


Time for a Soda Summit.

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KURT SCHLICHTER: The Democrats Won’t Autopsy Their Own Corpse.

You could try to figure out where you went wrong losing so many voters who you used to have sewn up. The idea is to figure out how you might be able to prevent similar results in the future. Some call it a “post-event analysis.” In the Army – for the goatee n’ scarf gang, that’s the one that fights on the ground – we call it an “after action review.” Coroners call it an “autopsy.”


And you’ll never, ever do it. Why? Because you are liberals and you already have your answers.


Everyone is racist.


Everyone is sexist.


Everyone is stupid.


Everyone but you, that is. You, the ones the racist, sexist, stupid people beat like a NFL player’s wife.



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BRENDAN O’NEILL: Best Thing About Trump’s Win? America Called bull **** on the Cult of Clinton.


“By the Cult of Hillary Clinton, I don’t mean the nearly 62 million Americans who voted for her. I have not one doubt that they are as mixed and normal a bag of people as the Trumpites are.


No, I mean the Hillary machine—the celebs and activists and hacks who were so devoted to getting her elected and who have spent the past week sobbing and moaning over her loss. These people exhibit cult-like behavior far more than any Trump cheerer I’ve come across. . . .


It’s all incredibly revealing. What it points to is a mainstream, Democratic left that is so bereft of ideas and so disconnected from everyday people that it ends up pursuing an utterly substance-free politics of emotion and feeling and doesn’t even realize it’s doing it.


They are good, everyone else is bad; they are light itself, everyone else is darkness; and so no self-awareness can exist and no self-criticism can be entertained. Not for even one second, in Heffernan’s words.


The Cult of Hillary Clinton is the clearest manifestation yet of the 21st-century problem of life in the political echo chamber.”

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