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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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But not surprising.


He is the most unqualified presidential nominee in our entire life time. He is the worst of the worst.

Well, we know that Clinton has had numerous tests and has failed miserably each time. She has huge moral issues and gigantic character flaws. She puts herself ahead of the country. While Trump has his faults I believe he will put the country first and bring in good people to help him govern.

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Well, we know that Clinton has had numerous tests and has failed miserably each time. She has huge moral issues and gigantic character flaws. She puts herself ahead of the country. While Trump has his faults I believe he will put the country first and bring in good people to help him govern.


Trump has never put anyone first other than himself. Why would he change that now?

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. While Trump has his faults I believe he will put the country first and bring in good people to help him govern.


Faults is an understatement, he is the epitome of a flawed individual.


And to this day, I do not understand how anyone in their right mind actually believes that Trump cares about anything other than his own narrow self-interest.

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Faults is an understatement, he is the epitome of a flawed individual.


And to this day, I do not understand how anyone in their right mind actually believes that Trump cares about anything other than his own narrow self-interest.



So, tell me why you think he is running for president. Why is Clinton?

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Faults is an understatement, he is the epitome of a flawed individual.


And to this day, I do not understand how anyone in their right mind actually believes that Trump cares about anything other than his own narrow self-interest.



So, tell me why you think he is running for president. Why is Clinton?




You are asking me my opinion?


Ok, I think Trump is running because since wealth is something that he has conquered there is one last thing that he wants, and that is power.




Clinton wants the presidency because now that Bill was elected and in her own mind she's even more qualified than Bill that she deserves the presidency and is entitled to it.

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You are asking me my opinion?


Ok, I think Trump is running because since wealth is something that he has conquered there is one last thing that he wants, and that is power.




Clinton wants the presidency because now that Bill was elected and in her own mind she's even more qualified than Bill that she deserves the presidency and is entitled to it.


They are both awful, but I have only read your opinion of them personally, what about policies? I prefer Trump's policies overall, so I favor him.


I think Trump negotiates like a businessman (as opposed to a politician), who makes high demands, everything, all of it, first, and then compromises. That is why some of his positions seem extreme. I also believe that virtually all his proposals will be stonewalled by Congress.


Hillary on the other hand, is way more secretive, and insidious. She has the influence to get her proposals through, and a bunch of complicit politicians lined up (and paid up) to assist her.



Hillary has big plans, all in place, ready to spring on us. Trump is starting from scratch, with what looks to be very little support, even from his own party.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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G8-PA5KA_normal.jpg Hillary Clinton


Trump's campaign is bragging that not paying taxes makes him a "genius."


What kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year?


it was his own money............. unlike the 6 billion of tax payers money you lost




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They are both awful, but I have only read your opinion of them personally, what about policies? I prefer Trump's policies overall, so I favor him.


I think Trump negotiates like a businessman (as opposed to a politician), who makes high demands, everything, all of it, first, and then compromises. That is why some of his positions seem extreme. I also believe that virtually all his proposals will be stonewalled by Congress.


Hillary on the other hand, is way more secretive, and insidious. She has the influence to get her proposals through, and a bunch of complicit politicians lined up (and paid up) to assist her.



Hillary has big plans, all in place, ready to spring on us. Trump is starting from scratch, with what looks to be very little support, even from his own party.


What trump policies do you like? And try not to speculate outside of what he has outlined himself.

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What trump policies do you like? And try not to speculate outside of what he has outlined himself.


Wants to limit immigration, of Muslims in particular. I think that is reasonable.


Wants to deport illegals (I don't believe he will be breaking up families, and storming homes with Deportation Squads. I think he WILL deport illegals that are arrested for criminal offenses).


He will tighten the border, but I don't expect a wall to be built.


If they actually start building a wall, I think it could be a great diversion for progressives, because it would give them something tangible they can physically try to stop. There will be mass protests, people getting in the way, maybe even a few SJW "suicide bombers" driving explosive laden trucks into the wall (I can dream, can't I?).


It could focus them on a project that is unlikely to be completed anyway (Here in LA, reconstructing a 3 mile stretch of the 5 Interstate is a 5 year project), diverting them away from the Muslim immigration, deportations of illegals, etc.


I think those are examples of him starting the negotiations with an extreme position.



Wants to assist working mothers.


Wants to downsize the American presence in the Middle-East.


Wants to renegotiate trade deals, apply tariffs.


There are also a number of issues and policies, that I think it would be reasonable to assume he won't support. These are as important as the policies he does support. There is a list of policies that Hillary either already supports, or I anticipate she will support, that I think are BAD IDEAS.


But first....what are the policies of Hillary that you like?

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Wants to limit immigration, of Muslims in particular. I think that is reasonable.


Wants to deport illegals (I don't believe he will be breaking up families, and storming homes with Deportation Squads. I think he WILL deport illegals that are arrested for criminal offenses).


He will tighten the border, but don't believe there will be a wall built.


I think those are examples of him starting the negotiations with an extreme position.



Wants to assist working mothers.


Wants to downsize the American presence in the Middle-East.


Wants to renegotiate trade deals, apply tariffs.


There are also a number of issues and policies, that I think it would be reasonable to assume he won't support. These are as important as the policies he does support. There is a list of policies that Hillary either already supports, or I anticipate she will support, that I think are BAD IDEAS.


But first....what are the policies of Hillary that you like?



Even before discussing policies she proposes, I'm interested in hearing about her specific accomplishments upon which her "policies" might be based. Actual accomplishments, not just positions held, or trips taken. [Please don't list her listening tour of NYS!]

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It will all be over tomorrow when lap dog Assange puts the nails in the coffin piece of #$%^ lap dog Comey built with fart in the wind releases.




As for the motivations of the candidates:


Trump: Easy. Control/Power/Validation. As rich as he has gotten he has never felt accepted. He thinks this will do it for him. Even if he wins, it won't.


Hillary: A little more complex.....She was born unattractive with a slightly above average intellect in a country which, at the time, was just beginning to get into the advancement by guilt culture. She came to believe through constant if invalid reinforcement that she was some sort of genius. She never understood why the popular boys placed no value on this and developed a seething hatred for them, probably starting in the 2nd grade and becoming irreversible by the 6th. She gradually turned into everything she hated about the "unfair" culture and still doesn't realize it. She is even less self reflective than Trump. He examines himself, doesn't like what he sees and snaps into denial periodically. It's like his own manstrual cycle. She allows no such introspection. She accepted her own greatness years ago. She still relishes punishing those who can't see it, especially if they are attractive men or men of some influence.


They are both pretty lacking when it comes to the components that make a truly good leader. Their natures will allow each of them to get a few things right, but most will end up wrong and the country will have lost potential, probably for a long time. She has the machine behind her while he has only small bits and pieces of it. I have no doubt he wants to dictate but doubt his ability to pull it off. She has already begun dictating and the greatest efforts of her team are in hiding that.


I doubt either will come to the realization that they each really need long term psychological treatment. As individuals I pity them. I don't like what either does with their abilities but that is their choice to the extent that they can control their own deep mental illnesses. Any anger I have goes toward the people that perpetuate their ability to actually hold a position of power that will doom future generations of Americans.

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I heard this morning that the J. E. Hoover building in the District will need to be torn down and rebuilt.

Comey want's the new one named for him.

Hillary wins, he gets his immortality monument.


Pay for play.

You heard wrong.

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It will all be over tomorrow when lap dog Assange puts the nails in the coffin piece of #$%^ lap dog Comey built with fart in the wind releases.


Not happening. The cut-out followed orders this morning:


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Tuesday the group would publish about one million documents related to the U.S. election and three governments in coming weeks, but denied the release was aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton.




"But he's working for Putin!" :rolleyes:

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Not happening. The cut-out followed orders this morning:


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Tuesday the group would publish about one million documents related to the U.S. election and three governments in coming weeks, but denied the release was aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton.




"But he's working for Putin!" :rolleyes:



I meant all over as in he would release nothing on Clinton that matters just as has been the plan all along. He is a lap dog commie just like Comey.

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I meant all over as in he would release nothing on Clinton that matters just as has been the plan all along. He is a lap dog commie just like Comey.

Yes. He wants out of that embassy. He'll need her help to do it and she won't if he releases the videoes of her, Al Gore and the farm animals. :ph34r:

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