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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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And most of that is confusing "taxes" with "profits." May as well call the IRS a profit center.


You asked if government had a profit motive. In Harrisburg they do. The only reason anything on that list was legislated was to maximize profit to Harrisburg, mostly through fees, not 100% taxes. Of course, they call it "revenues" but the media goes nuts here when gambling money is above what's expected and the archaic state store model hasn't disappeared from PA yet because it brings so much cash into the coffers after paying for all the staff, buildings, etc.


Of course, that's state vs. the federal level (you mentioned the IRS).

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Although "stonetear" is merely suggestive, not conclusive. I'm not the only DC Tom on the internet, either (just the best).

Comey just confirmed the FBI believes it's the same person in the hearing...


This could get interesting, or would if this were still a country that functioned as it intended.


(skip to the 1:56 mark thereabouts... it was covered earlier too but I missed the time stamp)

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This Week in Clinton Corruption for September 28, 2016





Hillary campaign has put a lot on the credibility of Alicia Machado https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8ZM58O_gBo&index=1&list=PLXlk_TEo7Llxi5LqDR8q7DyaLt7AtQGGi

Now experiencing "oh sh-t" moment?

Four Things The Media Won’t Tell You About Hillary’s Beauty Queen BFF.



If Mexican news reports are accurate and Alicia Machado had a baby with a drug cartel kingpin, this will end up being a gift to Trump.



and by the way..........I look forward to Democrats complaining about vetting "civilians".


CC: Joe The Plumber




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The real trick will be when they start bringing in the money and think "Well, it doesn't ALL have to go to pension. I have a couple of projects that could use some funding."


The ratchet effect of government. When we spend the first thing is redistribution and boondoggles. When we cut, it's military and infrastructure. They purposely target the cuts to do maximum damage to maximum people, cuz' that'll learn ya to not pay proper tribute to your overlords.

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The ratchet effect of government. When we spend the first thing is redistribution and boondoggles. When we cut, it's military and infrastructure. They purposely target the cuts to do maximum damage to maximum people, cuz' that'll learn ya to not pay proper tribute to your overlords.

Yes. That's what I call, "Mommy Management". Put the unruly child in the corner for quiet time and deprive them of any treats until they come around to behave properly. We turned down a school budget a few years ago. All extra curricular activities were stopped, and busing was halted for kids that live within three miles of their school.

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Yes. That's what I call, "Mommy Management". Put the unruly child in the corner for quiet time and deprive them of any treats until they come around to behave properly. We turned down a school budget a few years ago. All extra curricular activities were stopped, and busing was halted for kids that live within three miles of their school.

Look what Obama did during the shutdown. He closed down unmanned monuments by placing guards in front of them, shut down businesses on the Blue Ridge Parkway, evicted a couple from their leased home on federal land at Lake Meade and threatened to hold back Social Security payments and military pay.

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MAYBE IT’S WITH HER MISSING EMAILS: Hey, what happened to Hillary Clinton’s middle-class tax cut?


So why isn’t Hillary campaigning hard on her own middle-class tax cut, as Leonhardt suggests? One theory: Clinton long ago assumed she would be the 45th POTUS, and has been running on more of a governing agenda. No need to “pander” so much.

And along those lines, perhaps she sees infrastructure spending as a better use for taxpayer dough than pricey middle-class tax cuts. Perhaps she buys the reasoning of Democratic economist Larry Summers: “In the short run, expanded infrastructure investment would put people to work, create demand, and move the economy forward. In the medium run, it would expand the economy’s capacity, and reduce [debt] burdens on my children.”





Cutting taxes allows people to keep more of their own money, and decide how to spend it themselves. “Investing” in ill-defined infrastructure keeps the decision-making power with our betters in Washington.

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Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg





Please note.........this is not dead people still on the rolls......This is dead people registering NOW


I know the area (it's where I'm building my supervillain lair). That could only be done by a student from JMU. The rest of Rockingham County is too busy making moonshine and shooting things to bother.

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MAYBE IT’S WITH HER MISSING EMAILS: Hey, what happened to Hillary Clinton’s middle-class tax cut?



So why isn’t Hillary campaigning hard on her own middle-class tax cut, as Leonhardt suggests? One theory: Clinton long ago assumed she would be the 45th POTUS, and has been running on more of a governing agenda. No need to “pander” so much.

And along those lines, perhaps she sees infrastructure spending as a better use for taxpayer dough than pricey middle-class tax cuts. Perhaps she buys the reasoning of Democratic economist Larry Summers: “In the short run, expanded infrastructure investment would put people to work, create demand, and move the economy forward. In the medium run, it would expand the economy’s capacity, and reduce [debt] burdens on my children.”




Cutting taxes allows people to keep more of their own money, and decide how to spend it themselves. “Investing” in ill-defined infrastructure keeps the decision-making power with our betters in Washington.

The phrase "investments in infrastructure" polls better.

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“Often times we hear our Democrat colleagues suggest that voter fraud doesn’t exist in Virginia or is a myth,” said House Speaker William H. Howell, R-Stafford. “Well it does indisputably exist.”



Del. Marcus B. Simon, D-Fairfax, said it’s “very disingenuous” to suggest the applications were part of a large-scale fraud, because votes would have to be cast either in person by elderly impostors or through absentee ballots sent to real home addresses.

“There’s no way any reasonable person could conclude that this was part of an effort to actually cast votes for people that aren’t able to cast votes,” Simon said.


This is the most awesome anti-logic I've read today: There's no way registering dead people for the election had anything to do with voting! Why you'd have to be completely unreasonable to think that!


In fact the reason we oppose all restrictions on anyone from anywhere in the world voting as many times as they want is because REPUBLICANS ARE ALL IRREDEEMABLE RACISTS

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This is the most awesome anti-logic I've read today: There's no way registering dead people for the election had anything to do with voting! Why you'd have to be completely unreasonable to think that!


In fact the reason we oppose all restrictions on anyone from anywhere in the world voting as many times as they want is because REPUBLICANS ARE ALL IRREDEEMABLE RACISTS

Remember, most of the population isn't paying attention and among those that are, half probably believe Simon.

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This is the most awesome anti-logic I've read today: There's no way registering dead people for the election had anything to do with voting! Why you'd have to be completely unreasonable to think that!


In fact the reason we oppose all restrictions on anyone from anywhere in the world voting as many times as they want is because REPUBLICANS ARE ALL IRREDEEMABLE RACISTS


It's certainly not unreasonable to think that.


However, knowing JMU and Rockingham county...it's more likely a dumbass college kid pretending he's making a difference, that it is part of a grand voter fraud conspiracy. If only because people who rig elections don't rely on indiscreet college kids to commit fraud.

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Hackers have attempted to gain access to elections systems in 20 states


Hackers have attempted to enter election systems in at least 20 states. NBC News published this scoop last night:


The “attempted intrusions” targeted online systems like registration databases, and not the actual voting or tabulation machines that will be used on Election Day and are not tied to the Internet.

The DHS official described much of the activity as “people poking at the systems to see if they are vulnerable.”

“We are absolutely concerned,” the DHS official said. “The concern is the ability to cause confusion and chaos.”



Last month the FBI revealed that hackers had gained access to election system in two states, Illinois and Arizona. At the time the suggestion was that the hackers were Russian but it was not clear if those attempts were state-sponsored, as opposed to hackers looking to gather personal information they could sell on the black market.

We already know the FBI is investigating hacks at the DNC, the DCCC, the Clinton Foundation and even talking to individual Democratic officials whose phones may have been hacked. Given all of this election related activity tied to Russia it makes sense to think the probing of stateelections systems is connected as well.

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