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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Again I said IF she truly sold weapons to ISIS, she's done. And I don't expect her to go to jail.



If she sold weapons to ISIS and the evidence shows it she will simply say she did not, the threshold for "proof" will be modified, the broadcast press will huff and puff for half a day and then ignore the whole thing. Short of her being in an ISIS video beheading a 3 year old, nothing is going to happen to her. I suggest you come to that realization now as it will save you time.


There are tons of examples I could use to show this has already happened. To me perhaps the best one is the selling of influence through the CF. It is really clear as a bell that there was nothing but that going on there. No more digging is really even necessary. It has really gotten into Occum's Shaver territory. Just because no more real digging is necessary to draw a realistic conclusion, that doesn't mean no more digging should be done by a responsible press. NONE is being done in what could be one of the juiciest stories in US political history. Is that not enough to teach you the lesson here?

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If she sold weapons to ISIS and the evidence shows it she will simply say she did not, the threshold for "proof" will be modified, the broadcast press will huff and puff for half a day and then ignore the whole thing. Short of her being in an ISIS video beheading a 3 year old, nothing is going to happen to her. I suggest you come to that realization now as it will save you time.


There are tons of examples I could use to show this has already happened. To me perhaps the best one is the selling of influence through the CF. It is really clear as a bell that there was nothing but that going on there. No more digging is really even necessary. It has really gotten into Occum's Shaver territory. Just because no more real digging is necessary to draw a realistic conclusion, that doesn't mean no more digging should be done by a responsible press. NONE is being done in what could be one of the juiciest stories in US political history. Is that not enough to teach you the lesson here?


I know that, you know that, and even most of her supporters know that (and they conveniently try to ignore/excuse it). It's more for those who are on the fence but leaning her way because they think The Donald might be worse. Her numbers have been dropping steadily and there hasn't been anything as bad as this to come out so far. And this will be all they'll talk about, likening it to Iran-Contra.

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Lol ok.


When Assange's fart gets blown away in the wind will you believe the next revelation will be the one to give her a comeuppance?


There is already more than enough information out there to have her locked up forever but it will not be allowed. I am trying to explain to you how it works but you don't really need me for that. You'll understand eventually.

Seriously. What were the consequences of "Fast and Furious"? Nothing.

One thing I think I see as a consistent theme in Trump's campaign is an emphasis on accountability in government. That's something that conservatives have long preached, but after they're elected they throw their hands up and just go on with business as usual.


e. g., who got fired after the main premise of the Iraq war was proven bogus? NO ONE. Had at least a few high level heads rolled, the current regime would have weaker grounds for their lawless march to their glorious worker's paradise.


Love him or hate him, I do think Trump would kick some serious azz if he gets elected. It's what the bureaucracy needs and what the electorate craves. Trompdo! :ph34r:

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The Clintons Can’t Help Themselves.




Hillary Clinton’s IT Guy Made This Common Mistake.


Huh, I had been assured that Hillary Clinton’s personal and unsecured email server, used for public business while stashed in a bathroom of her private residence, then later wiped clean with BitBleach, was strictly on the up-and-up.




MICHAEL BARONE: What happens to the Democratic Party if Hillary loses?


The shock for Democrats will likely to be more severe than for Republicans if Trump loses. “Imagine the best candidate in your party losing to the weakest candidate in the other party,” speculates Dan McLaughlin at nationalreview.com, “after years of telling yourself that your party had unlocked the demographic code to a permanent majority.”

One option for Democrats would be to moderate their policies, as the New Democrats urged in the 1980s and Bill Clinton did in the 1990s. After all, that proved pretty successful. But the current Democratic electorate has little stomach for going back to that strategy.

Two decades ago, lots of self-described moderates and even conservatives voted in Democratic primaries. Not so these days. The slump in Democratic primary and caucus turnout, from 38 million in 2008 to 31 million in 2016, was due to a sharp decline in turnout by self-described moderates.





Well, if Hillary — old, sick, tired, boring, and generally unappealing — is “the best candidate in your party,” then there’s your problem. . .

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LOL at your naive Tay.


Assange is a Comey like lap dog set up. If he releases anything at all it will be weak and allow for Hillary to say see I told you so just like Comey did. They are with her. If Assange really gave a crap about doing the right thing he would have done so already.


Assange cares about Assange.


He's a chaos merchant.*


*I was high fiving my brain for this term "chaos merchant" and googled it. "MERCHANTS OF CHAOS, there are in our civilization some very disturbing elements. These disturbing elements are the Merchants of Chaos. They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes. It is to their interest to make the environment seem as threatening as possible, for only then can they profit. Their incomes, force, and power rise in direct ratio to the amount of threat they can inject into the surroundings of the people. (NSOL, pp. 17-18) 2 . Merchant of Fear or Chaos Merchant and which we can now technically call the suppressive person." from Dianetics.

Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?’ of Trump

Washington Post ^ | 9-21-16



A must see video. It is an angry rant. A tired, crotchety grandma with a sense of entitlement, looking like she just came of a bender.


Not sure if you've read the book "Game Change" that chronicled the behind the scenes of the 2008 campaign. It's a good read that I think you'd find interesting.


What you see there in the video is exactly what she did when that dismissed "Barack Obama guy from Chicago" started to overtake her in the polls.

Edited by dpberr
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Why arent I 50 points ahead? of Trump

Washington Post ^ | 9-21-16




A must see video. It is an angry rant. A tired, crotchety grandma with a sense of entitlement, looking like she just came of a bender.

She's toast. Her royal entitlement highness is outraged, OUTRAGED I tell you.


"How DARE any opponent of mine and our common agenda have any appeal at all. These despicable supporters of Trump will rue the day they pulled a lever to elect him, once I get into my rightful office, which is my Birthright and DESTINY!!!"


It'll be great having her have a nervous breakdown when Trump vanquishes her. McGovern fled to France for a year after he lost. Maybe she and Bill will move to Haiti and work in a soup kitchen and do something that's actually useful and productive for once in their shallow lives.

Edited by Nanker
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Maybe she and Bill will move to Haiti and work in a soup kitchen and do something that's actually useful and productive for once in their shallow lives.


Interestingly, Haiti is probably the one place that has been worse than the Clinton Foundation when it comes to putting donations to work for their intended purpose.

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It'll be great having her have a nervous breakdown when Trump vanquishes her. McGovern fled to France for a year after he lost. Maybe she and Bill will move to Haiti and work in a soup kitchen and do something that's actually useful and productive for once in their shallow lives.


I know the general polls are a little tighter of late but have you looked at the electoral map? Trump has a massive gap still to overcome. RCP lists PA as a toss-up state but hasn't shown Trump within 6 points of Clinton yet.


3rd party voters usually poll higher then they vote for the 3rd part canddiates--it will be interesting to see if they break for Trump or Clinton.

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I know the general polls are a little tighter of late but have you looked at the electoral map? Trump has a massive gap still to overcome. RCP lists PA as a toss-up state but hasn't shown Trump within 6 points of Clinton yet.


3rd party voters usually poll higher then they vote for the 3rd part canddiates--it will be interesting to see if they break for Trump or Clinton.


The polls are all garbage. Don't believe any of them.


HRC is going to win by damn near double digits when all's said and done.


The coronation will not be interrupted.

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The polls are all garbage. Don't believe any of them.


HRC is going to win by damn near double digits when all's said and done.


The coronation will not be interrupted.

Maybe but I think it all comes down to the debates. Trump may very well tank in the debates but he has done nothing but get stronger as time goes on (to the surprise of most) so the longer this goes the better it is for him. Viewership of the debates should be at an all-time high so we should expect them to have an impact.

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Assange cares about Assange.


He's a chaos merchant.*


*I was high fiving my brain for this term "chaos merchant" and googled it. "MERCHANTS OF CHAOS, there are in our civilization some very disturbing elements. These disturbing elements are the Merchants of Chaos. They deal in confusion and upset. Their daily bread is made by creating chaos. If chaos were to lessen, so would their incomes. It is to their interest to make the environment seem as threatening as possible, for only then can they profit. Their incomes, force, and power rise in direct ratio to the amount of threat they can inject into the surroundings of the people. (NSOL, pp. 17-18) 2 . Merchant of Fear or Chaos Merchant and which we can now technically call the suppressive person." from Dianetics.

Hey, take it easy on those global warming people. Some of them actually believe in it.

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Yup. Just like the Brexit polls were.


Agreed. And the polls of the last two cycles have been way off domestically as well. It's almost as if they want a horse race and entertainment. It's almost as if they want the race to be tight to drive ratings and manipulate the public's attention from stories that actually matter...


But who am I kidding? That's just crazy talk.

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Agreed. And the polls of the last two cycles have been way off domestically as well. It's almost as if they want a horse race and entertainment. It's almost as if they want the race to be tight to drive ratings and manipulate the public's attention from stories that actually matter...


But who am I kidding? That's just crazy talk.


Is this another one of these posts where we're not supposed to question your beliefs in conspiracy theories?

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Is this another one of these posts where we're not supposed to question your beliefs in conspiracy theories?


Not sure there's much of a conspiracy here, it's being done pretty blatantly. The way this election has been covered and run by all parties makes that pretty clear. But you should always question, that's a healthy perspective. :beer:

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