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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Not sure there's much of a conspiracy here, it's being done pretty blatantly. The way this election has been covered and run by all parties makes that pretty clear. But you should always question, that's a healthy perspective. :beer:


What are the arguments that really matter?

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She's toast. Her royal entitlement highness is outraged, OUTRAGED I tell you.


"How DARE any opponent of mine and our common agenda have any appeal at all. These despicable supporters of Trump will rue the day they pulled a lever to elect him, once I get into my rightful office, which is my Birthright and DESTINY!!!"


It'll be great having her have a nervous breakdown when Trump vanquishes her. McGovern fled to France for a year after he lost. Maybe she and Bill will move to Haiti and work in a soup kitchen and do something that's actually useful and productive for once in their shallow lives.


I'm expecting an interview similar to Belichick's, after the Giants ruined his perfect season.

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How do you justify taxing estates $1 let alone up to 65% of the estate value? On the other hand, what kind of fancy trusts would shield large estates from taxation meaning this proposal is no proposal at all?



"it is appropriate to ask the top three-tenths of 1%, the very wealthiest people in this country, to pay their fair share of taxes..."


65%. I don't think they know the meaning of fair.


This would make it almost impossible for parents to pass on their small business to their children. That corner deli passed on for 3 generations will end with this fair tax.

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"it is appropriate to ask the top three-tenths of 1%, the very wealthiest people in this country, to pay their fair share of taxes..."


65%. I don't think they know the meaning of fair.


This would make it almost impossible for parents to pass on their small business to their children. That corner deli passed on for 3 generations will end with this fair tax.

The fairness is in the fact that they didn't build that. Someone else made that corner deli happen. Edited by 4merper4mer
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How do you justify taxing estates $1 let alone up to 65% of the estate value? On the other hand, what kind of fancy trusts would shield large estates from taxation meaning this proposal is no proposal at all?



Maybe I get around that by making a SNAFU Charitable Fund and running all of my income and expenses through there? In fact, you can contribute, too. I'll take care of you. I've got influence.

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Does Hillary’s Schedule of Public Events Seem... Light?
Where Is Hillary? No, Really, Where Is She?
I noticed something in that other morning newsletter put out by Politico:
Thursday: Donald Trump is in Chester Township, Pennsylvania, for an evening rally. Mike Pence is in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Hillary Clinton has no public events scheduled. Tim Kaine is in Reno, Nevada, at the University of Nevada – Reno, Lincoln & Meta Fitzgerald Student Services Building.
Friday: Hillary Clinton has no events scheduled. Tim Kaine is campaigning in Houston. Donald Trump and Mike Pence have no events scheduled.



I realize she’s probably doing debate prep, but has she really done only two public events this week, one in Orlando, one in Philadelphia?
Is she really listed for almost no public events in the coming weeks?
She’s fine, just really, really, really focused on debate preparation, right?
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Thanks Captain Obvious.


It's something you're not, funny.



Glad you understood it. Wasn't sure if maybe your senses were dulled.


Personally I don't find it funny when someone supports a cretin like her that flaunts her lawlessness in all of our faces and is an affront to everything upon which our country is based. With that said, I support your right to find it funny.


Thinly veiled support for The Emperor's New Clothes "news reporting" isn't my bag man. You dig?

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The networks aren't permitted to go to commercial break if she has an episode at a debate.




I'm sure they are spending all of this downtime before the debate medicating and resting her to perpetrate the lie that she's "healthy". IMO, it helps pace out the infusions she gets. Infusions are rough on the body. You don't bounce back immediately from them and you are at your best a few days after them.

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I did. I still don't understand what you're asking.




Agreed. And the polls of the last two cycles have been way off domestically as well. It's almost as if they want a horse race and entertainment. It's almost as if they want the race to be tight to drive ratings and manipulate the public's attention from stories that actually matter...




What are the arguments that really matter?




I still don't understand what you're asking.

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Agreed. And the polls of the last two cycles have been way off domestically as well. It's almost as if they want a horse race and entertainment. It's almost as if they want the race to be tight to drive ratings and manipulate the public's attention from stories that actually matter...




What are the arguments that really matter?




I still don't understand what you're asking.


You can understand my confusion when the post of mine you quoted was this one.



Not sure there's much of a conspiracy here, it's being done pretty blatantly. The way this election has been covered and run by all parties makes that pretty clear. But you should always question, that's a healthy perspective. :beer:

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