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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Hillary Mocks Bernie Supporters 'Living In Parents Basement'...



Can’t shake the cough! Hillary Clinton chokes up at Florida rally and pops a throat lozenge just minutes before she’s helped down a set of stairs by an aide as health woes continue to plague her.



ADDED: Media "coverage" (for Hillary)


Politico already has dropped its original headline, “Clinton mocks Sanders supporters in leaked fundraising recording”

Remember when Mitt Romney stated the obvious at a private fundraiser, that 47% of people want government handouts because of their life circumstances? And there was an unending mediafeeding frenzy that likely cost Romney the election?

The fact that the initial leaked tape was incomplete and left out context made no difference.

Well, Hillary Clinton just had such a moment in a private fundraiser, in wording (listen to audio later in post) eerily similar to Romney’s, but directed at younger people and Bernie supporters.






Edited by B-Man
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It´s Alive: FBI files reveal how Clinton server was created in K Street lab

by Catherine Herridge & Pamela K. Browne


Original Article




Congressman: Cheryl Mills ‘Lied To Everybody’ About Hillary’s Server

by Chuck Ross


Original Article


FBI Director James Comey made excuses for Hillary Clinton’s former State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills on Wednesday when asked about conflicting statements she made to federal investigators about when she learned of the former secretary of state’s private email server. “Having done many investigations myself, there’s always conflicting recollections of facts, some of which are central [to the investigation], some of which are peripheral,” Comey told Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz during a House Judiciary Committee hearing.



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Barbara Bush, a daughter of former President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush, attended a Hillary Clinton fundraiser in Paris Saturday night, according a source familiar with the event.

Bush posed for a picture with Huma Abedin, the longtime Clinton aide who was hosting the fundraiser with Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.

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Clinton cancels joint events with Sanders.




Why is Hillary Clinton so quiet about Obamacare? Speech after speech--not a word. http://ow.ly/ACax304N3OO


To ask the question, is to answer it.




Clinton camp on leaked audio: She’s fighting for millennials.




WASHINGTON POST: Inside Clinton’s struggle to win over college students in Ohio.

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WikiLeaks tweeted a story Monday claiming Hillary Clinton asked in 2010 whether it would be possible to kill the group's founder, Julian Assange, using a drone strike.


True Pundit reported Sunday that State Department officials revealed that Clinton asked, "Can't we just drone this guy" at a Nov. 23, 2010, meeting with other officials. The report said Clinton's suggestion was met with laughter, but also said Clinton was clearly "fuming" at WikiLeaks' continued leaking of confidential State Department cables that she had signed.

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WikiLeaks tweeted a story Monday claiming Hillary Clinton asked in 2010 whether it would be possible to kill the group's founder, Julian Assange, using a drone strike.


True Pundit reported Sunday that State Department officials revealed that Clinton asked, "Can't we just drone this guy" at a Nov. 23, 2010, meeting with other officials. The report said Clinton's suggestion was met with laughter, but also said Clinton was clearly "fuming" at WikiLeaks' continued leaking of confidential State Department cables that she had signed.

But at least she has a favorite foreign leader.
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Much more so than Clinton. I can see him bringing in his present day surrogates as cabinet members. Clinton would fill those positions politically while continuing her track record.




But not surprising.


He is the most unqualified presidential nominee in our entire life time. He is the worst of the worst.

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But not surprising.


He is the most unqualified presidential nominee in our entire life time. He is the worst of the worst.


And she is the most corrupt presidential nominee in our entire lifetime, the worst of the worst.


I don't like Trump, but I at least can hope he will let his Staff help him, and hope he doesn't mess up too much.


With Hillary, we're !@#$ed.

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And she is the most corrupt presidential nominee in our entire lifetime, the worst of the worst.


I don't like Trump, but I at least can hope he will let his Staff help him, and hope he doesn't mess up too much.


With Hillary, we're !@#$ed.


Better get out the lube, because she's coming.

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