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Hillary's Campaign Kickoff

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Did you see the picture I posted? 80% of what he talked about was her eye movements. My picture from 20 years ago shows she had a wonky eye then. But yeah go ahead guys. Diagnose here with Parkinson disease due to some videos and a laser pointer. :lol:


Time will tell.

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Time will tell.


Yes and that's how I make my judgement not on some YouTube video. Even though I think she's a power hungry egomaniac I have a hard time thinking her family would allow her to go through this if she was suffering from Parkinson's.

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Yes and that's how I make my judgement not on some YouTube video. Even though I think she's a power hungry egomaniac I have a hard time thinking her family would allow her to go through this if she was suffering from Parkinson's.


I didn't reach the conclusion from any Youtube video. It's been apparent that something is wrong for a while.


So you will "make the judgement" when they hold a press conference to announce her condition?


What choice do they have at this point?


Her family? I don't think she is ready for hospice or something. Just in the early stages. Her whole life has been dedicated to this opportunity, and if she can walk, she will be out there.


These are massive stakes, and there was no one else (obviously, the Democratic Party was not down with Sanders) to run with. The whole Hillary Machine has been planning this campaign for years. No choice but to continue.


She just wants to get through the election, and then they will prop her up (like FDR, and Reagan) as long as they can, while her staff makes the decisions.

Edited by HoF Watkins
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I didn't reach the conclusion from any Youtube video. It's been apparent that something is wrong for a while.



What choice do they have at this point? Her family?


These are massive stakes, and there was no one else (Obviously the Democratic Party was not down with Sanders) to run with. She just wants to get through the election, and then they will prop her up (like FDR, and Reagan) as long as they can, while her staff makes the decisions.


Coughing? Passes out? Yeah those are signs that something MAJOR is wrong.


What choice does her family have at this point? Ummmm you said something has been wrong for a while. So they could have made a decision on her pursuing this a long time ago right? I mean if it's been apparent to you, someone I assume has never met her let alone know her intimately like her family, they would absolutely know something has been wrong and known it for quite some time.


Yes these are massive stakes so the Democrats are going to risk this all being exposed once she becomes elected? That's dumber than the Republicans going with Trump. You and DR need to stock up on tin foil I think.

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Coughing? Passes out? Yeah those are signs that something MAJOR is wrong.


What choice does her family have at this point? Ummmm you said something has been wrong for a while. So they could have made a decision on her pursuing this a long time ago right? I mean if it's been apparent to you, someone I assume has never met her let alone know her intimately like her family, they would absolutely know something has been wrong and known it for quite some time.


Yes these are massive stakes so the Democrats are going to risk this all being exposed once she becomes elected? That's dumber than the Republicans going with Trump. You and DR need to stock up on tin foil I think.



I wish you well.

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Jim, it's all circumstantial. But there is a growing pile of observable accounts that in total paint a picture of an unhealthy elderly woman.

One other thing is that some of her staffers searched the Intarwebs a couple of years ago (when she was still SOS) for Provigil - which is used to treat Parkinson's disease among other madalies. THAT's what kicked off the PD rumors.


Linky thingy "courtesy" of Wikileaks: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/25404

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Jim, it's all circumstantial. But there is a growing pile of observable accounts that in total paint a picture of an unhealthy elderly woman.

One other thing is that some of her staffers searched the Intarwebs a couple of years ago (when she was still SOS) for Provigil - which is used to treat Parkinson's disease among other madalies. THAT's what kicked off the PD rumors.


Linky thingy "courtesy" of Wikileaks: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/25404

Provigil treats "excessive sleepiness." It treats a symptom of Parkinsons, not Parkinsons. When we find out that Clinton's on a l-dopa or some other dopaminergic, then get back to us.

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Jim, it's all circumstantial. But there is a growing pile of observable accounts that in total paint a picture of an unhealthy elderly woman.

One other thing is that some of her staffers searched the Intarwebs a couple of years ago (when she was still SOS) for Provigil - which is used to treat Parkinson's disease among other madalies. THAT's what kicked off the PD rumors.


Linky thingy "courtesy" of Wikileaks: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/25404


You have an interesting take on what an unhealthy elderly lady looks like. Let me ask you. Did you watch the debate? I didn't so I'll leave this for you to answer. Did you see anything...ANYTHING that would point to an elder unhealthy woman? Because I imagine 90 minutes of non-stop debate with hot lights and some high quality stress would sure bring out whatever is wrong with her.

Provigil treats "excessive sleepiness." It treats a symptom of Parkinsons, not Parkinsons. When we find out that Clinton's on a l-dopa or some other dopaminergic, then get back to us.


And of course when someone of that stature has Parkinson's they'll rely on their staffers to research their meds. :wallbash:

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I didn't reach the conclusion from any Youtube video. It's been apparent that something is wrong for a while.


So you will "make the judgement" when they hold a press conference to announce her condition?


What choice do they have at this point?


Her family? I don't think she is ready for hospice or something. Just in the early stages. Her whole life has been dedicated to this opportunity, and if she can walk, she will be out there.


These are massive stakes, and there was no one else (obviously, the Democratic Party was not down with Sanders) to run with. The whole Hillary Machine has been planning this campaign for years. No choice but to continue.


She just wants to get through the election, and then they will prop her up (like FDR, and Reagan) as long as they can, while her staff makes the decisions.

There's a wide gulf betewwn "there's clearly something wrong" and "I can diagnose Parkinson's from a youtube video when medical professionals need a full medical histort, battery of neurological tests, an MRI, and blood tests to rule out other possibilities."


It's the same difference between "you're not an idiot" and "you're a !@#$ing idiot," unironically.

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I list this...



Did you watch it?


Why have you been?


She doesn't have camera's on her 24/7. She is cloistered away much of the time, makes very short appearances, has left events early, cancels appearances, and has passed out, has a wandering eye, a recurring cough, odd shouting, and has looked like **** for much of the campaign.


And you only respond to coughing and passing out.



Coughing? Passes out? Yeah those are signs that something MAJOR is wrong.




Hillary's suspect health isn't something that was cooked up here at Two Bills Drive. We aren't the only people that have considered the points I listed, to be suspicious.



But I think you are bored, and are more interested in bickering, than considering any evidence.


Cancel my order, Chef.

There's a wide gulf betewwn "there's clearly something wrong" and "I can diagnose Parkinson's from a youtube video when medical professionals need a full medical histort, battery of neurological tests, an MRI, and blood tests to rule out other possibilities."

It's the same difference between "you're not an idiot" and "you're a !@#$ing idiot," unironically.


I didn't say she has Parkinson's, though. And neither did the guy in the video.


I said I believe she has some kind of disorder, or disease.

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I list this...



And you only respond to coughing and passing out.



Hillary's suspect health isn't something that was cooked up here at Two Bills Drive. We aren't the only people that have considered the points I listed, to be suspicious.



But I think you are bored, and are more interested in bickering, than considering any evidence.


Cancel my order, Chef.



I didn't say she has Parkinson's, though. And neither did the guy in the video.


I said I believe she has some kind of disorder, or disease.

And what might this disease or disorder be doctor?


Where have I even remotely suggested that her health was conjured up here? It's being talked about all over the place and mostly by people I have very little respect for. I've already dispelled the wonky eye issue. Again what disease or disorder do you think causes caughing, passing and whatever symptom you think she has?


Oh and I've considered all the evidence presented and I'm not a doctor and have never seen or met her so I I won't a even assume she's ill. But you go right ahead.

Edited by Chef Jim
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Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admitted she takes two positions on policy issues.


One in private — ostensibly, the “real” position and one for the public, according to a damaging email leak of released on Friday by Wikileaks that included clips of Clinton’s paid speeches to Wall Street banks and other organizations.



My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.


Wikileaks released emails reportedly from John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign, on Friday, around 6 p.m.


Podesta received comments made in past Hillary Clinton speeches flagged as potential liabilities.




“You just have to sort of figure out how to — getting back to that word, ‘balance’ — how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that’s not just a comment about today,” Clinton said in a speech for the National Multi-Housing Council on April 23, 2013. “It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”

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Base what on? Jesus Christ if you had cameras on you 24/7 we'd come up with all sorts of possibilities of a disease or disorder you might have.


Gee look. A wonky eye!! When was this picture taken? This is !@#$ing stupid.




Just to help you out that picture was taken 20 years ago.


Ryan Miller has bad depth perception due to his wonky eye.

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Clinton called for 'open trade and open borders' in private, paid speeches

WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favored "open trade and open borders" and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help reform the U.S. financial sector, according to transcripts of her private, paid speeches leaked Friday.

The leaks were the result of another email hacking intended to influence the presidential election.

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My diagnosis is that she suffers from zacklies: Things around her must be zackley as she says they are; her version of affairs is the only zackly correct version; if/when elected President, she'll only focus zackly on her re-election in four years.


The other side of the coin is that we'll all be zackly screwed.

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